New England League of Amateur Astronomers

The New England League Of Amateur Astronomers (N.E.L.A.A.) is a club uniting stargazing hobbyists from the greater Miskatonic river basin. They meet on a monthly basis, organize occasional field trips, issue a newsletter, and raise funds with a Christmas social. Hard times have cut the organization’s membership in half; it now numbers less than twenty-five.

Full membership, including newsletter and voting privileges, costs two dollars per year. Auxiliary membership, allowing non-voting participation in meetings and social attendance, costs fifty cents. Applicants are not tested on their Astronomy ability on entry.

The group leader is a folksy, balding man named Thomas Ongine, who entertains at N.E.L.A.A. socials by strumming traditional Appalachian songs on a battered guitar.

Social, Group


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