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New Texas


  New Texas is a vibrant and resilient settlement that emerged after The Adversarial Seed event and the dissolution of world governments. Founded in 2024, it quickly became a beacon of hope and self-sufficiency. With its abundant natural resources, including forests, agricultural land, minerals, and water sources, New Texas thrived economically and developed a strong sense of community. The settlement embraced principles of independence and self-governance, establishing a democratic system that ensured the voices of its inhabitants were heard. Trade and commerce flourished, with the Deadly Trading Hall becoming a renowned hub of commercial activity. Over time, New Texas evolved into a diverse and culturally rich society, fostering innovation, arts, and education. Despite facing challenges, the settlers of New Texas demonstrated unwavering resilience and a commitment to shaping their own destiny. Today, New Texas continues to stand as a testament to human resilience and the power of community in the face of adversity.


The state has a very low density, in fact as low as only 15 persons per square kilometer. New Texas' population is mainly made up of Criollos along with Mestizos. Fewer than 7,500 natives reside in Coahuila, or merely 0.3% of the total population. The rest of the population is composed of Americans, Canadian, and Japanese communities. According to the 2020 Census, 1.46% of Coahuila's population identified as Black, Afro-Mexican, or of African descent. The rest of the demographic particulars in the state are very similar to national averages, such as a high life expectancy (reaching 75 years of age) and a Catholic majority.
Religion Percentage
Roman Catholicism 80.4%
Other Christian 12.0%
No Religion 5.5%
Unspecified 2.1%


New Texas operates under the governance of Blackwell Industries, the corporation that acquired the state after the dissolution of governments post-Red Serpent Rising. The management of New Texas by Blackwell Industries brings about a distinct way of running the settlement, with the corporation assuming authority over various aspects of governance, law enforcement, taxation, and public services.   First and foremost, Blackwell Industries establishes a governing body within New Texas to oversee its operations and maintain order. This governing body consists of executives and officials appointed by the corporation, who hold decision-making power and authority over the state's affairs. They work closely with Blackwell Industries' management team and follow the corporation's overall vision and objectives.   The laws and regulations in New Texas are predominantly formulated by Blackwell Industries, with input from legal experts and advisors. The corporation seeks to create a legal framework that aligns with its interests and goals while maintaining a stable and orderly society. These laws cover various aspects of life, including civil matters, commerce, property rights, and public safety.   Taxation in New Texas is designed to fund the necessary infrastructure, public services, and development projects required to sustain the settlement. Blackwell Industries imposes and oversees the taxation system, ensuring that revenue is collected efficiently and allocated appropriately. The corporation may introduce innovative tax structures, incentives for investment, and economic policies to foster growth and attract businesses to the state.   The organization responsible for keeping New Texas functioning effectively encompasses multiple departments and agencies under the control of Blackwell Industries. These entities manage essential services such as law enforcement, healthcare, education, transportation, and utilities. They work in tandem to ensure the smooth functioning of the settlement and the well-being of its residents.   Law enforcement in New Texas is carried out by a dedicated security force or police department established by Blackwell Industries. Their primary role is to maintain public order, enforce laws, and ensure the safety of residents. The security force operates under the jurisdiction and oversight of the governing body, implementing the laws set forth by Blackwell Industries.   Additionally, Blackwell Industries may establish partnerships with private organizations or contractors to provide specific services and infrastructure development within New Texas. These partnerships aim to leverage expertise, resources, and innovation to enhance the overall functioning and development of the settlement.   Overall, the management and organization of New Texas under Blackwell Industries prioritize efficiency, order, and the realization of the corporation's objectives. However, this arrangement also raises questions about the balance of power, representation, and democratic values within the settlement, as decision-making authority lies primarily in the hands of the corporation rather than elected officials or a representative government.


The inhabitants and wealth within New Texas are safeguarded by a formidable defense system. This system combines physical structures and measures with the additional defense strategies employed by Blackwell Industries, the governing body of New Texas.   As one approaches the settlement, they are met with the sight of sturdy palisades and fortified walls encircling its perimeter. Constructed using resilient materials such as stone or reinforced concrete, these barriers serve as an imposing physical deterrent, preventing unauthorized entry and deterring potential intruders.   Strategic water-filled moats complement the walls, forming an additional layer of defense. These trenches act as formidable obstacles, making it arduous for any would-be attackers to breach the settlement's boundaries or approach its walls. The depth and width of the moats create a formidable defensive barrier, enhancing the settlement's security.   Scattered along the walls, strategically positioned towers rise into the sky. These elevated structures serve multiple purposes, from providing vantage points for surveillance to acting as lookout posts and defensive positions. Within these towers, guards armed with ranged weapons stand vigilant, ensuring potential threats are swiftly identified and repelled.   Entrance points to New Texas are fortified with raised bridges, allowing controlled access to authorized individuals and vehicles. These bridges can be lowered or raised as needed, providing an additional layer of defense by restricting access to potential threats.   Supplementing these physical defenses, Blackwell Industries employs additional measures to protect New Texas and its inhabitants. A dedicated security force, trained in combat and security protocols, diligently maintains law and order within the settlement. Their presence ensures the safety of the residents while swiftly responding to any potential threats that may arise.   Advanced surveillance systems form an integral part of the settlement's defense strategy. Security cameras, motion sensors, and other cutting-edge technologies monitor the perimeters and critical areas of New Texas. Constantly manned by surveillance operators and security personnel, these systems enable the early detection and deterrence of any suspicious activities.   To ensure a rapid and coordinated response in case of emergencies or security breaches, Blackwell Industries has implemented alarm systems throughout New Texas. Integrated into the settlement's infrastructure, including residential and commercial buildings, these systems promptly alert residents and security forces, facilitating swift action and potential evacuation.   Finally, highly trained rapid response teams stand ready to protect New Texas. Equipped with advanced weaponry and protective gear, these teams possess the skills and resources to react swiftly to any security threats that may jeopardize the settlement's well-being.   By combining the physical defenses of palisades, walls, moats, towers, and raised bridges with the additional defense measures employed by Blackwell Industries, New Texas remains a bastion of safety and security. These comprehensive defense strategies not only safeguard the inhabitants and their valuable assets but also instill a sense of security and stability within the settlement, fostering an environment conducive to growth and prosperity.

Industry & Trade

The inhabitants of New Texas engage in a variety of occupations, contributing to the settlement's thriving economy and overall prosperity. Here are some of the primary industries and occupations that sustain the livelihoods of the residents:  
  • Agriculture and Livestock: Agriculture forms a significant part of New Texas' economy. The fertile land and favorable climate support the cultivation of crops such as grains, fruits, and vegetables. Additionally, livestock farming, including cattle, sheep, and poultry, plays a vital role in providing meat, dairy products, and other related goods.
  • Mining and Resource Extraction: The settlement's rich natural resources contribute to a robust mining industry. Extraction and processing of minerals such as ores, precious metals, and other valuable resources create employment opportunities and generate significant revenue for New Texas.
  • Manufacturing and Industry: New Texas boasts a diverse manufacturing sector, with various industries producing goods ranging from textiles and garments to machinery, electronics, and automotive components. The settlement's skilled workforce and access to resources enable the manufacturing sector to thrive, attracting businesses and fostering economic growth.
  • Energy Production: New Texas is home to renewable energy projects, such as solar farms and wind farms. The settlement's commitment to sustainable energy sources helps meet its own energy demands while potentially exporting surplus energy to neighboring regions.
  • Trade and Commerce: New Texas serves as a trading hub, facilitating the exchange of goods and services both within the settlement and with other regions. The presence of commercial establishments, markets, and retail stores supports a vibrant local economy and encourages entrepreneurship.
  Imports and exports play a vital role in New Texas' economic landscape, facilitating trade and contributing to the settlement's prosperity. While the specific imports and exports may vary based on the settlement's resources and market demands, here are some significant examples:  


  • Advanced technology and machinery to support industrial development.
  • Raw materials and resources for manufacturing and construction.
  • Consumer goods, including electronics, household products, and clothing.
  • Specialized agricultural products not produced locally.
  • Energy resources and fuels to supplement the settlement's energy needs.


  • Agricultural products, including crops, livestock, and dairy goods.
  • Minerals, ores, and precious metals obtained from mining operations.
  • Manufactured goods, such as machinery, automotive parts, and textiles.
  • Renewable energy surplus generated by solar and wind farms.
  • Specialized products crafted by local artisans and craftsmen.
  The manufacturing sector plays a crucial role in New Texas' economic landscape, contributing to both local consumption and exports. The production of machinery, automotive components, textiles, and electronics are among the key manufacturing activities in the settlement. Additionally, New Texas may have a thriving garment industry, with the production of clothing and apparel catering to local and regional markets.   Overall, the diverse range of industries and occupations in New Texas, combined with its active participation in trade and commerce, contribute to the settlement's economic growth and prosperity. The inhabitants' engagement in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, energy production, and various other sectors ensures a vibrant and sustainable economy for the settlement.


In New Texas, the entrepreneurial spirits of its residents have flourished, driven by the abundant opportunities and resources that the state has to offer. With a vision for growth and development, they have embarked on numerous ambitious projects, leaving a lasting impact on the infrastructure and industries of the region.   Harnessing the power of nature, entrepreneurs have established watermills along the meandering rivers and windmills in the vast open areas. These ingenious structures have become the heartbeat of New Texas, generating energy from the flow of water and the gusts of wind. They power the grinding of grains, the production of flour, and other essential machinery that fuels the settlement's progress.   Recognizing the importance of sanitation and the need for proper waste management, entrepreneurs have invested in modern sewer systems. Throughout New Texas, a network of underground tunnels efficiently collects and transports wastewater away from the populated areas, ensuring a clean and healthy environment for its residents.   New Texas boasts well-designed and aesthetically pleasing courtyards, a testament to the entrepreneurial vision and the desire for communal spaces. Entrepreneurs and urban planners have transformed open areas into inviting landscapes, adorned with lush gardens, sparkling fountains, and comfortable seating areas. These courtyards have become oases of relaxation, fostering social connections, and hosting vibrant community events.   Taking advantage of the state's natural resources and industrial potential, entrepreneurs have established blast furnaces. These mighty structures serve as the beating heart of New Texas' manufacturing industries, where metals are smelted and alloys are produced. The presence of blast furnaces has attracted businesses, creating employment opportunities and furthering the economic growth of the settlement.   To enhance connectivity and facilitate transportation and trade, the entrepreneurial spirits have contributed to the construction of an extensive network of roads and bridges. These well-maintained thoroughfares crisscross the region, connecting different parts of New Texas and providing vital arteries for the movement of goods and people. Majestic bridges span across rivers and waterways, enhancing connectivity and accessibility within the state.   With its proximity to water bodies, New Texas has witnessed the emergence of shipyards. Entrepreneurs have seized the opportunity to establish facilities dedicated to the construction and repair of various types of vessels. These bustling shipyards have become hubs of maritime activities, promoting trade and transportation, and contributing to the economic vibrancy of the settlement.   Entrepreneurs have also created dedicated spaces for industrial activities within New Texas by developing industrial parks. These well-planned zones provide a conducive environment for manufacturing, processing, and other industrial operations. The presence of these parks has attracted businesses, generating job opportunities and contributing to the overall economic prosperity of the state.   Recognizing the significance of agriculture, entrepreneurs have invested in the development of agricultural infrastructure. Advanced irrigation systems ensure efficient water distribution, while greenhouses extend the growing season and protect crops. Storage facilities have been constructed to preserve harvested produce and support the cultivation of crops and livestock, enhancing agricultural productivity and food security in New Texas.   The entrepreneurial spirits have played a vital role in establishing reliable communication networks across New Texas. With a focus on efficient connectivity, they have deployed advanced telecommunications infrastructure throughout the settlement. This has enabled seamless communication and connectivity for businesses and residents, facilitating the exchange of ideas, commerce, and social connections.   In line with the global shift toward sustainable energy, New Texas entrepreneurs have embraced the development of renewable energy sources. They have built solar farms, harnessing the power of the sun's rays, and wind farms, capturing the energy of the region's breezes. These clean energy projects have not only reduced the reliance on traditional energy sources but have also paved the way for a greener and more sustainable future for New Texas.   The collective efforts of these entrepreneurial endeavors have transformed New Texas into a thriving settlement, enhancing its infrastructure, and contributing to its economic growth. The construction of vital structures, the attraction of businesses, the creation of job opportunities, and the improvement in the quality of life for its residents are testaments to the indomitable spirit and determination of the entrepreneurial community of New Texas.


In the settlement of New Texas, the division of power can be understood through both formal and informal channels.  

Formal Sub-Division of Power

  • Blackwell Industries: As the governing body and the entity that purchased New Texas, Blackwell Industries holds significant formal power in the settlement. They exercise authority over key decisions related to governance, legislation, and the overall direction of New Texas.
  • Local Government: Under the umbrella of Blackwell Industries, there may be a local government structure established to manage day-to-day operations and address the specific needs of the settlement. This local government could consist of appointed or elected officials who oversee different aspects of governance, such as infrastructure development, public services, and law enforcement.
  • Administrative Departments: Within the local government, there would likely be various administrative departments responsible for specific areas, such as finance, public works, planning and zoning, and social services. These departments work together to ensure the smooth functioning of the settlement and the implementation of policies and regulations.

Informal Sub-Division of Power

  • Entrepreneurial Community: The entrepreneurial community, with their various businesses and ventures, holds significant informal power in shaping the economic landscape of New Texas. Their influence is derived from their ownership and control over industries, as well as their ability to generate employment opportunities and contribute to the overall prosperity of the settlement.
  • Community Leaders: Within New Texas, influential community leaders may emerge who hold sway over public opinion and have the ability to mobilize resources and support for specific causes. These leaders may come from diverse backgrounds, including business owners, social activists, or respected members of the community, and their informal power stems from their ability to rally people around common goals and advocate for their interests.
  • Local Associations and Organizations: Various local associations, interest groups, and community organizations can play a significant role in New Texas. These groups may represent specific sectors, professions, or community interests and serve as platforms for collective action, fostering collaboration, and influencing decision-making processes in informal ways.
  It is important to note that the precise dynamics of power and their formal or informal nature may vary within New Texas, as the settlement's specific circumstances and the governance model implemented by Blackwell Industries can influence how power is distributed and exercised.


In the flourishing settlement of New Texas, the entrepreneurial spirit and thriving economy have led to the accumulation of valuable assets and resources, fueling its prosperity. The industrious nature of the residents has resulted in the acquisition of various assets that contribute to the development and success of the settlement.   Among the notable assets are the diverse array of industrial machinery scattered throughout New Texas. These machines include advanced manufacturing equipment, processing plants, and specialized machinery used in industries like mining, agriculture, and manufacturing. The presence of these assets facilitates efficient production processes, enhances productivity, and drives economic growth within the settlement.   New Texas is also blessed with abundant natural resources, which serve as valuable assets. The region boasts mineral deposits, such as ores and metals, which can be extracted and processed for various purposes, supporting industries that rely on these resources. Additionally, the fertile agricultural land, coupled with ample water resources and irrigation systems, nurtures agricultural assets such as farmland, livestock, and greenhouses. These assets sustain agricultural production, ensuring a steady supply of crops and livestock for the settlement's needs.   The settlement's infrastructure is another asset that contributes to its success. New Texas takes pride in its well-developed infrastructure network, consisting of well-maintained roads, sturdy bridges, efficient transportation systems, and reliable utility services. These assets facilitate the smooth movement of goods and people, ensuring connectivity within the settlement and supporting trade and commerce.   The vibrant commercial sector of New Texas is bolstered by a variety of stores, businesses, and commercial establishments. Retail stores, bustling markets, inviting restaurants, cozy cafes, and vibrant entertainment venues populate the settlement. These commercial assets not only contribute to the local economy but also provide employment opportunities for the residents and cater to their needs and desires.   Entrepreneurs and innovators in New Texas have also established a strong intellectual property presence. Patents, trademarks, and copyrights protect the unique ideas, inventions, and creative works that have emerged from within the settlement. These intellectual property assets foster innovation, encourage creativity, and can be valuable for economic growth and development.   To support the financial stability and growth of New Texas, the settlement houses its own banking institutions, investment firms, and other financial assets. These establishments provide crucial banking services, offer capital for businesses to thrive, and present investment opportunities that attract both local and external investors.   Lastly, the settlement's real estate assets contribute to its overall development and growth. Residential properties provide housing for the population, while commercial buildings and industrial spaces accommodate businesses and support various industrial activities. These real estate assets form the physical foundation of the settlement, fostering a vibrant and sustainable environment for residents and businesses alike.   As New Texas continues to thrive, the specific assets within the settlement may evolve and expand further, guided by the ingenuity, resourcefulness, and entrepreneurial spirit of its residents.

Guilds and Factions

In the year 2042, the dynamic settlement of New Texas has evolved, giving rise to new factions, guilds, and organizations that contribute to the social fabric and functioning of the community. These groups bring together like-minded individuals with shared goals, interests, or professions, fostering collaboration, camaraderie, and mutual support. Here are some potential guilds, factions, and organizations that exist in New Texas:  
  1. The Technomancers' Guild: The Technomancers' Guild comprises skilled technologists, hackers, and innovators who specialize in advanced technologies. They play a vital role in developing and maintaining the settlement's technological infrastructure, such as communication networks, energy systems, and data security. Guild members collaborate on cutting-edge projects, exchange knowledge, and ensure that New Texas remains at the forefront of technological advancements.
  3. The Pioneers' Coalition: The Pioneers' Coalition is a faction of daring individuals who venture into unexplored territories surrounding New Texas. These pioneers seek new resources, establish trade routes, and establish outposts in remote locations. They navigate the wilderness, overcome environmental challenges, and create opportunities for growth and expansion for the settlement. The coalition provides a platform for pioneers to share their experiences, pool resources, and support each other in their endeavors.
  5. The Eco-Harmony Alliance: The Eco-Harmony Alliance is an environmental organization dedicated to promoting sustainable practices and preserving the ecological balance within and beyond New Texas. Comprising ecologists, scientists, and eco-activists, the alliance works to protect natural habitats, conserve biodiversity, and mitigate the settlement's environmental impact. They educate the community, advocate for eco-friendly policies, and collaborate with other settlements to create a harmonious relationship with the natural world.
  7. The Cybernetic Consortium: The Cybernetic Consortium is a guild of experts in cybernetics, bioengineering, and human augmentation. They develop cutting-edge prosthetics, implants, and enhance human capabilities through technology. The consortium members collaborate on research, provide medical support, and ensure the well-being of individuals who have undergone cybernetic enhancements. They strive to strike a balance between technological progress and ethical considerations.
  9. The Traders' Syndicate: The Traders' Syndicate is a powerful trade organization comprising influential merchants, brokers, and financiers. They are responsible for facilitating the import and export of goods in New Texas, negotiating favorable trade agreements, and ensuring economic growth and prosperity. The syndicate establishes trade networks, provides financial services, and supports the development of emerging industries within the settlement.
  11. The Arcane Order: The Arcane Order is a secretive organization of magic users and mystics who study and harness arcane energies. They practice various forms of magic, ranging from elemental manipulation to divination. The order maintains libraries, conducts research, and trains apprentices in the mystical arts. They play a pivotal role in protecting New Texas from supernatural threats and promoting the responsible use of magic.
  These guilds, factions, and organizations contribute to the diversity, vibrancy, and functionality of New Texas. They provide platforms for collaboration, skill-sharing, and community engagement, ensuring that the inhabitants of New Texas can thrive in their respective fields and contribute to the overall development and well-being of the settlement in the technologically advanced world of 2042.


In the aftermath of The Adversarial Seed event, the world's governments faced dissolution and chaos gripped the planet, New Texas emerged as a beacon of hope and resilience. Founded in 2024, this fledgling state embarked on a remarkable journey, shaping its own destiny and carving a unique place in history.   The founders of New Texas were the corporation known as Blackwell Industries who sought to establish a self-sustaining community in the wake of global upheaval. Drawing inspiration from the principles of independence, self-governance, and rugged individualism, they forged ahead with a determination to build a prosperous society from the ashes of the old world.   New Texas quickly became a model of self-sufficiency and resourcefulness. The settlement harnessed its abundant natural resources, such as timber from the forests, fertile lands for agriculture, and valuable minerals from the underground caverns. These resources formed the backbone of the settlement's economy, providing the necessary means for growth and development.   As the years passed, New Texas solidified its identity as a self-governing entity. The inhabitants embraced a system of governance that emphasized individual liberties, community cooperation, and the pursuit of prosperity. They established a representative council, consisting of elected officials who made decisions based on the consensus of the population. This democratic system ensured that the voices of the people were heard, and policies were enacted in the best interest of the community.   Trade and commerce flourished within and beyond the borders of New Texas. The settlement's strategic location, abundant resources, and enterprising inhabitants made it a sought-after destination for merchants, adventurers, and prospectors from near and far. The Deadly Trading Hall, known for its fierce competition and skilled negotiators, became a renowned hub of commerce, further bolstering the settlement's economic growth.   Over time, New Texas evolved into a cultural melting pot, attracting individuals from diverse backgrounds who sought a fresh start in this new world. The settlement became a vibrant tapestry of traditions, arts, and ideas, blending together to create a unique and inclusive society. The Scholars' Society emerged as an intellectual hub, fostering a culture of learning, research, and innovation. The settlement's artistic scene thrived, with theaters, galleries, and music venues showcasing local talent and attracting visitors from neighboring regions.   New Texas, with its resolute spirit and thriving community, weathered numerous challenges that came its way. Natural disasters, conflicts with neighboring settlements, and internal struggles tested the settlement's mettle. However, time and again, the inhabitants rallied together, drawing strength from their shared heritage and a steadfast determination to overcome adversity.   As decades passed, New Texas grew into a prosperous and influential state, known for its resilience, ingenuity, and commitment to individual freedoms. It forged alliances with neighboring settlements, establishing a network of cooperation and mutual support. New Texas became a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of human resilience in the face of adversity.   The history of New Texas is a testament to the indomitable spirit of its inhabitants. From its humble beginnings following The Adversarial Seed event to its emergence as a thriving state, the state embodies the triumph of community, resourcefulness, and the unwavering pursuit of a brighter future. As the years unfold, the legacy of New Texas continues to shape the destiny of Earth-618, inspiring generations to embrace the power of unity, self-governance, and the boundless potential of the human spirit.

Points of interest

The main interests of New Texas, the bustling state, revolve around its unique geography, impressive buildings, and a deadly trading hall, all of which contribute to the city's fortune and prosperity.  

Geographical Quirk

The geographical quirk of New Texas lies in the presence of a vast underground cavern system, which has become a significant factor in the settlement's fortune and development. These caverns hold abundant reserves of valuable minerals and rare resources, making them a magnet for miners, prospectors, and resource extraction industries.   The caverns of New Texas are a treasure trove of various minerals, including precious gems, ores, and valuable metals. Miners and prospectors venture into the depths of the underground labyrinth, navigating through narrow tunnels and treacherous passages in search of these highly sought-after resources. The promise of striking it rich and uncovering rare finds has attracted individuals from all walks of life, forming a thriving mining community within the settlement.   Mining operations in New Texas are diverse and multifaceted. Skilled miners employ advanced drilling and excavation techniques to extract the minerals from the underground deposits. They utilize specialized equipment and machinery to ensure efficient and safe extraction processes. The settlement has developed sophisticated mining infrastructure, including ventilation systems, support structures, and transportation networks within the caverns to facilitate the extraction and transportation of the valuable resources.   Adventurers also play a crucial role in the exploration and exploitation of the underground caverns. These daring individuals delve deep into the perilous depths, navigating through uncharted territories, overcoming natural obstacles, and battling against the hazards lurking in the darkness. Equipped with advanced gear and accompanied by experienced guides, they brave the treacherous conditions in their relentless pursuit of rare gems and ores.   The mining industry in New Texas has fostered the growth of related businesses and support services. Traders, jewelers, and craftsmen have established themselves within the settlement, offering their expertise in evaluating, processing, and transforming the extracted resources into valuable commodities. The settlement's economy has greatly benefited from the mining operations, attracting investors, entrepreneurs, and skilled labor to participate in this thriving industry.   However, the caverns also pose significant risks and challenges. The underground environment is unpredictable, with the potential for cave-ins, gas pockets, and encounters with dangerous creatures. Miners and adventurers must exercise caution and rely on their experience, knowledge, and advanced safety protocols to mitigate these risks. Safety measures, such as monitoring systems, emergency protocols, and rescue teams, are in place to ensure the well-being of those working within the caverns.   The presence of the vast underground cavern system in New Texas has not only shaped the settlement's economic landscape but also contributed to its unique culture and identity. The miners and adventurers who delve into the depths have become legends in their own right, their tales of discovery and peril echoing through the settlement. The resources extracted from the caverns fuel the settlement's growth, innovation, and trade, cementing New Texas as a prosperous and resource-rich hub within the region.  

Impressive Building

The Solarium Tower stands proudly as the impressive centerpiece of New Texas, capturing the attention of all who lay eyes upon it. Rising high into the sky, this remarkable building showcases a fusion of architectural brilliance and sustainable technology. The tower's primary purpose is to harness the abundant power of the sun through its advanced solar panels, which elegantly adorn the facade of the structure.   The Solarium Tower represents New Texas' unwavering commitment to renewable energy and its dedication to minimizing the environmental impact of its power generation. The solar panels covering the tower's exterior surface capture the sun's rays, converting them into clean electricity that is then distributed throughout the settlement. This innovative approach to energy production has significantly reduced New Texas' reliance on traditional fossil fuels, making it a shining example of sustainable development.   Not only does the Solarium Tower provide a substantial portion of the state's power supply, but it also serves as a visual representation of the settlement's progress and forward-thinking mindset. Its towering height dominates the city's skyline, acting as a beacon of technological advancement and environmental consciousness. The sleek design, with its seamless integration of solar panels, showcases the harmonious blending of aesthetics and functionality.   Beyond its functional and symbolic importance, the Solarium Tower has become a point of pride for the inhabitants of New Texas. It has become a popular tourist attraction, drawing visitors from far and wide who marvel at its architectural splendor and innovative energy production. The tower also serves as a gathering place for community events and celebrations, with its spacious plaza offering a stunning panoramic view of the settlement.   The Solarium Tower's impact extends beyond its immediate surroundings. Its presence has inspired other settlements and cities to embrace renewable energy and explore similar sustainable practices. New Texas has gained recognition as a pioneer in green technology and has become a hub for research and development in the field of renewable energy.   The Solarium Tower stands as a testament to New Texas' determination to build a prosperous and environmentally conscious future. It represents the settlement's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and the well-being of its inhabitants. As the sun's rays continue to illuminate the Solarium Tower, it serves as a constant reminder of the limitless possibilities that arise when technology and nature coexist harmoniously.  

Deadly Trading Hall

The Deadly Trading Hall in Saltillo (the capital city of New Texas) is an iconic marketplace renowned for its vibrant energy and intense trading activities. As visitors step into the trading hall, they are greeted by a flurry of sights, sounds, and scents that engulf the senses. The bustling atmosphere is fueled by the competitive nature of the traders who come from far and wide to participate in this thriving economic hub.   The Deadly Trading Hall earned its name from the reputation it has garnered over the years. It is known for attracting shrewd and skilled negotiators who engage in intense bargaining and strategic maneuvers to secure the best deals. The traders within the hall possess a wealth of knowledge about their respective goods and have honed their skills in the art of negotiation. Many tales of successful trades and high-stakes deals circulate within the settlement, adding to the allure of the Deadly Trading Hall.   Within the expansive trading hall, one can find an astonishing array of merchandise. Each stall and booth offers a unique selection of goods, ranging from rare artifacts and ancient relics to cutting-edge technology and futuristic gadgets. Exotic livestock, vibrant fabrics, precious gemstones, and fine craftsmanship can also be found, creating a diverse and captivating marketplace.   The Deadly Trading Hall serves as a vital link for regional and international trade. Merchants from neighboring settlements and distant lands converge here, bringing their wares and seeking profitable transactions. The reputation of the trading hall attracts buyers and sellers alike, making it a prime destination for those in search of unique and valuable items.   The economic impact of the Deadly Trading Hall cannot be overstated. The constant flow of goods and currency fuels the city's economy, driving growth, and prosperity. The revenue generated from the bustling commerce supports the development of infrastructure, public services, and the overall well-being of the settlement's inhabitants.   However, it is worth noting that the competitive nature of the Deadly Trading Hall can also give rise to occasional disputes and disagreements. The settlement has established mechanisms to ensure fair trade practices and resolve conflicts that may arise during transactions. While tensions may occasionally run high, the overall atmosphere of the trading hall remains vibrant, and its reputation as a hub of commerce continues to attract merchants and traders seeking opportunities for profitable exchanges.   The Deadly Trading Hall stands as a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit and economic vitality of New Texas. It has become an integral part of the settlement's identity, drawing visitors and merchants from far and wide, all eager to participate in the exciting and lucrative world of trade within its walls.   These distinct features - the underground cavern system, the impressive Solarium Tower, and the lively Deadly Trading Hall - have played significant roles in shaping the fortune of New Texas. They have attracted individuals from far and wide, fostering economic prosperity, technological advancement, and a vibrant cultural exchange within the settlement.


New Texas, with its vibrant atmosphere and diverse offerings, is a magnet for tourists from all walks of life. The settlement's unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty captivates the hearts of those who venture its way.   History enthusiasts are drawn to the rich tapestry of New Texas's past. They eagerly explore the Old Town District of Saltillo, where well-preserved buildings, museums, and exhibits tell tales of bygone eras. Guided tours and lively reenactments bring the settlement's history to life, immersing visitors in the stories that shaped New Texas.   For the adventure seekers, New Texas's rugged landscape and proximity to the untamed wilderness are an irresistible call. They embark on thrilling outdoor pursuits, such as hiking through scenic trails, scaling rocky cliffs, or venturing into the depths of the vast underground cavern system. The adrenaline-fueled explorations reward them with the thrill of discovery and the satisfaction of conquering nature's challenges.   Culture enthusiasts are enchanted by New Texas's vibrant arts, music, and culinary scene. They revel in live performances, art exhibitions, and music festivals that showcase the local talent and traditions. Amidst the numerous restaurants, cafes, and food markets, they indulge in authentic Texan cuisine and savor the flavors that define the settlement's culinary identity.   Nature lovers find solace in the diverse landscapes of New Texas. They lose themselves in the surrounding wilderness, strolling along picturesque lakeshores, wandering through tranquil forests, or observing the symphony of birds in flight. Eco-tours and nature reserves offer a deeper understanding of the region's unique flora and fauna, providing a sanctuary for those seeking a closer connection with the natural world.   During their stay, tourists are spoilt for choice with a variety of accommodation options. Luxury hotels cater to those seeking indulgence, while boutique guesthouses offer a touch of elegance. Bed and breakfast establishments provide a cozy and personal experience, and campgrounds welcome outdoor enthusiasts with open arms. The lodging options are strategically located, placing visitors within easy reach of popular attractions and amenities.   But it is the warm hospitality and friendly atmosphere that truly make a stay in New Texas special. Locally-owned lodgings and homestay programs provide opportunities to immerse oneself in the settlement's culture, forging connections with the community and gaining a deeper appreciation for its way of life.   In New Texas, tourists find themselves immersed in a world of rich history, thrilling adventures, vibrant culture, and breathtaking natural beauty. The settlement's diverse experiences and accommodations ensure that every visitor's stay is filled with cherished memories, leaving them with a longing to return and explore more of what New Texas has to offer.


In New Texas circa 2042, the prevailing architectural style can be described as a fusion of traditional and futuristic elements, blending the rugged charm of the Old West with modern design influences. This unique architectural blend reflects the settlement's rich history while embracing innovation and technological advancements.   As for the materials used in the construction of buildings, a combination of locally sourced stone and sturdy timber is commonly employed. The stone, often quarried from nearby areas, adds a rustic touch to the structures, while the timber brings warmth and character. These materials not only provide durability and resilience but also blend harmoniously with the natural surroundings of New Texas.   In terms of adornments, the people of New Texas take pride in embellishing their structures in distinctive ways. While individual creativity and personal preferences play a role, there are a few traditional elements that can be commonly seen throughout the settlement.   One traditional adornment is the use of decorative ironwork. Elaborate wrought iron railings, window grilles, and intricate balcony designs can be found adorning buildings, adding an elegant and artistic touch to the architecture.   Colorful accents are also prevalent in New Texas. Buildings often feature vibrant hues that reflect the spirit and energy of the settlement. Brightly colored doors, shutters, and window frames add pops of color to the facades, creating a lively and inviting atmosphere. Some buildings may even sport murals or large-scale artworks, showcasing the artistic expression and creativity of the community.   Additionally, elements of the Old West aesthetics can still be seen in New Texas. Traditional wooden porches, verandas, and balconies provide cozy spaces for socializing and enjoying the outdoors. Rustic wooden fences, reminiscent of the frontier era, can be found in certain areas, delineating property boundaries while adding a touch of nostalgia.   The overall architectural style and adornments in New Texas reflect a celebration of the settlement's heritage, combined with a forward-looking vision. The use of local materials, colorful accents, and nods to the Old West create a distinctive and inviting ambiance, showcasing the unique charm of New Texas's architectural landscape.


New Texas is blessed with a diverse and picturesque geographic setting, offering a range of natural features that contribute to its beauty and appeal. The terrain surrounding the state can be described as a combination of rolling hills, expansive plains, and scattered pockets of dense forests.   The rolling hills provide a scenic backdrop to the state, adding a sense of depth and dimension to the landscape. These gentle slopes, adorned with wildflowers and native vegetation, create a picturesque setting that changes with the seasons. The hills offer opportunities for hiking, providing panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.   While New Texas is not situated directly on the coast, it enjoys proximity to a nearby sea or ocean. Residents and visitors are offered glimpses of breathtaking coastal vistas. The ocean's presence influences the local climate, bringing refreshing sea breezes and potentially contributing to the settlement's maritime culture.   Freshwater sources are essential for the state's sustenance, and New Texas benefits from access to freshwater via a nearby river or lake. The river meanders through the region, providing not only a reliable water source but also a picturesque focal point for recreational activities. Residents and visitors alike can enjoy boating, fishing, and leisurely walks along the riverbanks, taking in the serene beauty of the waterway.   The natural beauty of the location is further enhanced by the presence of diverse flora and fauna. The surrounding forests and meadows are home to a rich variety of plant species, creating a vibrant and colorful landscape. Wildlife enthusiasts can spot native animals such as deer, rabbits, birds, and maybe even the occasional glimpse of a majestic predator like a wolf or a cougar.   As the seasons change, the views in New Texas transform, offering residents and tourists a dynamic display of nature's beauty. Blossoming wildflowers in the spring, lush greenery in the summer, vibrant foliage in the fall, and occasional blankets of snow in the winter create a visually captivating environment throughout the year.   In summary, New Texas boasts a captivating geographic setting characterized by rolling hills, plains, and scattered forests. Its proximity to a nearby sea or ocean adds a touch of maritime influence, while access to freshwater through a river or lake ensures the state's vitality. The natural beauty of the location, with its diverse flora and fauna, provides ample opportunities for outdoor activities and appreciation of the surrounding landscape.


The climate of New Texas can be described as diverse and influenced by its geographical location.   In terms of temperature, New Texas experiences a range of conditions depending on the season. During the winter months, the climate is characterized by cooler temperatures, with the potential for occasional freezing temperatures and even snowfall. However, it is unlikely to be consistently freezing, and the presence of snow may be sporadic rather than a regular occurrence.   As for hail, while hailstorms can occur in various regions, the frequency and severity of hailstorms in New Texas may vary. It is possible for New Texas to experience occasional hailstorms, potentially producing hail of varying sizes, including hailstones the size of golf balls. However, the occurrence of such severe hailstorms would likely be infrequent and not a constant threat.   During the warmer months, the climate of New Texas is more balmy, characterized by milder temperatures and comfortable breezes. Summers bring warm to hot weather, with temperatures that encourage outdoor activities and a more relaxed atmosphere. Cool breezes from nearby bodies of water, such as the sea or ocean, may provide a refreshing respite from the summer heat.   The climate of New Texas exhibits some seasonal variations. It experiences distinct seasons, with changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and vegetation throughout the year. This seasonal variation could contribute to the diverse natural beauty of the region, with blossoming flowers in spring, vibrant foliage in autumn, and potential rainfall variations during different times of the year.   As for stability and predictability, the climate of New Texas has a degree of unpredictability. While it might generally follow seasonal patterns, there could be occasional weather events that deviate from the norm. These include storms, heavy rainfall, or even periods of extreme heat or cold. However, overall, the climate is relatively stable and not subject to extreme fluctuations.

Natural Resources

Nestled within the vast expanse of New Texas are rich and diverse natural resources that shape the destiny of the state and its inhabitants. From the sprawling forests that cloak the land to the fertile fields that yield abundant crops, the bounty of nature provides a tapestry of assets and economic opportunities.   In the heart of New Texas, majestic forests stretch as far as the eye can see. These woodlands harbor a wealth of timber and wood products, offering sustenance for the settlement's construction, furniture, and fuel needs. Tree species of all kinds thrive, their trunks strong and their branches reaching toward the heavens, providing a renewable resource that fuels the settlement's growth.   The fertile lands of New Texas yield crops that sway gently in the breeze, painting the landscape in vibrant hues. From golden fields of wheat to verdant cornstalks and rippling rice paddies, the agricultural bounty is a testament to the fertility of the soil. Grains, the lifeblood of sustenance, are cultivated with care, feeding the population and providing raw materials for processing. The agricultural sector thrives, ensuring food security and the potential for surplus to be traded with neighboring regions.   Among the rolling hills and meadows of New Texas, sheep roam freely, their fluffy coats kissed by the sun. The open pastures provide ideal grazing land, sustaining a thriving livestock industry. Sheep farming takes center stage, with these woolly creatures providing not only soft fibers but also succulent meat and other related products. The rhythmic sound of shears, the bleating of lambs, and the aroma of hearty stews testify to the significance of the livestock industry in the state's economy.   Deep beneath the surface, a hidden treasure awaits within the vast underground caverns of New Texas. Here, prospectors and mining operations venture into the darkness, seeking minerals and metals that lay dormant in the earth's embrace. With skilled hands and determined spirits, they extract precious resources such as iron, copper, gold, and rare minerals. These coveted treasures become the lifeblood of the settlement's manufacturing, construction, and trade industries, propelling economic growth and opening pathways for prosperity.   As the sun casts its golden light upon the land, ancient quarries emerge, revealing a plethora of stone and building materials. Limestone, granite, and sandstone lie in abundance, patiently awaiting their call to serve as foundations for buildings, roads, and majestic structures. The settlement's skyline bears witness to the artistic craftsmanship born from these raw materials, creating a harmonious blend of natural beauty and human ingenuity.   Water, the elixir of life, flows gracefully through New Texas. Rivers meander across the landscape, their currents replenishing the earth and providing sustenance for the settlement's inhabitants. Lakes shimmer under the sun's gentle gaze, their tranquil surfaces a sanctuary for flora and fauna alike. Underground aquifers store nature's gift, ensuring a steady supply of freshwater for irrigation, drinking, and supporting various industries. Water is a lifeline, a source of vitality that binds the state together.   These natural resources form the foundation of New Texas, driving economic development, sustaining livelihoods, and fostering trade. The responsible stewardship and utilization of these gifts from nature ensure a bright future for the settlement, where harmony between human progress and the bounty of the land prevails. New Texas, a land blessed by nature's hand, stands poised to flourish and thrive for generations to come.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
New Texans

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