Residence - Bartholemew Appley IV - 100 W Derby Street

Appley, 36, lives in a fancy house on West Derby Street, where he throws huge parties every Saturday night. When he is dry — a rare event — he complains of a hangover and prepares for another binge.

Those who attend his parties eat the best food and drink the best Canadian whiskeys, and always show up for more. Police and neighbors shake their heads but don’t intervene, since Appley so far has taken care of himself. Annoyingly, he habitually hops in a car whenever he notices one with the keys left in, and drives it off with enthusiasm. (His neighbors all now know to take out their keys and lock their car doors.) When he’s done with a borrowed car, he turns it off and wanders away, blocks from his home or perhaps miles from town. His chums now call him Mr. Toad, after the character in The Wind and the Willows.


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