Pump House and Water Tower

This pumping station pulls water out of theMiskatonic, filters it (though it does not purify it), and pumps it to a high storage tower nearby. The gravity feed from the tower ensures decent water pressure for the entire town. The pump house is manned at all times.

Over sixty feet high, the tower overlooks the town. Iron rungs are attached to one of the legs and lead up to a narrow catwalk that encircles the storage tank. From this vantage point the entire town of Arkham can be viewed. The tower also acts as an emergency reserve in case the pumps break down.

Public health officials declare that purer water is needed, and engineers emphasize that the town has outstripped its present supplies, and that a reserve of less than 100,000 gallons is dangerously insufficient. The proposed reservoir west of town would solve Arkham’s water problems.


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