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Mélina Marie (Me-lee-nah Ma-ree)

Mélina Marie

Mélina Marie was born and raised in Le Morne-Rouge, Martinique; a commune and town located on the then French-controlled portions of the island of Martinique. They had an uneasy upbringing mixed with civil unrest and political turmoil. As their innate mutant powers began to develop, they noticed an affinity for and slight manipulation of heat; specifically the stabilization of temperatures to an exact degree.

After Q International purchased the land deeds to the island of Martinique, their family moved to Manhattan Island and enrolled them in the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. Their family struggled to maintain a living in the inflated markets of New York; as such, young Mélina learned to help provide for their family in whatever means they could. With the tutelage of the academy, they learned their knack for and desire to excel in the field of culinary, often specializing in French-Caribbean dishes that reminded them of home.


Mélina was born to a loving mother and father who adored them and slightly overprotected them; a necessity it seemed as their country faced abundant political turmoil. They enjoyed a fantastical tropical rainforest for a "backyard" and relished in most every opportunity to explore it. Their parents however would have rather had them remain indoors and under their careful supervision.

When Q International (the French-owned corporation of Docteur Q) purchased the island of Martinique in 2032, Mélina's family decided best to leave the country and moved to the then Stark Tech Enterprise controlled subdivisions and housing complexes of Manhattan Island.

Mélina's powers manifested around the time of puberty, if not slightly before, and their parents were shocked. They hadn't fully comprehended what transpired at first and tried to dismiss it as paranormal or occult. It was not until Mélina's parents discovered the success the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted had recently had that they accepted the fact their child was different.

Mélina was enrolled at the academy by the age of 12 as they began to harness and control the gifts that had been granted to them. They initially used their powers to self-regulate their body temperature, or to comfort others in need; but, they discovered they could sustain, reheat, and alter the state of three forms of matter (gas, liquid, and solid). A cup of coffee would never go cold, or cold ice would never melt. A novel party trick until they began their career in the culinary.

Their father struggled to maintain gainful employment in New York as Mélina continued their educational pursuits at the academy. Mélina saw an opportunity for student involvement with the expanding Gourmet Cafeteria, helmed by Anna Ameyama. Within two short semesters, they had proven themselves a valuable asset to the operations of the Gourmet Cafeteria; Anna has even taken to personally tutoring them as her own protégé.


Mélina possess an adventurous, wonderous spirit that's full of optimism and hope. They have seen enough horrors and tragedies in their early childhood to expect the worst from people, but chooses not to and hopes for the best in everyone. They are a truly inspirational individual who will bend over backwards to help out their friends.


Mélina has been in a relationship with Carlitos Edgardo.



They have only begun to truly comprehend the extent of their powers. They would be considered skilled at their control and manipulation over temperatures.

Thermokinesis: Mélina has the ability to mentally control the ambient heat energy within their immediate environment. They can reduce objects' temperatures (if they are in a normal range for existing on Earth's surface) to about 30 F, raise them to several hundred degrees, or extinguish/ignite open flames. Their radius of influence is about 30 feet, but they have been known to extended this radius much further in stressful situations. The heat energy they manipulate in the environment is dispelled elsewhere beyond the 30 foot radius. There are unknown limits to the extent in which they can fluctuate the temperate or distance, but the duration seems indefinite.

  • Thermosensation: They posses the ability to sense the exact temperature within the air to the fifth decimal. They may extend this sense up to 30 feet in any direction, but has been known to "sense" extreme changes in temperature; such is the case when the Gourmet Cafeteria first ignited into flames after Mélina had joined the academy. They sensed the explosion seconds before it was triggered and managed to save their classmates from harm, injury, or worse.


Expert Culinary Skills: They have the potential to be among the world's top chefs. If it were not for their commitment and dedication to the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted (and their mother's failing health), they could become widely successful elsewhere in the restaurant business.

Multilingual: They are capable of fluently speaking English, French and Spanish, while moderately speaking Dutch, Haitian Creole, and Papiamentu. They can read and write Dutch, English, French, and Spanish.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She suffers from pulmonary hypertension.

Mental characteristics


She is pansexual, but prefers girls.

Current Status
Sous-chef to the Gourmet Cafeteria in the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted
Date of Birth
September 23rd
Le Morne-Rouge, Martinique
Light Brown
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
129 lbs.
Known Languages

Dutch, English, French, Haitian Creole, Papiamentu, and Spanish.


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