Lotus City Geographic Location in Earth 2160 | World Anvil
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Lotus City

Lotus City, also known as "The City of Dreams," is a sprawling metropolis that stretches across hundreds of miles of land. The city is controlled by five mega corporations that operate in different sectors, including technology, pharmaceuticals, energy, finance, and entertainment. These corporations have monopolized the city's resources and control every aspect of daily life.   The city is divided into different zones, each controlled by one of the corporations. The technology zone, known as SynthHaven, is where the most advanced research and development takes place. The pharmaceutical zone, known as Genesis Park, is where the latest drugs and medical treatments are developed. The energy zone, known as Power Towers, is where the city's power grid is managed. The finance zone, known as Golden Mile, is where the city's wealth is concentrated. And the entertainment zone, known as Neon Nights, is where people go to escape the stresses of daily life.   The city is constantly monitored by an advanced surveillance system that tracks every movement of its inhabitants. The corporations use this information to maintain control and suppress any dissent that arises. The city's police force is heavily armed and trained to deal with any potential threats to the corporations' power.
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