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Duckworldians are anthropomorphic waterfowl beings who originate from the reality of Earth-791021, commonly referred to as Duckworld. They possess the physical characteristics and traits of ducks and other waterfowl, with an anthropomorphic twist. Duckworldians have the appearance of humanoid ducks, with beaks, feathers, wings, and webbed feet. They evolved in place of humans and share a similar physiology and culture.   Duckworldians exhibit behaviors and traits commonly associated with ducks and waterfowl. They engage in social interactions, including forming social groups or flocks, and communicate through vocalizations and visual displays. Mating and courtship rituals are part of their behaviors, and they likely engage in nest-building and parental care if they lay eggs. Foraging and feeding behaviors would involve strategies such as dabbling, grazing, or diving, depending on their species.   While Duckworldians may face threats from predators, they exhibit avoidance behaviors, defensive displays, and alarm calls when in danger. They may utilize their flight or swimming abilities to escape from predators. Interactions with prey species would involve hunting behaviors specific to their species and dietary preferences.

Basic Information


Duckworldians, originating from Earth-791021, have unique anatomy and morphology that reflects their waterfowl origins. They possess a prominent beak for feeding and communication, and their bodies are covered in feathers, providing insulation, protection, and potentially aiding in flight. While they have wings, their ability to fly varies, and the wings allow them to glide and swim through water. Duckworldians also have webbed feet, characteristic of aquatic birds, which assist in swimming and movement. Interestingly, they possess an upright posture, enabling them to stand on two legs like humans, distinguishing them from non-anthropomorphic waterfowl. Duckworldians can vary in size, with a range from small to medium, and their proportions differ from humans due to adaptations for their avian form. Although specific details about their internal organs are not explicitly defined, it can be inferred that Duckworldians have organs similar to humans, adapted to meet their waterfowl-based physiological needs.

Biological Traits

Duckworldians, as anthropomorphic waterfowl, possess a distinctive set of biological traits that distinguish them from humans and align them with their avian origins. Here are some key biological traits associated with Duckworldians:  
  • Feathers: Like their real-world avian counterparts, Duckworldians sport a covering of feathers across their bodies. These feathers serve multiple functions, including insulation, protection, and potentially aiding in flight or other forms of locomotion.
  • Beak: A prominent feature of Duckworldians is their beak, similar to that of ducks and other waterfowl. The beak is adapted for various purposes such as feeding, communication, and other species-specific functions.
  • Wings: Duckworldians possess wings, an essential part of their anatomy. While their ability to fly may vary depending on the specific Duckworldian, their wings enable them to engage in gliding through the air, swimming through water, or performing other related activities.
  • Webbed Feet: Duckworldians have webbed feet, a characteristic feature of aquatic birds. The webbing between their toes facilitates swimming and aids in movement through water, allowing them to navigate aquatic environments with ease.
  • Bipedal Stance: While Duckworldians possess avian characteristics, they also exhibit an upright posture, standing on two legs like humans. This bipedal stance distinguishes them from non-anthropomorphic waterfowl and allows them to engage in various activities that require a more human-like form.
  • Avian Physiology: Duckworldians likely possess physiological adaptations specific to their avian heritage. While specific details about their internal organs and biological systems are not explicitly defined, they would likely have organs similar to those of birds, adapted to meet their physiological needs as waterfowl-based beings.


On the fascinating world of Duckworld, where anthropomorphic waterfowl reign, the Duckworldians exhibit behaviors akin to their real-world avian counterparts. Within their feathered society, social interactions are abundant as they form flocks and groups. Through a symphony of vocalizations, body postures, and vibrant displays of their plumage, they establish hierarchies, seek mates, and foster social cohesion.   Mating and courtship rituals are not foreign to the Duckworldians, mirroring the practices of many bird species. They engage in enchanting displays of their colorful plumage, accompanied by melodious vocalizations and other species-specific behaviors, all in the pursuit of attracting a mate. These courtships often unfold during specific periods or seasons, enveloping Duckworld in a tapestry of love and connection.   When it comes to family life, Duckworldians display a nurturing instinct. If they lay eggs, they diligently construct nests for incubation, providing a safe haven for their offspring to thrive. Through the process of nest-building, incubation, and attentive care, they nurture and protect their young, ensuring their well-being once hatched into the world.   The search for sustenance leads Duckworldians on foraging escapades, reminiscent of their waterfowl counterparts. With grace and precision, they employ feeding strategies suited to their species, such as dabbling, grazing, or diving, depending on the specific needs of their dietary preferences. Their menu consists of a diverse array of plant matter, small aquatic organisms, and insects, sustaining their vibrant community.   However, life in Duckworld is not without its perils. When faced with predators, Duckworldians employ a repertoire of defense mechanisms. They demonstrate avoidance behaviors, striking defensive displays, and emitting alarm calls to warn others of impending danger. Armed with their flight or swimming abilities, they seek refuge in the skies or water, escaping the clutches of would-be assailants. In the face of a common threat, Duckworldians band together, showcasing their strength through mobbing behavior, collectively deterring or harassing predators that dare encroach upon their harmonious existence.   Conversely, as part of the intricate web of life, Duckworldians engage in interactions with prey species. Inspired by their avian heritage, they employ hunting strategies that align with their species-specific adaptations. Whether it be diving beneath the water's surface, dabbling for morsels, or grazing upon lush vegetation, their pursuit of sustenance showcases the artistry of survival honed by generations of waterfowl.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Duckworldians, with their avian physiology, possess a range of senses that enable them to navigate and interact with their environment. Here are some senses commonly associated with Duckworldians:  
  • Vision: Duckworldians have well-developed vision, allowing them to perceive their surroundings. Their eyes are adapted for both close and distant vision, and they likely have a keen sense of depth perception.
  • Hearing: Similar to ducks and other waterfowl, Duckworldians are likely to have excellent hearing. They can detect a wide range of frequencies and are attuned to sounds in their environment. This acute sense of hearing helps them communicate, detect potential threats, and navigate their surroundings.
  • Tactile Sensation: Duckworldians possess a sense of touch, allowing them to feel and perceive physical stimuli. This sense enables them to explore their surroundings, detect texture, and perceive contact with other objects or beings.
  • Taste: With their beaks and tongues, Duckworldians likely have a sense of taste, allowing them to discern different flavors and appreciate the nuances of food.
  • Smell: Duckworldians are likely to possess a sense of smell, although it may not be as pronounced as their avian counterparts in the animal kingdom. Smell can play a role in detecting potential danger, locating food sources, and identifying other Duckworldians or creatures in their environment.
  • Proprioception: Duckworldians have a sense of proprioception, which allows them to perceive the position and movement of their bodies in relation to their surroundings. This sense helps them maintain balance, coordinate movements, and navigate their environment effectively.
  It's important to note that the specific capabilities and acuteness of each sense may vary among individual Duckworldians and can be subject to creative interpretation and variation within different depictions in the Marvel Universe.


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