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Peggy Carter

Doctor Margaret Elizabeth Carter, Ph.D. (a.k.a. Peggy)

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Master Martial Artist
  • Expert Marksman
  • Master Spy
  • Master Investigator
  • Exoert Tactician
  • Scientist
  • Thief
  • Multilingualism

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Doctor Margaret Elizabeth "Peggy" Carter, Ph.D., was one of the most prominent agents of the Strategic Scientific Reserve during and after World War II and one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. Originally a code-breaker working at Bletchley Park, she joined the Special Operations Executive following her brother's death. Carter later joined the SSR, formed to fight HYDRA. On the mission in Germany, she saved Abraham Erskine from Johann Schmidt. The success of her mission enabled the SSR to start Project Rebirth and develop their Super Soldier Serum to make the army of Super Soldiers. During the project, she had befriended Steve Rogers, one of the project's candidates.   In 1943, after the abrupt end of Project Rebirth and Rogers' transformation into the only Super Soldier, Carter assisted him in becoming the world's first superhero, eventually falling in love with him. After Rogers' disappearance in 1945, she continued the SSR's fight against HYDRA, capturing the last high-ranking HYDRA officer Werner Reinhardt, and continuing her service in the SSR once the war ended.   As an agent of the SSR, Carter helped former colleague Howard Stark clear his name when he was accused of being a traitor, and later traveled to Los Angeles where she clashed with Whitney Frost over the extra-dimensional Zero Matter. She helped Stark found the new peacekeeping organization, the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, better known by its acronym S.H.I.E.L.D. Carter eventually married Daniel Sousa and became a mother of two children, though she would continue her service in S.H.I.E.L.D. during the turbulent years of the Cold War, becoming the agency's director by 1970.   By the beginning of the 21st century, Carter retired and saw her great-niece, Sharon Carter, follow in her footsteps. During her retirement, a young Rogers was pulled from the ice and found to be alive, but by this time she had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and struggled to recognize him.


Peggy is bisexual.


Peggy received her education from St Martin-In-The-Fields High School for Girls and gained a PHD from Trinity College, Cambridge.


In 1939, Peggy was serving in the Special Air Service of the British Army. By 1940, she was working as a codebreaker at Bletchley Park. Peggy joined MI5 later that year, being loaned to the Strategic Scientific Reserve as an advisor. After the war ended, Peggy moved to Brooklyn to work for the SSR. In 1949, Peggy left the SSR to found SHIELD with Howard Stark and Chester Phillips. By 1970, Peggy was Director of SHIELD.

Morality & Philosophy

Carter was tough and resilient, standing strong whenever she was mistreated, be it by man or woman. She had a sarcastic streak, and could also become close to a select few people, such as Steve Rogers, Howard Stark, Edwin Jarvis and a few others. Though she believed in morality, she was willing to lie if the situation called for it, including the period when she was hiding her involvement with Howard Stark from the SSR.   A loyal soldier, Carter was willing to do whatever was needed to get the job done, very nearly having Howard Stark shot out of the sky, when he was endangering the city of New York. Such sacrifices wounded her; she did not enjoy it. Being somewhat no-nonsense, Carter did not take kindly to messing about during a mission or when there was work to be done. She was also quite clever, always able to work her way out of a pinch at a moment's notice. Though her number of dear friends was slim, she was exceedingly appreciative to those she had.


Family Ties

  • Grandmother (deceased)
  • Harrison Carter (father, deceased)
  • Amanda Carter (mother, deceased)
  • Michael Carter (brother, deceased)
  • Daniel Sousa (husband, deceased)
  • Son
  • Daughter
  • Nephew
  • Niece-in-Law
  • Sharon Carter (great-niece)

Religious Views

Peggy is a member of the Church of England, however, she is not very devout.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Agent 13
  • Peg
  • Marge
  • English
Undercover Aliases
  • Eva
  • Ruth Barton
  • Miss Wendy
  • Wanda
  • Doctor Katherine Wexford
Date of Birth
April 9, 1921
Year of Birth
1921 AD 80 Years old
Hampstead, England
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
101 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
" I know my value. Anyone else's opinion doesn't really matter."
— Peggy Carter
"Compromise where you can. Where you can't, don't."
— Peggy Carter
Church of England
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Peggy Carter was fluent in her native English, as well as Russian and German. She could also speak with a convincing American accent while undercover.