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Mask of Sovereignty

The Mask of Sovereignty is a legendary artifact steeped in the rich history of ancient Lemuria. Crafted in the dawn of antiquity, it served as a symbol of divine right, empowering rulers with unparalleled strength and wisdom. For centuries, it guided Lemuria to greatness, until the civilization's fall plunged it into obscurity. Lost to the annals of time, the mask became the subject of myth and legend, its power drawing the attention of seekers across the ages.   Recently rediscovered in the ruins of an ancient temple, the Mask of Sovereignty has resurfaced, sparking a race to claim its power. As factions vie for control, the fate of the world hangs in the balance, with the mask's true potential waiting to be unlocked by those brave enough to wield it. Now, as ancient rivalries reignite and new alliances form, the stage is set for a confrontation that will shape the course of history once more.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Mask of Sovereignty functions as a conduit for ancient mystical energies, channeling the latent power of the Atlantean crystals and Orichalcum Alloy from which it is crafted. These materials possess innate magical properties, imbued with the essence of the ancient civilizations that once flourished in Lemuria. The Atlantean crystals, known for their ability to amplify magical energies, serve as the primary source of the mask's power, while the Orichalcum Alloy provides stability and resilience.   At its core, the mask contains a complex network of enchantments and runes, meticulously inscribed by the most skilled sorcerers of ancient Lemuria. These enchantments are designed to enhance the wearer's physical and mental attributes, granting them superhuman strength, agility, and endurance, as well as heightened perception and intuition. The mask also fosters a psychic connection between the wearer and the people of Lemuria, instilling a sense of loyalty and obedience in those who serve under the Sovereign's command.   The true extent of the mask's capabilities remains shrouded in mystery, its full potential known only to those who have wielded its power. Some believe that it has the ability to manipulate the elements, control the minds of others, or even foresee future events. However, such claims are speculative, as the mask's true nature has been lost to the annals of time. What is certain is that the Mask of Sovereignty remains a symbol of authority and dominion, its power waiting to be unlocked by a worthy successor who dares to don its ancient visage.

Manufacturing process

  1. Crystalline Fusion: The Atlantean crystals are carefully cut and shaped, then fused together using Orichalcum Alloy to form the base structure of the mask. This process requires precise magical alignment to ensure the crystals channel energy effectively.
  3. Runic Inscription: Master scribes carve the Celestial Runes into the inner surface of the mask, a meticulous process that involves chanting ancient incantations to activate the runes’ powers.
  5. Gold Inlay: Star-Forged Gold is melted and poured into intricate patterns across the mask’s surface, enhancing its aesthetic appeal and magical strength.
  7. Enchantment Ritual: The Essence of Ylem is applied to the mask during a sacred ritual performed under a full moon, with high priests chanting spells to imbue the mask with its life-prolonging properties.
  9. Final Forging: The mask is placed in a magical forge, where it is bathed in Dragon’s Breath Incense. This final step solidifies the mask’s enchantments, ensuring it is ready for use by the Lemurian ruler.


The Founding of Ancient Lemuria

In the dawn of antiquity, when the world was young and magic flowed freely, the ancient civilization of Lemuria arose from the depths of the ocean. Led by wise rulers and blessed with advanced knowledge of the arcane arts, Lemuria flourished as a beacon of prosperity and enlightenment. It was during this golden age that the Mask of Sovereignty was forged, crafted by the most skilled artisans and imbued with the mystical energies of the Atlantean crystals. Worn by the first empress of Lemuria, the mask symbolized her divine right to rule and ushered in an era of peace and prosperity for her people.  

The Reign of the Mask

For centuries, the Mask of Sovereignty passed from one ruler to the next, each wearer harnessing its power to lead Lemuria to ever greater heights. From emperors to empresses, the mask bestowed upon its wearer unmatched strength and wisdom, ensuring their dominion over land and sea. Under the mask's influence, Lemuria became a mighty empire, its influence extending far beyond the boundaries of its island home. Yet, with great power came great temptation, and some who donned the mask succumbed to its allure, using its power to oppress their subjects and pursue personal ambitions.  

The Fall of Lemuria

As the centuries passed, the glory of Lemuria began to wane, beset by internal strife and external threats. The mask, once a symbol of unity and strength, became a source of division and discord, as rival factions vied for control of its power. In the midst of this turmoil, a cataclysmic event shook the foundations of Lemuria, plunging the once-great civilization into chaos. The mask was lost in the upheaval, its whereabouts unknown as Lemuria sank beneath the waves, consumed by the ocean's depths.  

The Search for the Mask

For millennia, the Mask of Sovereignty remained hidden, its existence relegated to legend and myth. Yet, whispers of its power persisted, drawing the attention of scholars, adventurers, and seekers of arcane knowledge. Across the ages, brave souls embarked on quests to uncover the mask's secrets, delving into ancient ruins and deciphering cryptic texts in search of clues to its whereabouts. Some claimed to have glimpsed its shimmering visage in the depths of forgotten tombs or amidst the ruins of sunken cities, but none could claim to possess its power.  

The Return of the Mask

In the modern era, as the world teetered on the brink of chaos, the Mask of Sovereignty resurfaced, its ancient power calling out to those who would dare to wield it. Discovered by a team of intrepid explorers in the ruins of an ancient Lemurian temple, the mask emerged from obscurity, ready to bestow its power upon a new generation. Yet, with its return came the resurgence of old rivalries and ancient enmities, as factions vied for control of its power. Now, as the fate of the world hangs in the balance, the race is on to claim the mask and unlock its true potential before it falls into the wrong hands once more.


The Mask of Sovereignty is an artifact shrouded in myth and history, a symbol of absolute power and unyielding rule. Forged in the ancient forges of Lemuria, its creation is a tale intertwined with the essence of the empire’s rise to prominence. This mask, crafted from rare and potent materials, became more than just an object; it became a legend.   In the dawn of Lemuria’s golden age, when the empire was still a burgeoning power in the Hyborian age, the mask was created as a symbol of unity and strength. It was said to be forged by the combined efforts of Lemuria's greatest minds—alchemists, enchanters, and craftsmen—each contributing their expertise to create an artifact of unparalleled power. The mask was not just a piece of armor; it was a conduit for the wearer’s will, amplifying their abilities and bestowing upon them a commanding presence that was impossible to resist.   The Mask of Sovereignty is intricately designed, with its surface a delicate lattice of Atlantean crystals and Orichalcum Alloy. The crystals shimmer with an inner light, reflecting the energy that courses through them. Celestial runes are engraved on the inside, each one a symbol of power, protection, and control. The mask covers the face completely, leaving the eyes as the only visible part of the wearer, glowing with an ethereal light when the mask is activated. Its design is elegant yet formidable, embodying the perfect balance of beauty and terror.   Throughout history, the mask has been worn by rulers who sought to establish their dominance over Lemuria. It granted them enhanced strength, speed, and durability, as well as the ability to command the loyalty of their subjects through sheer force of will. Those who wore the mask were known as the Sovereign, a title that struck fear and respect into the hearts of their people and enemies alike. The mask’s influence extended beyond physical prowess; it imbued the wearer with wisdom and insight, allowing them to make decisions that would lead Lemuria to greater heights.   The first Sovereign was Empress Lyra, who united the warring tribes of Lemuria under a single banner. With the mask, she was able to see through deception, predict the outcomes of battles, and inspire unwavering loyalty in her generals and soldiers. Her reign was marked by prosperity and expansion, and she became a legendary figure whose legacy endured long after her death. The mask passed down through generations, each wearer adding to its history and power.   Over time, the true nature of the mask became lost to legend. Stories of its creation and the feats of the Sovereigns faded into myth, and the mask itself disappeared from the annals of history. In modern times, it is considered a relic of a bygone era, a tale told to children and historians with a penchant for the fantastical. Yet, the mask endures, waiting to be discovered by those who seek its power once more.   The Mask of Sovereignty is more than a relic; it is a testament to the enduring spirit of Lemuria. It represents the pinnacle of their craftsmanship, the zenith of their magical prowess, and the indomitable will of their greatest rulers. To wear the mask is to embrace the legacy of Lemuria, to become a part of its unbroken chain of power and influence, and to carry forward the torch of sovereignty into the future.
Item type
Creation Date
~ 10,000 BCE
In the annals of Lemurian history, the Mask of Sovereignty is spoken of with a reverence reserved for only the most sacred of artifacts. Its legend has permeated the collective consciousness of Lemuria for millennia, shrouded in mystery and awe. The mask, it is said, was forged in the twilight of the ancient kingdom's golden age, imbued with the power to rule and protect an empire. To hold the Mask of Sovereignty was to wield unparalleled authority, guided by the wisdom of centuries past.   The mask is exceptionally rare, not just in its existence but in its continued presence through the ages. Crafted by the finest artisans of ancient Lemuria, it incorporates elements and materials that have long since become extinct or impossible to replicate. The mask’s intricate design, adorned with glowing crystals and enigmatic symbols, reflects the pinnacle of Lemurian craftsmanship—a mastery lost to the sands of time.   For centuries, the Mask of Sovereignty has been whispered about in hushed tones, its precise location and fate unknown to all but the most diligent of scholars. Many have sought it, driven by the promise of the power it confers, yet none have succeeded. The mask has eluded capture, its legend growing with each passing generation. To the modern Lemurian, the mask represents more than just a symbol of rulership; it is a mythical link to their glorious past, a relic that embodies the strength and wisdom of their ancestors.   In today’s world, the Mask of Sovereignty stands as a beacon of cultural and historical significance. To discover it would be to unearth a piece of Lemurian heritage thought lost forever. The mask's rarity is not only in its physical form but in its enduring legacy—a testament to the enduring spirit of Lemuria and the eternal quest for knowledge and power. It is a relic so rare that its very existence bridges the ancient past and the present, binding together the hopes and dreams of a civilization yearning to reclaim its former glory.
1.5 kilograms (3.3 pounds)
Height: 25 centimeters (approximately 10 inches) Width: 15 centimeters (approximately 6 inches) Depth: 7 centimeters (approximately 2.75 inches)
Base Price
50 million to 100 million Global Credits (GCs)
Raw materials & Components
The Mask of Sovereignty is an exquisite piece of craftsmanship, combining rare materials and mystical components that highlight the advanced techniques and deep knowledge of ancient Lemuria. The primary materials and components used in its creation are:  
Primary Materials
  1. Atlantean Crystal  
    • Source: Mined from the depths of the sunken continent of Atlantis, these crystals are known for their unmatched clarity and ability to channel magical energies.
    • Properties: Enhances the mask's ability to amplify the wielder's mental acuity and psychic abilities.
  3. Orichalcum Alloy:  
    • Source: A mystical metal found in both Atlantis and Lemuria, known for its durability and magical conductivity.
    • Properties: Provides the mask with unparalleled strength and resilience, making it virtually indestructible.
  5. Star-Forged Gold:  
    • Source: Mined from meteorites that fell to Earth during the early Hyborian Age.
    • Properties: Infused with cosmic energy, it lends the mask a subtle glow and imbues it with protective enchantments.
Magical Components
  1. Essence of Ylem:  
    • Source: A rare, etheric substance extracted from the heart of Lemuria’s sacred Ylem tree.
    • Properties: Grants the mask its life-prolonging properties and enhances the wearer’s vitality.
  3. Celestial Runes:  
    • Source: Ancient Lemurian texts and star maps.
    • Properties: Inscribed on the inner surface of the mask, these runes provide the wearer with prophetic visions and heightened senses.
  5. Dragon’s Breath Incense:  
    • Source: Harvested from the breath of Lemuria’s mythical dragons.
    • Properties: Used in the final forging process to imbue the mask with fire resistance and the ability to project a commanding presence.
The manufacturing of the Mask of Sovereignty requires an array of specialized tools and instruments, each meticulously crafted to handle the delicate and powerful materials involved. These tools are often imbued with minor enchantments to assist in the process, ensuring precision and efficacy.   Here are the key tools needed:  
Tools for Shaping and Fusing
  1. Crystalline Scalpel:  
    • Description: A finely-honed blade made from Adamantium, designed to cut and shape Atlantean crystals with utmost precision.
    • Function: Used for carving intricate shapes and facets into the crystals, ensuring they channel energy effectively.
  3. Orichalcum Forge:  
    • Description: A magical forge capable of reaching extreme temperatures necessary for melting and manipulating Orichalcum Alloy.
    • Function: Utilized to fuse the crystal components together, forming the mask's base structure.
  5. Runic Engraver:  
    • Description: A tool with a diamond-tipped point, enchanted to engrave runes into various materials without causing fractures.
    • Function: Used for inscribing the Celestial Runes onto the mask’s inner surface.
Tools for Inlay and Finishing
  1. Alchemical Crucible:  
    • Description: A heat-resistant container used for melting Star-Forged Gold.
    • Function: Essential for creating the molten gold needed for the intricate inlay work
  3. Enchantment Brush:  
    • Description: A brush made from phoenix feathers, designed to apply the Essence of Ylem.
    • Function: Used during the enchantment ritual to evenly coat the mask with the essence.
  5. Rune Activation Stylus:  
    • Description: A wand imbued with arcane energy, tipped with a shard of mystical quartz.
    • Function: Activates the runes engraved on the mask by tracing over them, infusing them with magical power.
Tools for Final Forging and Enchantment
  1. Dragon’s Breath Bellows:  
    • Description: A set of enchanted bellows that can channel the breath of mythical dragons.
    • Function: Utilized to direct the dragon's breath incense into the magical forge, infusing the mask with fire resistance and commanding presence.
  3. Moonlit Anvil:  
    • Description: An anvil forged from meteorite iron, enchanted to harness the power of moonlight.
    • Function: Used during the final forging process to solidify the mask’s enchantments under a full moon.
  5. Arcane Hammer:  
    • Description: A hammer made from Uru metal, capable of resonating with magical energies.
    • Function: Employed in the final shaping and bonding of the mask, ensuring all components are perfectly aligned and energized.
Tools for Quality Assurance
  1. Mystical Calibration Lens:  
    • Description: A magnifying lens enchanted to reveal the flow of magical energies.
    • Function: Used to inspect the mask’s energy pathways, ensuring all runes and enchantments are properly aligned and functioning.
  3. Protective Glyphs:  
    • Description: Enchanted glyphs inscribed on protective garments worn by the craftsmen.
    • Function: Provide protection from the potent magical energies and extreme conditions involved in the mask's creation.
  The combination of these specialized tools allows the craftsmen of ancient Lemuria to produce the Mask of Sovereignty with unmatched precision and magical potency, making it a legendary artifact whose creation is as remarkable as its power.


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