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CYCLOPS is FIST seen through a dark mirror, working from the very top of the military-industrial complex instead of the bottom. They are nearly omniscient, with moles in every national intelligence agency. CYCLOPS agents work tirelessly to keep anomalous occurrences tightly under wraps, aiming to secure, contain, and exploit the unknown. You might think of CYCLOPS as a sprawling personification of the system itself—put simply, CYCLOPS is The Man.     When a group like FIST starts getting into things they shouldn’t, they inevitably butt heads with CYCLOPS Recon Operations. Like FIST, CRO teams are coordinated autonomous units of extraordinary and frequently paranormal individuals, complete with their own codenames, trait-like abilities, and special equipment. Make sure the players know these agents are least equally competent to them and always incredibly dangerous—a group of CROs is often called a murder.   The Director is CYCLOPS' engimatic leader. Almost all facts regarding the Director (up to and including their very existence) are speculation, hearsay, or intentional CYCLOPS disinformation. Conflicting FIST reports have described the Director as everything from a brunette middle-aged WASP woman to a warehouse-sized computer to a ghost story the goons at CYCLOPS tell themselves. It's possible that CYCLOPS has no leader and is an entirely decentralized, stochastic apparatus of control.   CYCLOPS propaganda is hidden everywhere, and portrays the world as mundane and largely under control, with a rotating cast of cultures, identities, and factions used as the pesky scapegoat du jour. To the average civilian, the world of FIST looks identical to our own, and CYCLOPS likes it that way.   With no one on the ground who can relay what actually happened, all that remains is supplying a culturally plausible and unremarkable explanation: dangerous crime. This, in turn, further justifies the existence of the systems which CYCLOPS uses in the minds of the public—if we are threatened by dangerous crime, then we must need to crack down on it. In time, CYCLOPS men-in-black may walk among the people openly, unbothered by the burden of optics, for in this new context mirrored glasses, earpieces, and bulletproof vests no longer raise a red flag.   CYCLOPS High Command, if it exists at all, is the most well-hidden and heavily guarded facility in the world. Locating High Command would take an entire campaign of FIST missions, as the players collect leaked info, raid intelligence agencies for coordinates, follow a trail of informants who keep turning up dead, and so on. Even if FIST manages to track down High Command, they will be tasked with infiltrating an absurdly large, almost completely impenetrable military compound, populated by the strangest entities and artifacts ever consigned to containment, and guarded by some of the scariest people (and/or non-people) who inhabit the world of FIST. Somehow taking down CYCLOPS would change the entire world slowly but fundamentally, and reward the players with untold riches and power... or, perhaps, CYCLOPS' alleged competence, omnipotence and strength are all calculated lies, to obfuscate the fact that any structure can be broken.
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