The Helping Hands

An international organization of community service clubs, founded in Akron, Ohio in 1863. Clubs are located throughout the industrialized world. Local chapters accept the charter of the international umbrella organization but are largely autonomous. Chapters typically include a locality’s prominent businessmen and professionals. Members raise money for charity and perform volunteer work. As an unadvertised bonus, membership confers prestige and respectability. The Helping Hands supports worthy but uncontroversial causes, mostly related to the treatment of childhood diseases.

New members find it an invaluable source of business connections. Helping Hands chapters exist in large cities but are not as vital to their communities as those in smaller centers. The movement boasts hundreds of thousands of members worldwide. Although the depression has blunted its fundraising capacities, its members cling to it as a pillar of normalcy in troubled times.

The Helping Hands are banned in the Soviet Union, as its charter usurps the prerogatives of the Communist Party. Admission can be gained via Flattery and Credit Rating 4+. The Helping Hands is primarily a middle class phenomenon; persons of Credit Rating 6+ rarely seek membership.

Activist, Charity


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