School of Medicine - MU

This three-story structure, completed in 1910, sits adjacent to and connects with St. Mary’s Teaching Hospital. Several wings have been added, and the structure now sprawls over most of the block. It is a short walk to intern quarters on Pickman Street.

Over the years the School of Medicine and the hospital have intertwined: for instance, the head of the medical school now serves double-duty as chief administrator for St.Mary’s Hospital.

Facilities include pharmacy and pathology labs, an extensivemedical library, and modern dissection/autopsy labs. The Essex County Coroner and Arkham’s own medical examiner often make use of the autopsy room and morgue; they’re the best this side of Boston.

As most medical schools continue to be, the School of Medicine’s philosophy of mental disorders is rigidly psychiatric and interested only in serious illnesses. Dr. Nathaniel Peaslee is the school's resident expert in abnormal psychology. Students train at Arkham Sanitarium.


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