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Warren Worthington, III (a.k.a. Angel)

Warren Worthington III, known as Angel, embodies the duality of light and shadow within the mutant experience. Born into privilege and luxury, Warren's life was defined by wealth and opportunity. However, beneath the veneer of affluence lay the truth of his mutant heritage—a truth that would shape his destiny in ways he could never have imagined. Discovering his mutant abilities at a young age, Warren faced the challenges of acceptance and self-discovery. His wings, initially seen as a curse, became symbols of strength and liberation as he learned to harness their power. Embracing his identity as a mutant, Warren was drawn into the tumultuous world of Professor Charles Xavier and the X-Men, where he found purpose and camaraderie among fellow mutants.   Yet, Warren's journey was not without its trials. Betrayal and manipulation led him down a dark path, transforming him into the fearsome Archangel—a symbol of anguish and despair. Despite the shadows that threatened to consume him, Warren found redemption through courage and resilience, reclaiming his humanity and embracing his destiny as a beacon of hope in a world riven by conflict. Following the cataclysmic events of The Mutant Exodus, Warren remained on Earth-618, where he rose to prominence as a leader and visionary. Renouncing his darker impulses, he embraced his innate healing abilities and dedicated himself to the cause of mutant empowerment. As a member of The New York City Council and CEO of Worthington Industries, Warren became a steadfast advocate for mutant rights, navigating the treacherous waters of corporate control with grace and determination. Through triumph and adversity, Warren Worthington III's journey is a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human (and mutant) heart. His legacy endures as a symbol of hope and resilience, inspiring future generations to stand firm in the face of adversity and forge a brighter tomorrow for all who call Earth-618 home.  



The Early Years

Warren Worthington III was born into privilege and wealth, growing up in a luxurious mansion estate with all the comforts money could afford. From a young age, he displayed exceptional intelligence, athleticism, and a strong sense of justice. Despite his privileged upbringing, Warren felt a deep empathy for those less fortunate than himself and harbored a desire to make a positive impact on the world.  

Discovering His Mutation

During adolescence, Warren's mutant abilities began to manifest, much to his surprise and confusion. His wings, initially viewed as a burden, soon became a source of empowerment as he learned to control and master them. Embracing his identity as a mutant, Warren sought guidance and understanding, eventually crossing paths with Professor Charles Xavier and the X-Men.  

Joining the X-Men

Recruited by Professor Xavier, Warren joined the X-Men as Angel, utilizing his aerial prowess and keen intellect to fight for mutant rights and protect those in need. Alongside his fellow mutants, he faced numerous threats and adversaries, forging deep bonds of friendship and camaraderie that would define his journey as a hero.  

The Transformation into Archangel

Tragically, Warren's life took a dark turn when he fell victim to manipulation and betrayal at the hands of his close friend, Cameron Hodge. Stripped of his blessed wings and vulnerable without his powers, Warren was corrupted by the malevolent influence of Apocalypse, transforming into the fearsome Archangel. As a Horseman of Apocalypse, he served as a deadly instrument of destruction, haunted by the loss of his former self.  

Redemption and Rebirth

In the aftermath of his ordeal, Warren embarked on a journey of redemption and self-discovery, seeking to reclaim his humanity and atone for his past sins. With the support of his friends and allies, he emerged from the darkness, embracing his dual nature as both Angel and Archangel. Through courage and resilience, he found strength in his vulnerabilities and reclaimed his place among the X-Men.  

The Mutant Exodus and Earth-618

Following The Mutant Exodus, Warren remained on Earth-618, where he continued his business pursuits at Worthington Industries and became a prominent member of The New York City Council. Renouncing his "Death" persona, he embraced his innate healing factor and the responsibility to protect and empower his fellow mutants in the face of corporate control and societal upheaval.  

Legacy and Leadership

As Warren's journey unfolds, he stands as a symbol of resilience, compassion, and hope in a world fraught with challenges and uncertainties. His legacy endures not only in his deeds but in the lives he has touched and the hearts he has inspired. As a leader and visionary, he continues to champion the cause of mutant rights and forge a brighter future for all who call Earth-618 home.  


  Warren Worthington III, known to many as Angel, possesses a multifaceted personality shaped by the crucible of his experiences. Beneath the veneer of wealth and privilege lies a soul tempered by the trials of adversity and the weight of responsibility. At his core, Warren is a man of unwavering integrity, guided by a steadfast moral compass that steers him through life's tumultuous seas.   His demeanor reflects a blend of grace and resilience, borne of a lifetime spent navigating the turbulent currents of mutant existence. Despite the burdens he carries, Warren exudes an air of quiet confidence, his presence commanding respect and admiration from all who cross his path.   Compassionate and empathetic, Warren harbors a deep-seated desire to alleviate the suffering of others, driven by an innate sense of duty to his fellow mutants and humanity at large. His heart, a wellspring of boundless empathy, compels him to extend a helping hand to those in need, regardless of the personal cost.   Yet, beneath the surface lies a complex tapestry of emotions, woven from the threads of past regrets and unspoken fears. Warren's journey has been marked by moments of triumph and tragedy, each leaving an indelible mark upon his soul.   In times of adversity, Warren's resolve is unshakeable, his spirit unbroken by the storms that rage around him. He stands as a pillar of strength and resilience, a beacon of hope in a world besieged by darkness.   But amidst the shadows, Warren struggles with the weight of his own demons, grappling with the echoes of his past and the specter of his own mortality. His journey is one of self-discovery and redemption, a quest to reconcile the disparate pieces of his fractured soul and emerge whole once more.   In the crucible of adversity, Warren Worthington III finds his truest self, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of hope.  






  • Flight: Warren possessed large, feathered wings that granted him the ability to fly at impressive speeds and maneuver with exceptional agility.
  • Enhanced Physiology: His mutant physiology grants him enhanced strength, speed, and reflexes, allowing him to excel in combat and aerial maneuvers.
  • Healing Factor (latent): Following The Mutant Exodus, Warren gained a latent healing factor, allowing him to recover from injuries at an accelerated rate.
  • Metallic Wings: In his Archangel persona, Warren's wings were transformed into razor-sharp, metallic appendages capable of slicing through almost any material. He maintains these metallic wings to this day, but has renounced his Archangel persona.


  • Leadership: Warren possesses natural leadership qualities and often assumes leadership roles within mutant organizations and teams.
  • Business Acumen: As the CEO of Worthington Industries, Warren demonstrates astute business acumen and strategic foresight.
  • Political Influence: His position as a member of The New York City Council grants him significant political influence and leverage within the corporate-controlled society of Earth-618.
  • Charisma: Warren's charm and charisma make him a persuasive advocate for mutant rights and a respected figure within both mutant and human communities.
  • Combat Proficiency: He is proficient in hand-to-hand combat and skilled in various forms of weaponry, honed through his experiences as a member of the X-Men and X-Factor.


  • Worthington Industries Technology: As the CEO of Worthington Industries, Warren has access to advanced technological resources and equipment developed by his company. This includes state-of-the-art communication devices, surveillance systems, and research facilities that contribute to his role in corporate leadership and mutant advocacy.
  • New York City Council Access: As a member of the New York City Council, Warren likely has access to official documentation, political resources, and legal privileges that facilitate his influence and decision-making within the council and the broader governance of New York City.
  • Corporate Attire: Warren often dresses in stylish and sophisticated attire befitting his status as a wealthy businessman and public figure. His wardrobe may include tailored suits, formal wear for official functions, and attire suitable for corporate meetings and public appearances.
  • Angel Uniform: While the term "X-Men" may no longer be used after the Mutant Exodus, Warren and other mutants may still wear uniforms with an X symbol as a symbol of unity and the inherent X-Gene that all mutants share. His uniform likely incorporates durable and flexible materials designed to withstand the rigors of combat and aerial maneuvers.
  • Personal Technology: Warren may possess personal gadgets and devices designed to assist him in his superhero activities and daily life. This could include communication devices, portable computing technology, and personal security measures to ensure his safety and well-being in the corporate-controlled society of Earth-618.


  • Transformation and Struggle: Warren's transformation from Angel to Archangel symbolizes the internal struggles many mutants face. His journey serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of succumbing to despair and manipulation.
  • Resilience and Redemption: Warren's story underscores the importance of resilience and redemption in the face of adversity. Despite his dark periods, he ultimately finds a way to reclaim his humanity and strive for a better future.
  • Corporate and Mutant Dynamics: As a prominent member of the New York City Council and owner of Worthington Industries, Warren represents the complex interplay between corporate interests and mutant empowerment. His influence in both realms shapes the societal landscape of Earth-618.
  • Evolution of Mutant Identity: Warren's narrative reflects the evolving nature of mutant identity and the quest for equality and justice in a changing world. His experiences highlight the challenges and opportunities faced by mutants in their pursuit of acceptance and understanding.
Date of Birth
November 10th
Centerport, New York
Golden Blonde, Gray Strands, Lustrous
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
185 lbs.


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