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King Kaiju

Zaotunma (a.k.a. King Kaiju)

Zao, known as King Kaiju, is a remarkable and enigmatic hero. With the ability to transform into a colossal, reptilian giant, he stands as a guardian of the natural world, protecting it from various threats. Zao's journey began when he was discovered as a juvenile water beast, sinking illegal poacher ships. Raised by the elements, he developed his superpowers and innate connection to the environment. Despite his immense size and strength, Zao is characterized by his gentle and empathetic nature, aspiring to protect all living creatures and maintain the Earth's ecological balance. His affiliation with the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted allows him to refine his abilities and learn to navigate the complexities of the human world. Whether disguising himself as a human or towering as King Kaiju, Zao remains an unwavering advocate for the preservation of nature, embodying the spirit of the natural world.  




  Zao, later known as King Kaiju, was born in the year 2024 to parents he would never know. His mother was Brinema, a skilled shape-shifter, and his father, Attuma, a powerful Atlantean warlord. However, Zao's early life was far from conventional. Abandoned shortly after birth, he was raised by the wild, nurtured by the untamed beauty of nature.   Growing up alone in the depths of the ocean, Zao developed his unique abilities instinctively. He would soon become a force to be reckoned with, a guardian of the seas.  

Protector of the Oceans

  As he matured, Zao's actions attracted attention. Authorities began to receive reports of a colossal, juvenile water beast sinking illegal poacher ships. These encounters only scratched the surface of Zao's determination to protect the ocean and its inhabitants from those who would exploit them.  

Integration into Human Society

  Zao eventually sought to integrate into human society. He began by joining a group of people involved in swimming sports, feeling a sense of belonging among those who embraced the water. His impressive swimming abilities made him a valuable asset to any team.  

Becoming a Student

  Despite his unique circumstances, Zao decided to enroll as a student at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted in the year 2042. He believed the Academy would provide him with the education and guidance he needed to understand and control his remarkable powers.  

The Rise of King Kaiju

  As a student at the academy, Zao learns to harness his abilities effectively, both in human form and as King Kaiju, his colossal alter ego. He becomes a formidable fighter and a valued ally in the ongoing battle to protect the Earth, from the smallest creatures to the largest ecosystems.  

The Guardian's Mission

  Zao's motivation remains unchanged—to protect all living things on Earth, no matter their size. He sees himself as a guardian of nature, ready for any battle that threatens the delicate balance of life. With the support of his friends and allies, he continues his mission, determined to leave a legacy of conservation and preservation.   Each chapter of Zao's life brought new challenges and opportunities for growth, shaping him into the formidable guardian he would become. His journey was a testament to the power of determination and the unwavering commitment to safeguarding the planet he called home.  


  King Kaiju, known as Zao in his human guise, possesses a multifaceted personality shaped by his unique life experiences and unwavering dedication to protecting the natural world.   In his human form, Zao is a gentle and compassionate individual. He exudes a quiet strength, often appearing calm and composed even in the face of adversity. His humility is evident in his interactions with others, and he treats everyone with kindness and respect. Zao's time spent among humans has instilled in him a deep empathy for their struggles and a genuine desire to make the world a better place.   As King Kaiju, his colossal alter ego, a transformation that comes with a surge of raw power, his personality takes on a more assertive and protective tone. In this form, he becomes an imposing force of nature, fiercely defending the oceans and all its inhabitants from threats. Despite his immense strength, King Kaiju is driven by a sense of duty and responsibility rather than aggression. He sees himself as a guardian, standing resolute against those who would harm the environment.   In both forms, Zao possesses a strong sense of morality and an unwavering commitment to his mission of protecting nature, no matter how big or small. His humility, empathy, and determination make him a reliable ally and a steadfast friend. Whether in his human guise or as the towering King Kaiju, Zao's core values remain the same—a deep love for the Earth and an unyielding dedication to its preservation.  


  Zao, also known as King Kaiju, maintains a variety of relationships that are an integral part of his life. Here is a list of some of the key individuals and groups he interacts with:  
  1. Sapphyra: Zao looks up to Sapphyra, the pink Makluan queen, as a fellow giant lizard person. He sees her as a potential mentor and someone who can help him integrate into human civilization.
  3. Swimming Team: Zao is a member of a swimming team, and he has formed close bonds with several of his teammates. They share a passion for swimming and spend a lot of time together in and out of the pool.
  5. Dockside Friends: While Zao may not have a traditional job, he often helps people at the docks in Brooklyn with various tasks. This has led to the formation of friendships with those in the local dockside community.
  7. Atlanteans: As an Atlantean himself, Zao may have connections with other members of his species, although his upbringing among animals may limit his interactions with them.
  9. Environmental Activists: Zao is likely to be involved with environmental activists and conservation groups who share his passion for protecting nature.
  11. Manhattan Academy for the Gifted: Zao is a student at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, where he interacts with teachers, staff, and fellow students, forming friendships and connections within the school community.
  These relationships play a significant role in Zao's life, providing him with support, guidance, and a sense of belonging as he navigates both the human and giant lizard aspects of his existence.  




  King Kaiju possesses a unique set of superpowers that make him a formidable force to be reckoned with. Here is a detailed list of his superpowers:  
  1. Shape-Shifting: Zao can change his physical appearance, allowing him to disguise himself as a human. However, his true form is that of a giant, reptilian creature.
  3. Size Manipulation: One of Zao's most significant powers is his ability to change his size at will. He can grow to titanic proportions, reaching heights of close to 400 feet. This size change makes him deceptively strong and enhances his physical abilities.
  5. Superhuman Strength: When in his larger form, Zao possesses immense strength, enabling him to lift and manipulate heavy objects with ease. His strength is further amplified by his change in size.
  7. Underwater Adaptation: Zao can efficiently swim underwater while maintaining the ability to breathe and circulate air. This allows him to move through aquatic environments with ease.
  9. Serrated Claws: In his larger form, Zao's black, adamantine-like claws become formidable weapons capable of cutting through metal and other materials with ease.
  11. Enhanced Durability: Zao's scaled skin and large size provide him with enhanced durability, making him resistant to physical damage and attacks.
  13. Enhanced Swimming Skills: Zao is an efficient swimmer and excels in aquatic environments, which complements his ability to change size underwater.
  15. Environmental Protection: Zao's motivation to protect nature suggests a strong connection to environmental elements, potentially giving him an innate ability to sense and protect natural environments.
  These superpowers make Zao a unique and powerful character, capable of both defending nature and taking on formidable opponents when the need arises. His ability to change size adds a strategic element to his combat capabilities, making him a versatile hero.  


  In addition to his superpowers, Zao, also known as King Kaiju, possesses several abilities that enhance his effectiveness as a hero and defender of nature. These abilities include:  
  1. Environmental Awareness: Zao has a deep connection to the environment and possesses an innate understanding of ecosystems and natural balance. This awareness allows him to make informed decisions when protecting nature and the planet.
  3. Swimming Proficiency: Zao's proficiency in swimming extends beyond his superpower. He is skilled in various aquatic activities, making him a valuable asset in underwater missions or aquatic rescues.
  5. Empathy for Nature: Zao's motivation to protect nature stems from a deep sense of empathy for all living creatures and the environment. This empathy drives him to take action against those who threaten the natural world.
  7. Adaptability: Zao's ability to change size and appearance provides him with a high degree of adaptability. He can adjust to different situations and challenges, making him a versatile hero.
  These abilities complement his superpowers and contribute to his effectiveness as a hero dedicated to preserving and protecting the environment and all living beings on Earth-618.  


  Zao does not rely on conventional paraphernalia like gadgets or weapons. Instead, he primarily uses his unique superpowers and abilities to fulfill his role as a hero and protector of nature. His abilities, including size-changing, enhanced strength, and underwater proficiency, make him a formidable force when defending the environment and confronting threats to the planet. Zao's connection to nature and his empathy for all living creatures are his most powerful assets in his mission to safeguard Earth-618's ecosystems and natural balance.  


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zao possesses a robust and imposing physical condition. Standing at a towering height of 7 feet 9 inches and weighing 203 pounds, he exudes an imposing presence. His body is well-muscled and adapted for both land and aquatic environments, reflecting his Atlantean heritage and shape-shifting abilities.   Zao's skin can shift between shades of blue and green, depending on the temperature of the water he's in, showcasing his adaptability to aquatic surroundings. He bears small, orb-shaped sacks on various parts of his body, including his back, abdomen, arms, and legs, which are unique physical characteristics. These sacks may hold significance to his biology or abilities.   His most distinctive physical feature is his long, black, split tongue, which sets him apart as a shape-shifter. Zao's claws, resembling black adamantine, are exceptionally sharp and capable of cutting through metal effortlessly, underscoring his formidable combat capabilities.   While Zao typically shaves his head bald, his dark eyes and black hair, when present, further contribute to his striking appearance. Overall, Zao's physical condition is a testament to his Atlantean heritage and shape-shifting powers, making him a force to be reckoned with both in and out of the water.

Identifying Characteristics

Zao's identifying physical features vary depending on his size and transformation. When at his normal size, he appears more human-like with certain distinctive attributes. However, when he increases in size, his appearance becomes significantly more reptilian and imposing.   At his regular size, his features include:  
  • Shifting Skin Color: Zao's skin can change between shades of blue and green, adapting to the temperature of the water he's in. This unique trait sets him apart as a shape-shifter.
  • Long, Black, Split Tongue: His tongue is long, black, and split, a characteristic shared by some reptilian species.
  • Claws: Zao possesses sharp, black, adamantine-like claws, capable of slicing through metal with ease.
  • Height and Weight: He stands at 7 feet 9 inches and weighs 203 pounds, giving him an imposing stature among humans.
  However, when Zao grows to his titanic proportions (close to 400 feet), his appearance becomes significantly more reptilian:  
  • Scaled Skin: His skin transforms into tough, reptilian scales that provide protection and enhanced durability.
  • Large Horns: He may develop large, menacing horns on his head, adding to his intimidating presence.
  • Sharp Teeth: Zao's teeth become more pronounced and sharper, suitable for his reptilian form.
  • Enlarged Claws: His claws grow in size and lethality, becoming even more formidable in combat.
  In his larger, more reptilian form, Zao embodies the essence of a colossal kaiju, exuding power and dominance. These identifying features make him easily distinguishable when he assumes this awe-inspiring transformation.

Apparel & Accessories

Zao, in his human-like form, typically prefers simple and practical attire that allows for easy movement and comfort. His clothing choices reflect his desire to blend in with human society while maintaining a degree of flexibility for combat situations.  
  • Casual Clothing: Zao often wears casual clothing suitable for everyday activities. This includes T-shirts, jeans, and comfortable sneakers. His color choices tend to be in earthy or aquatic tones, reflecting his connection to nature.
  • Athletic Gear: As a student at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, Zao also sports athletic gear, such as track pants, sports jerseys, and running shoes when engaging in sports or physical activities.
  • Light Jackets: Depending on the weather, he may don a light jacket or hoodie to stay warm during cooler days in New York.
  • Accessories: Zao's accessories are minimalistic and functional. He might wear a wristwatch for practicality but avoids extravagant jewelry or accessories.
  Overall, Zao's human-like attire is understated, allowing him to move easily and blend in with his peers at the academy and in the city. When he transforms into his largest form, he sheds these clothes entirely, adopting a more imposing and formidable appearance befitting a colossal kaiju.

Personality Characteristics


Zao, also known as King Kaiju, is motivated by a deep sense of responsibility and a desire to protect the natural world. His motivations can be summarized as follows:  
  • Nature's Guardian: Zao feels a strong connection to nature, both on Earth and beyond. He sees himself as a guardian of the environment and all living creatures, from the smallest insects to the largest marine mammals. His primary motivation is to ensure the well-being and preservation of these natural ecosystems.
  • Protecting Earth: Zao is dedicated to protecting Earth from any threats that might harm its delicate balance. Whether it's defending against environmental destruction, illegal poaching, or extraterrestrial invaders, he is ready to intervene to safeguard the planet.
  • Embracing Humanity: While he possesses immense power and could easily dominate, Zao chooses to live among humans and learn from them. His motivation includes understanding human civilization, forming connections with people, and promoting cooperation between humans and the natural world.
  • Striving for Good: Zao is committed to using his abilities for the greater good. He seeks opportunities to assist those in need, prevent ecological disasters, and ensure that Earth's ecosystems flourish. His actions are driven by a desire to leave a positive impact on the world.
  In essence, Zao's motivation revolves around being a protector and steward of Earth's environment, promoting harmony between humanity and nature, and striving to make the world a better place for all living beings.


Social Aptitude

Zao possesses several social aptitudes that allow him to interact effectively with both humans and other beings. These social aptitudes include:  
  1. Empathy: Zao has a deep sense of empathy, which enables him to understand and connect with the emotions and feelings of others. This empathy helps him build meaningful relationships with a diverse range of individuals.
  3. Communication Skills: While he primarily communicates through Atlantean and English, Zao is a good listener and communicator. He can convey his thoughts, concerns, and intentions clearly, whether in conversations with humans or when interacting with other species.
  5. Diplomacy: Zao understands the importance of diplomacy and peaceful resolution. He is skilled at mediating conflicts and finding common ground among different parties, which is essential for maintaining harmony in the diverse communities he engages with.
  7. Environmental Advocacy: Zao is an advocate for environmental causes and conservation efforts. His social aptitude in this regard allows him to rally support for these important initiatives, raising awareness and mobilizing others to protect the natural world.
  9. Teamwork: Zao excels in teamwork and collaboration. Whether he's working with fellow students at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, members of a swimming team, or other individuals, he values cooperation and the strength that comes from working together toward a common goal.
  11. Cultural Understanding: As someone who has chosen to live among humans, Zao has developed a keen understanding of human culture, norms, and customs. This understanding helps him navigate social situations and build bridges between different communities.
  13. Leadership: Zao's natural leadership qualities make him an inspirational figure for those who share his passion for environmental conservation and protection. He can lead by example and inspire others to join him in his mission.
  Overall, Zao's social aptitudes enable him to be a compassionate, effective communicator, mediator, and advocate for the causes he holds dear, fostering positive relationships with various individuals and groups while working toward a better world.
Current Status
Student at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted
Bald (Black)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan (Sometimes Green/Blue)
203 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Zao is proficient in both Atlantean and English, allowing him to communicate effectively in both his native language and the common language spoken in the human world. This linguistic versatility enables him to engage with a wide range of individuals and communities as he works towards his goal of protecting the environment.


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