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Origins: The First Host

About one million years ago, the evolutionary borderline between apes and humans emerged: Homo erectus. The Celestials, intrigued by the versatility of human genes, sent their First Host to Earth to perform genetic experiments on this species. The Celestial Gammenon the Gatherer collected specimens, which Ziran the Tester mutated to create the first Deviants. These creations were released back on Earth, with the Eternals secluding themselves and the Deviants establishing an underground empire in Lemuria.  

World Rulers and Second Host

Over millennia, the Deviants multiplied rapidly, achieving vast numbers. They developed advanced scientific marvels and conquered most of the world, subjugating humans. Their dominance led to a confrontation with the empire of Atlantis. The Eternals, realizing their numbers were dwarfed by the Deviants, called upon the Celestials for aid. When the Second Host of Celestials arrived, they were attacked by the Deviants. In response, the Celestials decimated most of the Deviant population, causing Lemuria and Atlantis to sink. The Dreaming Celestial, Tiamut, disagreed with this judgment and was later buried near San Francisco.  

Living Underground

The surviving Deviants retreated to Subterranea, where they experimented on human slaves, aiming to create a subservient race. Their first attempt resulted in the Gortokians, who eventually revolted. Their second attempt produced the Moloids, designed to be docile. However, conflicts with the Gortokians led the Deviants to abandon both creations. They then transformed remnants of Lemuria into a new kingdom.  

Third Host / Truce with the Eternals

Around 1000 A.D., the Third Host of the Celestials visited. The Deviants and Eternals formed a truce, agreeing to cease interference with humans until the Fourth Host's arrival.  

The Corporate Era

In the 2020s, Earth-618 entered the Corporate Era. The dominance of corporations and advanced technology reshaped society. The Deviants, already living in secrecy, found themselves further marginalized. Their unique abilities and appearances became commodities, with some Deviants being exploited by corporations for entertainment or labor. Others formed alliances with corporations, gaining resources in exchange for services.  

Mutant Exodus

Between 2030 and 2035, The Mutant Exodus occurred. With mutants leaving Earth-618 due to fears of persecution and corporate manipulation, the Deviants saw an opportunity to re-emerge. Some sought alliances with the remaining mutants, recognizing their shared history and challenges. Others aimed to fill the power vacuum left by the mutants' departure.  

Divergence from Earth-616

Unlike their Earth-616 counterparts, the Deviants of Earth-618 did not experience the events of Judgment Day. Instead, their history was shaped by the challenges and opportunities of the Corporate Era. Their ability to adapt and change became both a strength and a vulnerability in a world dominated by technology and corporate interests.  

Present Day

The Deviants continue to navigate the complexities of Earth-618, seeking their place in a world where superheroes are bound by corporate sponsorships and technology challenges the extraordinary. Their history, marked by both triumphs and tragedies, shapes their present and future endeavors.  

Divergent History

  1. The Corporate Era Exploitation: In the 2020s, as Earth-618 transitioned into the Corporate Era, the Deviants found themselves in a precarious position. Their unique abilities and appearances became highly sought after by corporations for various purposes:  
    • Entertainment Industry: Some Deviants, especially those with visually striking mutations, were scouted and offered contracts to appear in reality shows, movies, and other forms of entertainment. These shows often sensationalized their appearances and abilities, further perpetuating stereotypes about the Deviants.
    • Labor Exploitation: Corporations, always on the lookout for cost-effective labor solutions, exploited certain Deviants for their unique abilities. For instance, Deviants with enhanced strength or resilience might be used in hazardous environments where humans couldn't survive.
    • Biotech Research: The unique genetic makeup of the Deviants became a subject of interest for biotech corporations. Some Deviants were covertly captured and studied, their DNA used in experiments aiming to create enhanced humans or to develop new medical solutions.
  3. Alliances in the Corporate Era: While many Deviants faced exploitation, others saw the changing world as an opportunity. These Deviants formed strategic alliances with corporations:  
    • Security Services: Some Deviants with combat or strategic abilities offered their services as security personnel or mercenaries. In a world where superheroes were bound by sponsorships, these Deviants became valuable assets for corporations seeking protection or looking to exert influence.
    • Technological Collaboration: Deviants with a knack for technology or those who had developed advanced tech in Lemuria began collaborating with tech corporations. Their unique perspective and knowledge led to the development of innovative products and solutions.
  5. The Mutant Exodus Opportunity: The departure of mutants from Earth-618 created a significant power vacuum. The Deviants, always adaptable, saw this as an opportunity:  
    • Alliances with Remaining Mutants: Recognizing their shared history and challenges, some Deviants reached out to the mutants who chose to stay behind. They formed alliances, offering protection and support in a world increasingly hostile to those with unique abilities.
    • Power Plays: Other Deviants saw the Exodus as a chance to gain power and influence. They began to establish their own territories, challenge corporate entities, and even attempt to create a new Deviant-led order in certain regions.


  1. Setting & Locations:  
    • Lemuria Remnants: The transformed remnants of Lemuria can serve as a central hub for Deviant activity. This underground kingdom, with its advanced technology and unique architecture, can be a focal point for quests, explorations, and interactions.
    • Corporate Enclaves: Some Deviants might reside in corporate-controlled zones, either as allies or as exploited individuals. These areas can be settings for rescue missions, espionage, or diplomatic negotiations.
  3. Factions & Alliances:  
    • Deviant Clans: Divide the Deviants into various clans or tribes, each with its unique culture, abilities, and objectives. This allows for diverse interactions and conflicts within the Deviant community.
    • Corporate Allies: Identify specific corporations that have formed alliances with Deviant clans. These alliances can be both beneficial and exploitative, leading to complex dynamics.
  5. Major Plot Points:  
    • The Corporate Era Exploitation: Introduce quests or story arcs where players uncover the extent of Deviant exploitation, leading to moral dilemmas and potential confrontations.
    • Mutant Exodus Aftermath: Explore the power vacuum left by the mutants' departure. Players can choose to support Deviant factions vying for power or work against them.
  7. Characters & NPCs:  
    • Key Deviant Figures: Introduce prominent Deviant characters like Lyrax (from the Crimson Pact) or Miral (the activist). These figures can serve as allies, antagonists, or quest-givers.
    • Corporate Antagonists: Create corporate figures who view the Deviants as assets or threats. Their objectives can drive corporate-Deviant dynamics and conflicts.
  9. Cultural & Social Dynamics:  
    • TechFusion Day: Use the TechFusion Day festival as a backdrop for events, quests, or social interactions. This can be a time of celebration, intrigue, or even conflict.
    • Public Perception: Explore the societal view of Deviants. Are they revered, feared, pitied, or misunderstood? This can influence how NPCs interact with Deviant characters or quests related to Deviant rights.
  11. Themes & Morals:  
    • Identity & Acceptance: Explore themes of self-acceptance, societal acceptance, and the struggle of the Deviants to find their place in a corporate-dominated world.
    • Exploitation & Autonomy: Delve into the moral implications of exploiting sentient beings for profit, entertainment, or research.
  13. Mechanics & Abilities:  
    • Unique Deviant Abilities: If players choose to play as Deviants, provide a list of potential abilities they can possess, influenced by their mutable genetics.
    • Corporate Alliances: Introduce mechanics where players can form, break, or leverage alliances with corporations, leading to unique resources, challenges, or story arcs.

Basic Information


  1. Genetic Structure:  
    • DNA Complexity: The Deviants possess a highly complex and mutable DNA structure. This genetic instability is the primary reason for their vast physical diversity. Unlike standard human DNA, which has about 20,000-25,000 genes, Deviants might have a significantly larger number, allowing for a broader range of potential physical and functional traits.
    • Mutability: Their DNA is prone to frequent mutations, both spontaneous and in response to environmental factors. This means that the genetic makeup of a Deviant can change over their lifetime, though major shifts are rare.
  3. Skeletal System:  
    • Flexibility: Some Deviants possess a more flexible skeletal structure, allowing them to contort or move in ways humans cannot.
    • Variations: While the standard humanoid skeletal structure is common, some might have additional or fewer bones, leading to extra limbs or unique body shapes.
  5. Muscular System:  
    • Adaptability: The muscular system of a Deviant can be highly adaptive. A Deviant living in mountainous regions might develop stronger leg muscles for climbing, while one in aquatic environments might have streamlined muscles for swimming.
    • Strength: Some Deviants possess enhanced strength due to denser muscle fibers or unique muscle arrangements.
  7. Respiratory System:  
    • Diversity: While many Deviants breathe oxygen like humans, some have developed gills for underwater respiration or other specialized organs for breathing in different atmospheres.
    • Efficiency: Certain Deviants might have larger lung capacities or more efficient oxygen absorption mechanisms, allowing them to hold their breath for extended periods or survive in low-oxygen environments.
  9. Circulatory System:  
    • Blood Composition: The blood of Deviants can vary in color and composition. Some might have blood that carries unique properties, like enhanced healing or resistance to toxins.
    • Heart Structure: While a single heart is standard, some Deviants might possess multiple hearts, leading to increased stamina and endurance.
  11. Sensory Organs:  
    • Eyes: Deviant eyes come in a range of colors, including some that are not found in humans. Some might have enhanced night vision, infrared vision, or other specialized visual adaptations.
    • Ears: While humanoid ears are common, some Deviants might have heightened auditory senses, allowing them to hear frequencies outside the human range.
    • Other Senses: Deviants might possess sensory organs not found in humans, granting them abilities like echolocation or electromagnetic field detection.
  13. Reproductive System:  
    • Reproduction Rate: Due to their genetic instability, Deviant reproduction can result in a wide range of offspring variations. Some might reproduce asexually, while others might have unique mating rituals or requirements.
    • Offspring: Deviant offspring can sometimes possess traits that neither parent exhibits due to the unpredictable nature of their genetics.
  15. Skin and Dermatology:  
    • Texture and Composition: Deviant skin can range from smooth, rough, scaled, feathered, or even armored. The skin might also possess unique properties like camouflage, bioluminescence, or resistance to extreme temperatures.
    • Colors: Deviants can exhibit a vast array of skin colors, including shades not typically found in humans.
  The anatomy and morphology of the Deviants are as diverse as their appearances suggest. This diversity not only makes them unique but also highly adaptable to various environments and challenges. Their mutable genetics ensures that they continue to evolve and adapt, making them one of the most versatile species in Earth-618.
Scientific Name
Homo descendus
Celestial experiementation
Varies (typically 80-150 years, depending on the individual Deviant's genetic makeup)
Average Height
Varies widely (from 4 feet to 8 feet)
Average Weight
Varies widely (from 50 lbs to 300 lbs)


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