Combat Training Dummies Item in Earth-618 | World Anvil
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Combat Training Dummies

The combat training dummies in the Sentinels' Forge are a testament to efficiency and practicality. Crafted from lightweight iron, electronics, and durable wiring, they maintain an inexpensive design that ensures easy repair and salvageability after intense training sessions. Resembling humanoid forms reminiscent of earlier Stark Tech suits and Ultron embodiments, these dummies carry traces of a red and gold color scheme, a nod to their previous service with Stark Tech Enterprises. Typically, they lack offensive abilities and are programmed with limited combat instructions, serving as training fodder. However, for those seeking a more challenging experience, some dummies can be equipped with additional features, including energy blasters, electric pulses, and even self-detonation, providing a higher level of combat training for the students.
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