Pulp and Sundry - 721 N Garrison Street

A used book store specializing in pulps, dime novels, etc. The selection is good but not great and one has to wonder how they manage to stay in business. "Old JerJer", Jerry Wilkens does little but sit on his stool behind the counter all day and deal with the few customers he has. He seems content to sit and watch people walk by outside his shop all day long.
Luigi Jumpman has a narcotics dealer contact "Dirty Stan" who hangs out in the speakeasy below the bookstore front.
This clandestine tavern is for respectable Arkham residents; laborers and other rowdy types are not admitted, and that and its quasi-respectable business hours explains in great part why the community tolerates it. The speakeasy pays a small stipend to the regular beat patrolmen, but the police know it exists; they also tolerate it because it never causes them trouble. Enter it down unmarked basement stairs. The doorman opens a window in the door and decides who can enter. Sam always admits strangers accompanied by a regular patron. Established regulars come and go as they please. Expect to spend 25-75 cents a drink, depending on quality, availability, and the presence of a band. Business hours are from noon to 9 P.M.; closed Sundays.


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