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Enkidu (En-kee-doo)

Steven Young (a.k.a. Enkidu)

Enkidu, also known as Steven Young, is a complex character. He is a retired special ops soldier who has taken on a mission to hunt down and neutralize mutants, particularly those equipped with Mutant Inhibitor Collars provided by an unknown benefactor. This mission is driven by his fear of mutants and his belief that they pose a threat to humanity.   Enkidu's abilities are augmented by an advanced armored suit that grants him enhanced strength, resilience, extendible limbs, thermal vision, and other combat-related advantages. He wields a deadly blade and possesses advanced weaponry designed to incapacitate mutants and superhumans.   Despite his formidable appearance, Enkidu carries a sense of tragedy and determination. He bears the scars of his past, including the loss of his wife during a mutant attack and the disappearance of his daughter. His mission is fueled by a desire to protect humanity from what he perceives as a growing threat of mutant domination.   Enkidu's story is intertwined with the secrets of the campaign, including his benefactor's true motives. As a character, Enkidu embodies the complexities and moral dilemmas often found in superhero narratives, making him a compelling figure in the Earth-618 campaign.  



Early Years (1942-1959)

  Steven Young was born in 1942 in the bustling city of Tokyo, Japan. Growing up in the post-World War II era, he witnessed the rapid transformation of his homeland. His family struggled to make ends meet in the challenging post-war economy. As a child, he faced the harsh reality of poverty and an abusive father. It was a turbulent start to his life, filled with hardships and pain.  

The Siancong War (1959-1977)

  At the age of 17, in 1959, Steven Young sought an escape from his troubled family life and a chance to make something of himself. He enlisted in the military, not in the Vietnam War, as many might believe, but in the Siancong War. This conflict, within the Marvel Comics continuity, took him to battlefields where he discovered his natural talent for hand-to-hand combat and weaponry. It was during these years that he learned the art of war and honed his skills.  

Finding Purpose (1977-1980)

  After his tour in the Siancong War came to an end in 1977, Steven felt like a complete man for the first time in his life. He finally stood for something and was doing what he believed was right. However, the war had left him scarred, both mentally and physically. With his newfound skills and a sense of purpose, he decided to continue serving his country, enlisting in special operations.  

Meeting His Wife (1980-1985)

  In 1980, while on leave, Steven met a woman named Sarah during a chance encounter in a bustling Tokyo street. Sarah was a beacon of light in his life, a contrast to the darkness he had known. They fell in love, and in 1983, they married. Sarah became the love of his life, and they started a family together.  

The Tragic Incident (1990s)

  In the 1990s, tragedy struck when Steven, Sarah, and their young daughter were on a family outing in Mexico. A sudden attack by the Brotherhood of Mutants, a group of super-powered individuals, turned a peaceful day into a nightmare. Despite Steven's efforts to protect his family, his wife, Sarah, lost her life when a support pillar fell on her. In the chaos, Steven became separated from his daughter, and he never knew her fate.  

The Birth of Enkidu (Late 1990s-2000s)

  Devastated by the loss of his wife and the disappearance of his daughter, Steven retreated from the world. He accessed a hidden military base and stole a cutting-edge battle suit that the government had been developing. This suit, equipped with cybernetic enhancements, became his new identity as Enkidu. Driven by a deep fear of a future where mutants might replace humanity, he set out on a mission to eliminate mutants who posed a threat.  

The Mercenary (2010s-2042)

  In the following years, Enkidu operated as a mercenary, tracking and neutralizing mutants. His cybernetic-enhanced body allowed him to operate at a level that defied his true age. Despite his cold and unrelenting mission, he carried the weight of his past and the loss of his family with him.   As the years passed, Enkidu remained committed to his mission. In 2042, his actions would intersect with a group of individuals determined to uncover the hidden agenda of Orchis and put an end to their malevolent plans. Little did Enkidu know that this would be a turning point in his long and tumultuous journey.   Enkidu's life has been marked by tragedy, sacrifice, and a relentless pursuit of his mission. His path, forged in the fires of war and loss, has led him to become a formidable force in a world where mutants and super-powered beings dominate the landscape.  


  Enkidu, formerly known as Steven Young, is a complex and tormented individual whose personality has been shaped by a life filled with hardship, loss, and unwavering determination. At the core of his being lies a deep sense of duty and a desire to protect humanity from what he perceives as a looming threat posed by mutants. His personality is a blend of various traits that reflect the experiences that have defined him over the years.   He is resolute and unyielding, a man who has weathered the storm of war and personal tragedy. Despite his advanced age, his cybernetic enhancements allow him to operate with the physical prowess of a much younger man, and he carries himself with the discipline and determination of a seasoned soldier. Enkidu's sense of duty to his mission is unwavering, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, even if it means taking the lives of mutants he believes to be a threat.   Beneath the hardened exterior, there lies a well of sorrow and regret. The loss of his wife and the unknown fate of his daughter haunt him, serving as a constant reminder of the cost of his chosen path. He carries the weight of these tragedies with him, and they fuel his relentless pursuit of his mission. Enkidu is a man of few words, and his interactions with others are often marked by a stoic and reserved demeanor. He prefers to keep his emotions guarded, believing that vulnerability is a luxury he cannot afford in his line of work.   However, beneath the surface, there exists a glimmer of compassion and empathy, particularly for those he perceives as innocent victims caught in the crossfire of the mutant world. He avoids killing heroes and villains whenever possible, opting instead to incapacitate or disarm them. It is a small testament to the humanity that still lingers within him, a reminder that he once had a family and a life that was stolen from him.   In the complex tapestry of his personality, Enkidu is a tragic figure, a man who has sacrificed his own happiness and humanity in pursuit of a mission he believes to be just. His story is one of redemption, vengeance, and the relentless pursuit of a world he envisions as safe from the perceived threat of mutants.  


  Enkidu's relationships are a complex web of alliances, enmities, and secrets, reflective of his life as a covert operative and his mission to neutralize mutants. Here is a detailed list of some of the key relationships he maintains:  
  1. Unknown Benefactor: Enkidu is currently working for an unidentified benefactor who supplies him with resources and Mutant Inhibitor Collars. This mysterious figure is likely the mastermind behind Enkidu's mission to hunt and capture mutants.
  3. Mutants: Enkidu's primary adversaries are mutants, whom he tracks down and neutralizes using his advanced armor and combat skills. These mutants are his sworn enemies, and they often view him as a formidable threat.
  5. Peacekeeping Division: Enkidu's actions are a direct challenge to the Peacekeeping Division of Nichols Industries, particularly Director Richard Hamilton. While not a personal relationship, this division represents a constant obstacle to his mission.
  7. His Daughter: Enkidu's daughter, whose fate remains unknown to him, is a profound and deeply personal relationship that continues to drive him. He searches for her relentlessly, even as he pursues his mission against mutants.
  9. Former Allies: Throughout his 36 years of service as a special ops operative, Enkidu likely had various colleagues and allies. Some of these relationships may have soured over time due to his radical mission against mutants.
  11. Mutant Rights Activists: Enkidu's actions have put him on the radar of mutant rights activists and organizations that oppose his methods. These groups see him as a dangerous vigilante and a threat to peaceful coexistence.
  13. Black Market Contacts: Enkidu may have contacts within the black market, where he acquires information, technology, and resources to support his mission against mutants.
  15. Adversaries: Heroes and villains within the superhero community who have encountered Enkidu in the field may have ongoing rivalries or conflicts with him. These interactions could shape his relationships with individuals on both sides of the law.
  Enkidu's relationships are characterized by secrecy, conflict, and a single-minded focus on his mission to eliminate mutants. His connections are primarily instrumental, serving his overarching goal of protecting humanity from what he sees as a looming threat.  




  Steven Young, known as Enkidu, possesses a combination of personal abilities and those granted by his advanced armored suit:  
  1. Personal Abilities:  
    • Exceptional Martial Arts Skills: Even before donning the armored suit, Steven Young was a highly skilled martial artist. He developed exceptional hand-to-hand combat techniques during his military service.
    • Exceptional Strength: Young possesses above-average physical strength for a human, allowing him to engage in close combat with enhanced foes.
    • Fearlessness: Years of combat experience and personal determination have made him fearless in the face of danger.
    • Tactical Intelligence: Young's military background has honed his tactical and strategic thinking, making him an effective operative in the field.
  3. Armored Suit Abilities:  
    • Increased Resilience and Durability: The suit provides enhanced protection, making Enkidu highly resilient to physical attacks, gunfire, and other forms of harm.
    • Extendible Limbs: The suit features extendible limbs that can be used for increased reach and grappling abilities, allowing Enkidu to immobilize or neutralize opponents.
    • Thermal Vision: Enkidu's suit is equipped with thermal vision technology, enabling him to see heat signatures and track targets even in complete darkness.
    • Mutant Detection: An upgrade to the suit allows Enkidu to identify mutants at first glance, helping him track down and target his specific adversaries.
    • Advanced Weaponry: The suit likely includes an array of advanced weaponry, which he uses to incapacitate or neutralize mutants without lethal force.
    • Enhanced Mobility: The suit may grant Enkidu increased agility and mobility, enabling him to traverse various terrains and environments.
    • Mutant Inhibitor Collars: Enkidu uses Mutant Inhibitor Collars provided by his benefactor to subdue and capture mutants, preventing them from using their powers.
  These abilities, both personal and suit-enhanced, make Enkidu a formidable opponent, especially in his mission to track and neutralize mutants. His arsenal of combat skills and advanced technology allows him to confront superhuman adversaries with a fighting chance, despite his lack of superpowers.  


  Enkidu possesses various paraphernalia related to his mission to hunt down and neutralize mutants. These items are integral to his operations:  
  1. Armored Suit: Enkidu's advanced armored suit is the centerpiece of his paraphernalia. It grants him enhanced resilience, extendible limbs, thermal vision, and other capabilities that make him a formidable opponent in combat.
  3. Mutant Inhibitor Collars: These specialized collars are provided to Enkidu by his unknown benefactor. They are used to subdue and neutralize mutants, suppressing their powers and preventing them from resisting capture.
  5. Blade: Enkidu wields a deadly blade as part of his arsenal. It is a lethal weapon that he uses when facing mutants or superhumans who pose a significant threat.
  7. Advanced Weaponry: While specific details about his suit's weaponry are undisclosed, it is assumed that he carries advanced non-lethal weapons designed to incapacitate mutants and superhumans.
  9. Communication Devices: Enkidu likely possesses communication devices, such as earpieces or secure smartphones, to stay in contact with his benefactor or any allies involved in his operations.
  11. Tracking Equipment: Given his mission to locate mutants, Enkidu may have specialized tracking equipment, such as GPS devices or mutant-detection technology, to aid in his missions.
  13. Medical Supplies: To address injuries sustained in combat, Enkidu may carry basic medical supplies, including bandages, antiseptics, and pain relievers.
  15. Transportation: Enkidu may have access to various modes of transportation, including vehicles or aircraft, to quickly move between locations where mutants are suspected to be hiding.
  These paraphernalia items enable Enkidu to effectively carry out his mission of hunting and capturing mutants. His armored suit, in particular, plays a central role in his ability to confront superhuman threats and ensure the safety of non-powered individuals in his world.  


  One noteworthy aspect of Enkidu's character in the Earth-618 Marvel Multiverse RPG campaign is the moral complexity that surrounds his mission to hunt down and neutralize mutants. While he believes he is acting to protect humanity, his actions raise ethical questions about the treatment of mutants and the use of lethal force. This moral ambiguity can be a central theme in the campaign, sparking discussions and dilemmas among the players and characters.   Steven Young's memory of the tragic event involving his wife has been manipulated by Professor X's actions during The Mutant Exodus. While he still remembers the loss of his wife in a mutant-related incident, the details of the conflict involving the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and the X-Men have been obscured in his mind, leaving him with a fragmented and less traumatic recollection. This change in memory reflects the complex alterations to the Marvel Multiverse's history in this unique setting.  
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Additionally, the revelation that Enkidu's actions are unknowingly facilitating Mojo's sinister plans to use mutants as contestants in a livestreaming series adds a layer of intrigue and suspense to the campaign's plot. The conflict between Enkidu's intentions and the unintended consequences of his actions can be a driving force in the narrative, leading to unexpected twists and ethical dilemmas for the players and their characters.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Enkidu, also known as Steven Young, possesses a formidable and imposing physique despite his advanced age of 100 years. Standing at 6'8" and weighing approximately 238 lbs, his presence exudes strength and resilience. His cybernetic enhancements have allowed him to maintain the physical prowess and durability of someone half his age, making him a force to be reckoned with in any confrontation.   Despite his age, Enkidu's body is a testament to modern cybernetic technology, which has replaced many of his organic components. His skin is adorned with scars and battle-worn markings, a testament to his long and arduous journey as a mercenary. His graying, black hair, and black eyes contrast with his imposing stature, giving him a distinctive and authoritative appearance.   Enkidu's apparel varies depending on his activities. When not in his armored suit, he typically wears practical and durable clothing suitable for combat scenarios, often favoring dark-colored tactical gear that allows for ease of movement and concealment of weaponry. In his armored suit, he becomes an indomitable figure clad in advanced technology, ready to face any threat that comes his way.

Identifying Characteristics

Enkidu possesses several identifying physical features that set him apart:  
  1. Cybernetic Enhancements: One of his most prominent features is the presence of cybernetic enhancements throughout his body. These enhancements are visible as metallic components integrated seamlessly with his flesh. They grant him enhanced strength, resilience, and agility, making him a formidable opponent.
  3. Scars and Battle Marks: Enkidu's skin bears the marks of a life spent in combat. His body is adorned with scars, some of which are faded with age, while others are more recent. These scars tell the story of countless battles and near-death encounters, showcasing his experience as a battle-hardened warrior.
  5. Graying Hair: Despite his cybernetic enhancements, Enkidu's hair has turned gray with age. His graying, black hair serves as a reminder of the passage of time and the challenges he has faced throughout his life.
  7. Intense Gaze: Enkidu's black eyes carry a determined and resolute look. They reflect his unwavering commitment to his mission and the sense of duty that drives him to continue his fight against mutants.
  9. Distinctive Armor: When donning his armored suit, Enkidu becomes a towering figure with a distinctive appearance. The suit is adorned with advanced technology and provides him with additional physical enhancements. It serves as a symbol of his unwavering dedication to his mission.
  Enkidu's combination of cybernetic enhancements, battle scars, and a determined gaze make him a unique and recognizable figure in the world of Earth-618.

Apparel & Accessories

In his civilian guise, Steven Young's choice of apparel reflects his unassuming nature. He typically wears simple, practical clothing that allows him to blend in with the crowd. You'll often find him in well-worn jeans and a plain, dark-colored t-shirt. A weathered leather jacket completes his casual ensemble, providing an extra layer of protection against the elements.   When he needs to don his Enkidu armor, the transformation is striking. The suit itself is a technological marvel, sleek and menacing in its design. It covers him from head to toe in black, reinforced material, featuring intricate, angular patterns that hint at its advanced capabilities. The suit's helmet, equipped with thermal vision and other sensors, completes the ensemble, obscuring his facial features and lending an air of anonymity.   In addition to the armored suit, Enkidu carries a formidable blade, a deadly weapon that he wields with precision and skill. The blade's sharp edge and gleaming finish make it a formidable sight, further emphasizing his readiness for combat. Overall, Steven Young's apparel and accessories adapt to the demands of his dual life as a seemingly unassuming civilian and a fearsome warrior known as Enkidu.

Personality Characteristics


Enkidu's motivation is rooted in a complex blend of personal trauma, a sense of duty, and a deep-seated fear for the future. His journey from a young man escaping a troubled past to a formidable armored warrior has been shaped by a series of pivotal events that continue to drive his actions in 2042.   First and foremost, the tragic loss of his wife during an altercation involving mutants left a lasting scar on Enkidu's soul. This traumatic event fueled his determination to prevent similar tragedies from happening to others. He believes that by eliminating mutants, he can protect humanity from what he perceives as a growing threat to its existence.   Enkidu's military service and encounters with super-powered individuals, both allies and enemies, have instilled in him a deep respect for their abilities. However, this respect is tinged with fear, as he views mutants as potentially overwhelming and dangerous.   Additionally, Enkidu's personal experiences have left him emotionally scarred, contributing to his grim and unrelenting approach. His mission to maintain the status quo and preserve humanity as he knows it drives him to hunt down mutants, even if it means using extreme measures.   Ultimately, Enkidu's motivation is a complex interplay of fear, trauma, and a desire to protect what he believes is the only way of life worth preserving. It's a motivation that leads him down a path of conflict, both physical and moral, as he grapples with the consequences of his actions and the broader implications of his mission.



Enkidu's habitual gestures, ways of speaking, and behaviors are a reflection of his unwavering determination and inner turmoil. These traits have become ingrained in his character over the years, shaping him into the formidable figure he is in 2042.  
  • Resolute Stance: Enkidu carries himself with a resolute and unwavering posture. Whether in or out of his armor, he stands tall, exuding an air of authority and purpose. This demeanor communicates his commitment to his mission and the seriousness with which he approaches his goals.
  • Minimalist Speech: Enkidu tends to speak sparingly and with a direct, no-nonsense approach. His words are often concise and to the point, reflecting his pragmatic nature. He doesn't waste time on unnecessary pleasantries or small talk, focusing on the task at hand.
  • Calculating Silence: In moments of contemplation or when assessing a situation, Enkidu is known to fall into a calculating silence. This silence can be unnerving to those around him, as it signifies that he's strategizing and considering his next move carefully.
  • Respectful in Combat: Despite his mission, Enkidu maintains a code of respect in combat. He avoids unnecessary cruelty and strives to give his adversaries a fighting chance. He views combat as a means to an end rather than a personal vendetta.
  • Fierce Loyalty: Enkidu is fiercely loyal to his cause, even if it means operating in secrecy and isolation. He trusts very few people, and his loyalty extends primarily to those who share his mission and worldview.
  • Emotionally Guarded: Enkidu keeps his emotions tightly guarded, rarely revealing his vulnerabilities. His past traumas have made him emotionally reserved, and he prefers to maintain a professional distance from others to protect them from potential harm.
  • Thorough Preparation: Before any mission, Enkidu is known for thorough preparation. He leaves nothing to chance and meticulously plans every aspect of his operations. This level of preparation is a testament to his dedication and commitment to his mission.
  • Swift and Decisive Action: When the time for action arrives, Enkidu is swift and decisive. He doesn't hesitate in executing his plans, and his actions are purposeful and efficient. This trait has made him a formidable opponent on the battlefield.
  Enkidu's habitual gestures and behaviors reflect the complexity of his character, balancing his unwavering determination with the weight of his past traumas. These traits make him a compelling and formidable character in the world of Earth-618, where he continues to pursue his mission with relentless dedication.
Date of Birth
April 15th
Tokyo, Japan
Black, Greying
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
238 lbs.
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  1. English: His native language and the primary language he uses in his missions and interactions.
  3. Vietnamese: Learned during his deployment to Vietnam, allowing him to communicate effectively in the language.
  5. Japanese: Picked up during his encounters with various metahumans and mutants, especially those from Japan.
  7. Spanish: Acquired due to his family's vacation in Mexico and his subsequent actions, which sometimes require him to operate in Spanish-speaking regions.


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