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Asra Padgett (a.k.a. Dusk-Weaver)

Asra, also known as Dusk-Weaver, is a young hero with extraordinary spider-based abilities that stem from their unique origins. Born female but identifying as male, Asra navigates the complexities of identity while honing their remarkable powers. With a background in music, being a skilled guitarist in the band Prism Punch from Earth-816, Asra brings a creative and artistic flair to their superhero persona.   Their "Spider-Powers," including wallcrawling, web-slinging, and superhuman strength, are a reflection of their resilience and determination. While they possess these incredible abilities, Asra's journey at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted is about more than just mastering their powers; it's about self-discovery and finding their place in a new universe.   Asra's deep friendships, including a close bond with Mira Kalia (Razzle-Dazzle), provide a support system as they navigate the challenges of hero training and life at the academy. With a desire for small adventures and a pursuit of happiness, Asra's path is one of growth, self-acceptance, and the potential for greatness as a hero in the making.  




Asra's journey begins on Earth-816, where he was born to loving parents, Theo and Jackson Padgett. Growing up in a supportive environment, Asra quickly discovered his unique abilities. From a young age, he exhibited remarkable powers, including wallcrawling and casting organic webbing. His parents, intrigued and proud, encouraged his exploration of these newfound talents.  

Family Bonds

Theo and Jackson Padgett, both heroes in their own right, nurtured Asra's growing powers. They were excited about his emerging abilities and believed in the importance of understanding and controlling them. They shared stories of their own adventures and the responsibilities that came with their powers. Asra's connection with his parents deepened, and he felt a strong sense of belonging in a family that understood the superhero lifestyle.  

The Decision

As Asra's powers continued to develop, so did his desire to explore the wider universe. He faced a crucial decision: attend the Brutaliator's college where his Ama (father) worked as the stealth and infiltration teacher, or enroll in the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted on Earth-618. After thoughtful discussions with his parents, Asra decided to embark on a journey to Earth-618 to gain a better understanding of the broader universe beyond his home.  

Life at the Academy

Upon his arrival at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted on Earth-618, Asra began a new chapter in his life. He stood out with his distinctive heterochromia, white hair, and fair complexion. Asra quickly made friends, particularly with the enthusiastic Mira Kalia, also known as Razzle-Dazzle. He also had a somewhat tumultuous friendship with The Wasp, Tony Collins. Asra enjoyed his psychology class with Professor Lyra, which fueled his curiosity about the human mind.  

Exploring Earth-618

Asra embraced the opportunities offered by the academy, engaging in various activities beyond his classes. He explored Earth-618, soaking in the unique culture and experiences the city had to offer. He enjoyed socializing with different groups of students and gathering information about the city.  

Goals and Aspirations

While Asra's life goals were not yet fully defined, he knew that he wanted to find happiness in whatever path he chose. He recognized the importance of honing his powers and other skills at the academy. Asra aimed to embark on "small adventures" alongside his friends and envisioned a future balancing hero work and his role as a guitarist in the popular punk band, Prism Punch.  

Powers and Identity

As Dusk-Weaver, Asra continued to develop his powers. He possessed wallcrawling abilities, could cast organic webbing in a striking yellow to orange ombre, and was proficient in webslinging and web glide. His superhuman strength and reflexes, coupled with his unique Spider-Sense, made him a formidable hero. Asra embraced his identity as a male, despite being born female, and was determined to live authentically.   Asra's journey at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted was just beginning, and each chapter brought new challenges, friendships, and discoveries. He remained open to the possibilities of the universe, eager to find happiness, and determined to make a positive impact as Dusk-Weaver.  


  Asra, known as Dusk-Weaver in his heroic persona, possesses a vibrant and multifaceted personality:  
  • Energetic and Enthusiastic: Asra exudes boundless energy and enthusiasm in all aspects of his life. He approaches each day with a zest for adventure and a genuine excitement for what lies ahead.
  • Friendly and Approachable: He is incredibly sociable and easily makes friends due to his approachable nature. Asra enjoys connecting with people from various walks of life and is always open to new friendships.
  • Curious and Inquisitive: Asra's curiosity knows no bounds. He is constantly seeking to learn more about the world, whether it's the universe beyond Earth-816 or the intricacies of the human mind. His inquisitiveness fuels his passion for knowledge.
  • Loyal and Supportive: When it comes to his friends and loved ones, Asra is fiercely loyal. He stands by their side through thick and thin, offering unwavering support and encouragement in times of need.
  • Optimistic and Positive: Positivity radiates from Asra. He maintains an optimistic outlook on life, believing that even in the face of challenges, there's a way to find joy and make the best of any situation.
  • Adventurous and Spontaneous: Asra thrives on adventure and spontaneity. He embraces new experiences, often seeking out what he calls "small adventures" in everyday life. Whether it's exploring the city or trying something new, he's up for it.
  • Empathetic and Compassionate: He possesses a deep well of empathy and compassion. Asra genuinely cares about the well-being of others and is quick to lend a helping hand or a listening ear to those in need.
  • Determined and Resilient: As Dusk-Weaver, Asra exhibits a remarkable determination and resilience. He faces challenges head-on, never giving up on his goals, and bounces back from setbacks with determination.
  • Music Lover: As a guitarist in the punk band Prism Punch, Asra has a deep passion for music. He finds solace and joy in playing and creating music, and it's an essential part of his life.
  • Identity Affirming: Asra's journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance is a significant aspect of his personality. He embraces his identity as a male despite being born female, and this self-awareness contributes to his strength and authenticity.
  In essence, Asra's personality is a vibrant blend of positivity, curiosity, and a genuine love for life. His openness to new experiences and his unwavering support for his friends make him a beloved member of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted and a promising hero as Dusk-Weaver.  


  Asra, known as Dusk-Weaver, maintains a diverse range of relationships, each contributing to his growth and experiences:  
  1. Mira Kalia (Razzle-Dazzle): Asra's closest friend at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, Mira is an excitable and spirited individual. They share a deep bond and often team up for various activities and adventures.
  3. The Wasp (Tony Collins): While their relationship might be described as a "frenemies" dynamic, Asra and Tony have an intriguing connection. They have their differences but occasionally find themselves working together, and their interactions are both competitive and entertaining.
  5. Prism Punch Bandmates: Asra is a guitarist in the popular punk band Prism Punch. He shares a strong camaraderie with his bandmates, and their shared love for music creates a tight-knit group.
  7. Mr. Terris "B" Belcher: As the manager of Prism Punch, Mr. Belcher plays a crucial role in Asra's life as a musician. Their professional relationship is based on mutual respect and a shared passion for music.
  9. Professor Lyra: Asra's favorite teacher at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, Professor Lyra, who teaches psychology, has a significant influence on his academic life. He deeply respects her guidance and insights.
  11. Manhattan Academy for the Gifted Friends: Asra is part of a broader social circle at the academy. He associates with upbeat and energetic students who share his enthusiasm for learning and experiencing new things.
  13. Parents, Theo and Jackson Padgett: Asra has a loving and supportive relationship with his parents, who hail from Earth-816. They played a pivotal role in his decision to attend the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted and explore Earth-618.
  15. Earth-816 Friends: Back on his home Earth, Asra has friends, particularly his best friend, the lead singer of Prism Punch. His connections in Earth-816 are an important part of his identity and history.
  These relationships, whether personal, professional, or self-related, contribute to Asra's growth and shape his experiences at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted and in the larger Marvel Multiverse.  




  Dusk-Weaver possesses a unique set of "Spider-Powers" that mirror the abilities of arachnids. These include wallcrawling, the production of organic webbing for a variety of uses, webslinging for swift traversal, web gliding for controlled descents, enhanced superhuman strength, heightened reflexes for quick reactions, and a Spider-Sense that alerts him to imminent danger. These spider-like abilities, combined with his determination and agility, make him a formidable hero in the Marvel Multiverse, embodying the essence of the spider-based superhero archetype.   These powers include:  
  1. Wallcrawling: Asra has the ability to cling to and crawl on walls and ceilings, much like a spider. This power allows for stealthy movement and creative tactics in combat.
  3. Organic Webbing: Dusk-Weaver can produce organic webbing from his wrists. The webs are typically a yellow to orange ombre in color. He can use these webs for various purposes, including creating webs to swing from, ensnaring opponents, or crafting web-based weapons.
  5. Webslinging: With his organic webbing, Dusk-Weaver can swing through the cityscape, similar to how spiders move on their silk threads. This power grants him exceptional mobility and the ability to traverse great distances quickly.
  7. Web Glide: Asra can use his webbing to create glider wings or parachutes, allowing him to glide gracefully through the air. This power aids in controlled descents and evasive maneuvers.
  9. Enhanced Superhuman Strength: Dusk-Weaver possesses strength beyond that of an ordinary human. His enhanced muscles allow him to lift heavy objects, overpower opponents, and perform acrobatic feats with ease.
  11. Enhanced Reflexes: Asra's reflexes are heightened to superhuman levels, enabling him to react swiftly to danger and anticipate attacks. This enhanced agility makes him a skilled combatant.
  13. Spider-Sense: Dusk-Weaver has a heightened sense of danger, often referred to as a "Spider-Sense." While it's not currently connected to the Web of Life and Destiny like some other Spider-People, it alerts him to imminent threats and allows for quick evasive actions.
  These superpowers, combined with Asra's determination and adaptability, make him a remarkable hero with the ability to take on various challenges in the Marvel Multiverse.  


  Aside from his superpowers, Asra/Dusk-Weaver possesses several notable abilities:  
  • Multilingualism: Asra is fluent in multiple languages, including Filipino, Tagalog, Hindi, English, American Sign Language (ASL), Spanish Sign Language (SSL), and Spanish. This linguistic proficiency allows him to communicate effectively with a diverse range of people.
  • Musical Talent: As a guitarist in the punk band Prism Punch from Earth-816, Asra is musically talented. His skill as a guitarist showcases his passion for music and provides a creative outlet beyond his superhero activities.
  • Cultural Awareness: Growing up in a multicultural environment and having knowledge of various languages has made Asra culturally aware and sensitive. He can navigate different cultural contexts with respect and understanding.
  • Web-Related Creativity: Asra's ability to cast organic webbing isn't just for combat; it allows for creative uses, such as crafting intricate web designs or assisting in tasks that require precise web-based tools.
  These additional abilities complement his superhero persona and contribute to his versatility as a hero and student at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted.  


  Asra/Dusk-Weaver has several pieces of paraphernalia that aid him in his superhero endeavors:  
  1. Costume: He wears a sleek and practical costume that includes a mask to conceal his identity. The costume is designed for mobility and comfort during combat and web-slinging.
  3. Utility Belt: Asra carries a utility belt equipped with cartridges of his organic webbing, spare web-shooters, and other small tools for emergencies.
  5. Web-Shooters: Asra's web-shooters are a crucial part of his equipment. These wrist-mounted devices allow him to cast organic webbing for a variety of purposes, including swinging between buildings, creating barriers, and immobilizing foes.
  7. Communication Device: To stay in touch with teammates and monitor police frequencies or emergency broadcasts, Asra uses a compact communication device built into his costume.
  9. Band Equipment: While not directly related to his superhero persona, Asra's band equipment, including his guitar and musical accessories, is essential for his role in the punk band Prism Punch.
  These items are essential for Asra's success as Dusk-Weaver, providing both practicality and functionality in his heroics and daily life.  


  • Gender Identity: Asra's journey of self-discovery and transition from being born female to identifying as male is an important aspect of his character, reflecting themes of identity and self-acceptance.
  • Multilingualism: Asra's proficiency in multiple languages, including Tagalog, Hindi, ASL, SSL, and Spanish, adds depth to his character and showcases his diverse cultural background.
  • Musician: As a guitarist in the band Prism Punch, Asra's musical talent adds an interesting dimension to his character, highlighting his interests beyond superheroics.
  • Complex Relationships: His relationships with his parents, Theo and Jackson, as well as his friendships with characters like Mira and The Wasp, provide opportunities for character development and interaction within the narrative.
  • Motivation for Attending the Academy: Asra's desire to understand and control his powers, as well as his pursuit of small adventures and a balanced life, shape his goals and aspirations as a superhero.
  • Identifying Features: His unique features, such as the red flecks in his eyes and the sun birthmark on his forehead, make him visually distinctive.
  These aspects contribute to the depth and complexity of Asra/Dusk-Weaver's character, making him a well-rounded and relatable superhero within the narrative.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Asra, also known as Dusk-Weaver, maintains a healthy and fit physical condition. Standing at a height of 6 feet and weighing 178 pounds, he possesses a lean and athletic build. His physique is a result of his active lifestyle and regular physical training at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. Asra's physical fitness is essential for his role as a superhero, as it enables him to utilize his superhuman strength, reflexes, and agility effectively during combat and other heroic activities. His dark-skinned complexion complements his striking features, including his heterochromic green-blue eyes and unique white hair. Overall, Asra's physical condition reflects his dedication to both his superhero duties and his desire to lead a fulfilling life in Earth-618.

Identifying Characteristics

Asra, who transforms into Dusk-Weaver when using his superpowers, possesses several distinctive identifying features:  
  • Heterochromic Eyes: Asra's most striking feature is his mesmerizing pair of eyes. One eye is a vibrant shade of green, while the other is a captivating blue. This heterochromia makes his gaze unique and memorable.
  • White Hair: His hair is an unusual shade of white, adding to his distinct appearance. It contrasts beautifully with his tanned complexion and enhances his overall look.
  • Sun Birthmark: Although typically hidden by his bangs, Asra has a sun-shaped birthmark on his forehead. It's a subtle yet distinctive feature that adds a touch of individuality to his appearance.
  • Tanned Complexion: Asra's fair complexion is complemented by his tanned skin tone, which is the result of spending time outdoors and training as a superhero.
  • Male Gender Presentation: Asra identifies as male, and his gender presentation reflects this identity. He may wear clothing and adopt a style that aligns with his male gender identity.
  When Asra transforms into Dusk-Weaver, these identifying features remain the same, giving his superhero persona a unique and memorable appearance.

Personality Characteristics


Asra's motivation in life and as the superhero Dusk-Weaver is primarily driven by a desire for personal happiness and a sense of adventure. Here are the key aspects of his motivation:  
  • Seeking Happiness: Asra's primary goal in life is to find happiness and contentment. He believes that happiness comes from pursuing one's passions and living life to the fullest. This motivation drives him to explore new experiences and enjoy every moment.
  • Balancing Powers: Asra is motivated to attend the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted to gain a better understanding of his superpowers and learn how to use them effectively. He aims to strike a balance between his extraordinary abilities and his everyday life, ensuring that his powers enhance his happiness rather than becoming a burden.
  • Embracing Adventure: Asra is an adventurer at heart. He seeks what he calls "small adventures" in everyday life, and he's excited to explore the opportunities that come with being a superhero. This adventurous spirit motivates him to take on challenges and see where they lead.
  • Maintaining Relationships: Asra values his friendships and relationships, particularly with his bandmates and friends like Mira. He's motivated to nurture these connections and create lasting bonds, knowing that shared experiences and support contribute to his overall happiness.
  • Future as a Hero: Asra envisions himself doing hero work in the future. He aspires to use his powers for the greater good and make a positive impact on the world. This motivation drives him to develop his superhero skills and become a responsible and capable hero.
  In summary, Asra's motivation centers around finding happiness, embracing adventure, balancing his powers, nurturing relationships, and fulfilling his potential as a hero. These motivations guide his actions and choices as he navigates the challenges and opportunities that come his way.


Social Aptitude

Asra possesses several social aptitudes that contribute to his ability to interact effectively with others. These social aptitudes include:  
  1. Friendliness: Asra is inherently friendly and approachable. He has a warm and welcoming demeanor that makes it easy for him to connect with people and make new friends.
  3. Empathy: Asra is empathetic and genuinely cares about the feelings and well-being of others. He's attuned to the emotions of those around him, which allows him to offer support and understanding when needed.
  5. Communication Skills: Asra is skilled in communication. He can express himself clearly and listen attentively to others. His ability to communicate effectively helps him build strong relationships and resolve conflicts.
  7. Adaptability: Asra is adaptable and open-minded. He's willing to embrace new ideas and perspectives, which makes it easier for him to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and with different beliefs.
  9. Sense of Humor: Asra has a good sense of humor and enjoys sharing laughter with others. His ability to find humor in situations can lighten the mood and create a positive atmosphere in social interactions.
  11. Active Listening: Asra is an active listener. He pays close attention to what others are saying and asks questions to clarify and understand their viewpoints better. This skill enhances his ability to connect with people on a deeper level.
  13. Inclusivity: Asra is inclusive and values diversity. He believes in creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone, which fosters a sense of belonging among his peers.
  15. Conflict Resolution: Asra has a knack for resolving conflicts and mediating disagreements. His empathetic nature and communication skills help him find common ground and facilitate solutions in challenging situations.
  17. Teamwork: Asra thrives in a team environment. He understands the dynamics of collaboration and knows how to contribute effectively to a group's goals while valuing the input of others.
  19. Leadership: While Asra is a friendly and sociable individual, he also possesses leadership qualities. He can inspire and motivate others, which is evident in his role as a guitarist in Prism Punch and his interactions with friends like Mira.
  These social aptitudes enable Asra to build meaningful connections, maintain positive relationships, and navigate the social complexities of both his everyday life and his superhero endeavors.
Current Status
Student at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted
New Florida City, Earth-816
Male (FTM)
Green-Blue (Heterochromia)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
178 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Asra's multilingual abilities add richness to his character in Earth-618. His proficiency in multiple languages, including Filipino, Tagalog, Hindi, English, ASL (American Sign Language), SSL (Spanish Sign Language), and Spanish, reflects the multicultural and diverse nature of the world he inhabits. These language skills not only allow him to communicate with a wide range of people but also emphasize the importance of effective communication in the superhero community. Asra's linguistic talents contribute to his ability to connect with others, both within and outside the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, fostering inclusivity and understanding among individuals with diverse backgrounds and abilities.


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