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Matt (a.k.a. Mazuko)

Mazoku, once known as Matt Murdock, was resurrected through dark rituals after his death at the hands of Devil She-Hulk. Reborn as a seven-year-old boy devoid of memories, he was thrust into the rigorous and brutal training regime of The Hand. Stripped of any semblance of a normal childhood, Mazoku was molded into a lethal assassin, mastering various weapons and combat techniques. His formative years were filled with relentless conditioning and exposure to violence, transforming him into a cold, calculating operative, fiercely loyal to the Hand. Despite his hardened exterior, his complex relationship with Elektra, who saw him as both a maternal figure and a remnant of her lost lover, occasionally stirred echoes of his buried humanity.   By the age of twenty-three, Mazoku had risen to become one of the Hand's top assassins, known for his proficiency with the kusarigama and his unparalleled combat skills. Tasked with capturing Brianna James, aka Emissary, for a ritual to grant the Beast eternal dominion on Earth, Mazoku's mission is a testament to his skill and dedication. However, this mission, coupled with the lingering influence of Elektra, threatens to awaken the suppressed memories and moral complexities of his former life as Matt Murdock. Mazoku's journey is one of profound transformation, shaped by a history of pain, loss, and an unwavering quest for survival and purpose.  



Resurrection and Rebirth (2028-2029)

In the wake of Matt Murdock's death at the hands of Devil She-Hulk during the Red Serpent Rising, Elektra turned to the Hand, seeking a way to resurrect her fallen lover. Through dark arts and ancient rituals, Matt was reincarnated into the body of a seven-year-old boy, devoid of any memories of his former life. This new being, named Mazoku, was immediately subjected to the Hand's intense training regime, marking the beginning of his transformation into a deadly assassin.  

The Loss of Innocence (2029-2031)

From the very start, Mazoku's childhood was stolen from him. The Hand's training was grueling and relentless, with no room for typical childhood experiences. He was thrust into a world of violence, discipline, and strict obedience. Witnessing and participating in brutal acts, including executions and torture, Mazoku's innocence was systematically stripped away, leaving behind a hardened and emotionally detached boy.  

Advanced Training and Mastery (2031-2036)

As Mazoku grew, so did the intensity of his training. By age ten, he was already proficient in hand-to-hand combat and weaponry. The Hand introduced him to advanced techniques in stealth, espionage, and the use of the kusarigama. His physical training was complemented by lessons in anatomy, strategy, and psychology, turning him into a versatile and lethal operative. Elektra's presence during this period added a complex emotional layer, as she struggled with her maternal feelings and residual romantic connection to Matt Murdock.  

First Missions and Field Experience (2036-2039)

At fourteen, Mazoku began participating in field operations, initially under the guidance of experienced assassins. These missions were his first taste of real-world application of his training. From infiltrations to high-stakes assassinations, Mazoku proved his worth. His first solo kill was a significant milestone, marking his full transition from trainee to active assassin. This period solidified his loyalty to the Hand and further suppressed any lingering echoes of his past life.  

Rising Through the Ranks (2039-2041)

Mazoku's efficiency and lethal prowess earned him a reputation within the Hand. By sixteen, he had become one of their top operatives, entrusted with high-profile targets and critical missions. His mastery of the kusarigama and other weapons, combined with his strategic acumen, made him an invaluable asset. Despite his success, Mazoku occasionally grappled with internal conflicts and fleeting moments of doubt, though these were quickly quashed by the Hand's relentless conditioning.  

The Top Assassin (2041-2043)

In these years, Mazoku's skills and reputation reached their zenith. He was deployed on numerous critical missions, each one more dangerous than the last. His efficiency in eliminating targets and dismantling rival factions solidified his status as one of the Hand's most formidable assassins. Despite his cold exterior, his relationship with Elektra remained a source of inner conflict, as she continued to see glimpses of the man Matt Murdock once was.  

The Mission Against Emissary (2043)

At the age of twenty-three, Mazoku was assigned a mission of paramount importance: to capture Brianna James, aka Emissary. The Hand needed her unique abilities to perform a ritual that would grant the Beast eternal dominion on Earth. This mission was not only a test of his physical and tactical skills but also a challenge to his loyalty and emotional detachment. As Mazoku prepared for this critical task, the remnants of his buried conscience and the influence of Elektra's complex feelings added layers of tension and potential conflict.  


  Mazoku, embodies a complex blend of cold precision and latent humanity, shaped by the relentless and unforgiving training of the Hand. His personality is a stark contrast to the warm, compassionate man he once was, now replaced by a cold and calculating assassin who serves the Hand with unwavering loyalty.   From a young age, Mazoku's life has been defined by discipline and rigorous training. This has instilled in him an unyielding sense of duty and a fierce commitment to his missions. He approaches every task with a meticulous attention to detail, executing his assignments with the efficiency and precision expected of the Hand's top assassin. His enhanced senses, honed to near-superhuman levels, make him exceptionally perceptive and reactive, allowing him to anticipate threats and opportunities with almost precognitive accuracy.   Despite his cold exterior, Mazoku is not devoid of emotions. He harbors a deep, if complex, attachment to Elektra, whom he sees as a mother figure. This relationship is a source of inner conflict for him; while he seeks her approval and guidance, he also senses her lingering sorrow and the burden of their shared history. His loyalty to Elektra is absolute, yet it is tinged with a subconscious yearning for the past life he cannot remember.   Mazoku's personality is also marked by an intense drive for perfection. The grueling training regimen of the Hand has instilled in him a relentless pursuit of excellence in all aspects of his life. He is highly self-disciplined, constantly pushing his physical and mental limits to remain at the peak of his abilities. This drive, while making him a formidable assassin, also serves as a coping mechanism for the pain and loss he has endured.   Underneath his hardened exterior, there are subtle echoes of the man Matt Murdock once was. These faint traces of compassion and justice occasionally surface, creating moments of introspection and internal conflict. Mazoku is driven by a subconscious need to reconcile these echoes with his current identity, a struggle that adds depth to his otherwise stoic demeanor.   In essence, Mazoku is a character forged by darkness and duty, yet not entirely devoid of the light that once defined him. He is a man of contrasts: a cold, efficient killer with the faint remnants of a once-noble hero buried deep within, constantly navigating the fine line between his past and present selves.  


  1. Elektra Natchios - Former lover of Matt Murdock and the driving force behind his resurrection. Acts as a maternal figure to Mazoku, though their relationship is complicated by her residual romantic feelings for Matt.
  3. Stick - Mentor to Matt Murdock in his original life, providing foundational training that carries over into Mazoku's abilities.
  5. Devil She-Hulk - The gamma-mutated She-Hulk who killed Matt Murdock during the Red Serpent Rising.
  7. Wilson Fisk (Kingpin) - A primary adversary of Matt Murdock during his time as Daredevil, whose influence continued to impact Mazoku's perception of power and corruption.
  9. Brianna James (Emissary) - Target of Mazoku's critical mission in 2043, representing a significant test of his abilities and loyalty.
  11. Foggy Nelson - Best friend and law partner of Matt Murdock, whose memory might occasionally disturb Mazoku's subconscious.
  13. Karen Page - Former love interest of Matt Murdock, another figure from his past that might trigger fleeting emotional conflicts.
  15. The Beast - The dark entity worshipped by the Hand, whose influence pervades Mazoku's existence and mission objectives.


  Mazoku is a highly disciplined and fiercely loyal assassin trained by the Hand. He is in peak physical condition with almost no body fat, possessing exceptional agility, strength, and endurance. Though he retains his extraordinary senses from his past life, he now has sight, further enhancing his combat capabilities and reaction times.  


  • Radar Sense: Enhanced perception allowing him to "see" his surroundings through sound, vibrations, and other sensory inputs.
  • Enhanced Hearing: Ability to hear sounds from great distances and detect even the faintest of noises.
  • Enhanced Smell: Acute sense of smell enabling him to detect and identify scents with high precision.
  • Enhanced Taste: Extremely sensitive taste buds, allowing him to detect the ingredients and composition of substances.
  • Enhanced Touch: Heightened tactile sense, enabling him to feel minute textures and vibrations.
  • Almost Precognitive Reflexes: Exceptionally fast reaction times, giving him near-precognitive abilities in combat situations.


  • Peak Physical Condition: Superior strength, agility, endurance, and reflexes honed through years of intense training.
  • Expert Martial Artist: Proficiency in various forms of martial arts, including ninjutsu and hand-to-hand combat.
  • Master Acrobat: Exceptional acrobatic skills, allowing for incredible agility and movement.
  • Kusarigama Proficiency: Expert use of the kusarigama, a traditional Japanese weapon, along with other bladed weapons.
  • Stealth and Infiltration: Advanced skills in stealth, espionage, and infiltration, making him a master of covert operations.
  • Enhanced Pain Tolerance: Ability to withstand significant pain and continue fighting, a result of his rigorous training and conditioning.


  Mazoku, as a top assassin for the Hand, utilizes a wide array of specialized gear and weapons that enhance his combat effectiveness and versatility.   Here is a detailed and inclusive list of all his paraphernalia:  
Clothing and Armor
  • Black Gi with Red and Gold Accents: A traditional martial arts uniform that offers both flexibility and durability, adorned with red and gold highlights to signify his rank and allegiance.
  • Hood: A black hood that helps to conceal his identity and add to his menacing appearance.
  • Black Cloth Mask: Covers his mouth, aiding in anonymity and intimidation.
  • Red Cloth Mask: Covers his eyes, nose, and forehead, leaving only his glowing red eyes visible.
  • Lightly Armored Shinguards: Black, red, and gold protective gear for his lower legs, providing defense without compromising mobility.
  • Gauntlets: Lightly armored black, red, and gold gauntlets with a slight spiked finish for hand and forearm protection.
  • Pauldrons: Shoulder armor in black, red, and gold, adding both protection and a fearsome appearance.
  • Traditional Japanese Tabi Shoes: Footwear designed for silent movement, essential for stealth operations.
  • Red Scarf: A fluttering scarf, about three to four feet in length, adding a dynamic element to his appearance and possibly serving as a distraction in combat.
  • Kusarigama: His weapon of choice, a sickle with a chain and weight. This weapon provides both offensive and defensive capabilities, and Mazoku wields it with deadly proficiency.
  • Shurikens: Throwing stars for ranged attacks, allowing for silent and precise strikes from a distance.
  • Katana: A traditional long Japanese sword, effective in both slashing and thrusting maneuvers.
  • Wakizashi: A shorter companion sword to the katana, ideal for close-quarters combat and quick, lethal strikes.
  • Tanto: A small, sharp dagger, useful for stealthy assassinations and close-range encounters.
  • Kabutowari: A specialized blade designed to pierce armor, useful against heavily armored opponents.
Additional Equipment
  • Utility Belt: Equipped with various pouches and compartments for carrying small tools, gadgets, and additional shurikens.
  • Smoke Bombs: Used for creating diversions or escape routes, enveloping areas in thick smoke.
  • Grappling Hook: A compact device for scaling buildings and navigating difficult terrain quickly and silently.
  • Poison Vials: Small containers of poison, which can be applied to weapons for enhanced lethality.
  • Lockpicks: Tools for bypassing locks and security systems during infiltration missions.
  • First Aid Kit: Basic medical supplies for treating wounds in the field, ensuring he can continue his mission despite injuries.
  • Communication Device: A compact, secure device for maintaining contact with other members of the Hand or receiving mission updates.


Personality Characteristics


Mazoku's motivations are deeply rooted in his upbringing and the complex web of influences and emotions that have shaped him since his reincarnation.   From the moment he was brought back to life as a seven-year-old boy, Mazoku's world has been one of relentless training, discipline, and dark purpose. The Hand, recognizing the potential in him, molded him into a weapon, instilling in him a sense of duty and loyalty that overrides almost all other considerations. This fierce loyalty to the Hand is a cornerstone of his motivation. They are his family, his mentors, and the source of his strength. Every mission he undertakes, every life he takes, is done to further their goals and solidify his place within their ranks.   Elektra, who he views as a mother figure, adds another layer to his motivations. Her complex feelings towards him and her past with the original Matt Murdock create an emotional undercurrent in Mazoku's life. He seeks her approval and guidance, driven by a desire to honor her as his protector and mentor. Yet, there is also a subconscious struggle within him, as faint echoes of his past life sometimes surface, creating a sense of unease and confusion. These moments, while rare, hint at a deeper, unresolved part of his psyche that yearns for understanding and truth.   Furthermore, Mazoku is motivated by the pursuit of perfection. The rigorous training and conditioning he underwent with the Hand have ingrained in him a relentless drive to excel and push his limits. His exceptional physical condition and combat skills are not just a testament to his training but also a manifestation of his desire to be the best, to be invincible. This pursuit of perfection is both a source of pride and a coping mechanism for the unimaginable pain and hardships he has endured.   Ultimately, Mazoku's motivations are a blend of loyalty, a quest for identity, and an unyielding drive for perfection. He is a man shaped by darkness and duty, yet within him lies a flicker of something more—an unresolved past that quietly influences his every action, waiting for the day when he might finally confront it.
Current Status
Assassin for the Hand
Circumstances of Birth
Reincarnated as a seven-year-old boy
Brown, Slight Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
185 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • English: His native language from his former life as Matt Murdock.
  • Japanese: The primary language of the Hand, essential for communication and understanding the intricacies of his training.
  • Mandarin Chinese: Useful for missions in China and for understanding another major Asian language.
  • Russian: Important for covert operations and missions in Eastern Europe and Russia.
  • Spanish: Useful for missions in Latin America and understanding a widely spoken global language.
  • French: Beneficial for missions in Europe and parts of Africa.
  • Arabic: Important for operations in the Middle East and North Africa.
  • Italian: Useful for missions in Italy and understanding another Romance language.
  • Portuguese: Important for missions in Brazil and Portugal.
  • Korean: Useful for missions in the Korean Peninsula and understanding another major East Asian language.


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