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Liam Walker (Lee-am Walk-er)

Wielder of Excalibur (Extend) | Liam Noah Walker

An easygoing and flirtatious bouncer that works at The Odyssey in Hillville, Illinois.   After a fun, hectic night on the streets of Hillville, Liam unknowingly comes into contact with a mysterious shard when falling on his side, trying to flirt with a passing beauty on the streets. Over the next couple of days, stirring within the essence of his body and soul, he awakens an unusual power. He meets a young woman who foretells him of his newly awakened fate entwined with the Arthurian sword of legend, Excalibur.

Blessed with this newfound power, Liam recognizes the corruption hidden within his hometown and takes magical matters to solve it with the power of his Excalibur.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A physically fit individual with a lean frame, strong core muscles, and healthy habits. Despite his lean frame, he's been known to handle individuals with stockier or muscular frames by using amateur core training techniques insisted for boxers. Additionally, his lean frame allows for him to move quickly; allowing him to react and quicklly pursue others in a chase or in a fight.

Special abilities

Ventriloquism (Amateur): Can speak without his mouth opening; learned it through a side gig while protecting a popular ventriloquist during his time in Chicago.   Magical (External)   Extend:Upon acquiring a piece of Excalibur, Liam is capable of using magic that can extend/stretch parts of his body. This is mostly used for his arms, legs, neck, and can be used for his torso in various situations.

Apparel & Accessories

Casual: Slim jeans, T-shirts, Sweaters, Leather Jackets, Tennis Shoes or Boots.   Work: Black Attire Apparel (Casual or Formal)

Mental characteristics


  • VERY Heterosexual: Liam appreciates the female form. When speaking with women entering the club or in general, he has a level of tact. Liam is a smooth talker, which coincides with his people-person persona, mixed with gentlemanly qualities and player tendencies. He portrays himself as a provider while exuding a player's aura, attracting most women's attention.


  • Attended a community college in Hillsville; obtained an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts
  • Attended The University of Chicago; dropped out of college after two years; Did not obtain his BA
Despite being a college dropout, Liam continues to read and self-educate himself on matters of the world. He uses the knowledge that he obtains to create conversation starters, surprise the upper class with his knowledge, and keep a promise to his parents that he will "stay smart" even when he isn't in school. Liam cares about pursuing knowledge but prefers to pursue it at something other than an educational institution.


  • Currently works as a bouncer at the nightclub "The Odyssey".
  • Volunteers at Diamond High Pharmacy; seasonal associate for his Mom and Dad.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Considered one of Odyssey's best bouncers and is a rising star in the bouncer network.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Has an unreasonable aversion to wearing loafers or formal attire footwear.
  • Nearly broke his arm trying to get a girl's number before knowing she had a boyfriend.
  • Bad obsession with pickup lines.

Mental Trauma

  • Suffers small panic attacks from an undisclosed trauma when present around powerful women.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Capable of empathizing with anyone; this skill allows him to be social with almost everyone he meets.
  • Unusual levels of perception; can identify a person's job before hearing about it or predict a person's following words before speaking it.
  • Uses flirtatious manners to flatter, distract, or intentionally anger women when inquiring about information.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Only pursues women that are single and emotionally available.
  • Refuses to bow down to financially superior men or women.
  • Always willing to bend the rules before breaking them.


  • Gifts or flowers on the first date.

Personality Characteristics


Liam is motivated by the pursuit of freedom, allowing himself to do what he wants whenever he wants. He doesn't appreciate being shackled down by regular jobs or careers. He finds himself more of a "local entrepreneur" in Hillville with his position as a bouncer. In proving that his job as a bouncer has gained him money and influence and has made him physically strong, he continues to highlight his profession as one of the few things he had a choice in deciding. 

His pursuit of freedom also led him to return home and not complete his BA in Chicago. He chose to pursue this path of his own free will, and his motivation to stay on that path consistently reminds him of what he considers freedom. Though his parents don't completely understand his motives, Liam tries to quell their worries by being the son he can be without backtracking on his endeavors as a bouncer.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Bouncers, Bouncing (As a bouncer), Cars, Hillville, Women, and Rumors.   Ineptitudes: Science, Big Businesses, Mythology, Fantasies, and Boundaries.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Women, Driving, Reading, Family, Trouble.   Dislikes: Prudes, Schools (Institutions), Upper Crust Citizens, Narcissits.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Hard Worker: Believes in completing a job with efficiency and hard work.
  • Family-oriented: Is willing to help his family with most things; aims to make his parents proud.
  • Tactical: Consistently thinking; used to size up threats or inconveniences as a bouncer.
  • Gentleman: Despite his raging hormones and flirtatious nature, Liam is respectful and has good manners about his core attitude with women.
  • Funny: Equally funny as he is hardworking.
  • Perceptive: Observes things upfront while blending in the background.
  • Informed: Knowledgeable about a number of things, topics, and events, despite his appearance and occupation.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Overly Flirtatious: Liam's infatuation with females leads him to be a semi-aggressive flirt. He mostly flirts to see how far he can go when chatting up women. However, he acknowledges that he could be better about flirting and tries to reel it in; unfortunately, the friends he keeps encourage this behavior and don't stop it.
  • Distinct Laziness: Despite being a hard worker, Liam tends to have a lazy syndrome when doing certain types of jobs or activities. Unless he can make it entertaining or can at least speak while doing it, gradual laziness will appear when doing things that limit his engaging nature.
  • Unwilling Change (Freedom): Liam's lifestyle is based on the pursuit of freedom. In choosing to be a bouncer, Liam enjoys the freedom that comes with such a job, and whenever his sense of freedom is threatened, he immediately stands/dies on the hill of his own selfish principles; this makes his willingness for Excalibur and the underbelly troubles of Hillville a conflicting issue with his sense of freedom.


  • Showers twice a day, before and after work; doesn't like to bring his home to work or his work home.


Religious Views

  • He isn't incredibly religious but was raised to be Catholic.
  • He prays unorthodoxly by speaking out loud to God while looking up to the sky as his form of prayer. He ends his prayers by clasping his hands togehter at the end; he does this since he doesn't enjoy holding his hands together when speaking - this particular action doesn't go over well when he's present with his mother.

Social Aptitude

Charisma: 8.5

Confidence: 9.0

Etiquette: Depends on the event

Mannerisms: Depends on the event


  • He tends to include sweet or flirtatious remarks when speaking with women.
  • When speaking with those he believes to be richer or more intelligent than him, Liam listens and takes opportunities to interject relatable or informative conversational material that adds to his character or the conversation; he isn't boisterous or arrogant when speaking these facts; a calculating undertone can be heard by those who know him well.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Owns a Calico Cat (Currently)
  • Axe-throwing
  • Reading & Research
  • Off-Roading
  • Flirting


  • He speaks in a manner befitting a 26-year-old, but he also has some mature mannerisms, which makes him appear as an "old soul" or "old for his years" in certain situations.
  • He can use crude language to elaborate on a situation that doesn't require a deep description; otherwise, he can explain things in detail.
  • He's not shy when speaking about female anatomy, although it isn't in the crudest manner, primarily associated with guy talk.
  • A "shoot the shit" type of talker, but can take things seriously, or not, when the time is appropriate; 50/40 split
  • Extend: The power to extend, or stretch, various appendages and ligaments of the body. Additionally, may include levels of non-physical or magical adaptations; can summon a magical blade that can be extended/stretched with the enhanced properties.
  1. Demonstrates ability to stretch out arms, legs, and neck in hostile situations; capable of reeling/retracting from extension.
  2. Shows small signs of increased adrenaline in panicked or hostile situations; Enhancement magic
  3. A layer of non-magical energy enhances durability - externally and internally - within the skin (Extended State)
Fun Skills
  • Colloquial Knowledge (Hillsville)
  • Security
  • Axe-throwing
  • Streetsmart and Booksmart
  • People Person; Communication, Attitude, and Conflict Resolution
Additional Skills
  • Proficient Brawler
  • Novice Swordsman
  • College Dropout (2 years in Bachelor's Program)
  • Amateur Ventriloquist
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Working as a bouncer at The Odyssey
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Current Residence
Westburg (Hillville)
Dark brown
Brown, Slick-backed but messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White (Not Pale)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Ass! No contest!"   "I'm guessing your job is that of a patron saint, huh?"   "Me? Lie?? I would never."
God (Catholic)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • English


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