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Professor Crazy

Professor S. Crazy (a.k.a. the Ultimate Wizard)

Professor S. Crazy is the opposite of Earth-618's Doctor Strange and is considered the Ultimate Wizard.



Professor Crazy's father, Mister Weird, is from an alternate reality designated TRN-7209; something was destroying this reality so his father stored the dying galaxy into that reality's time stone. Mister Weird then had to to flee to another reality and that is where he found 816 and the future wife, Ultimate Witch Keres. They fell in love and had a son named Professor Crazy.

Birthday Wish

Professor Crazy always thought his mother wasn’t happy cause she never smiled much. On his fourth birthday he wished for his mother to be happy. The next day she disappeared from their lives. Mister Weird grew to then hate his son, blaming him for Keres' disppearance.

The Ultimate Wizard/Witch

Mister Weird knew his time as the Ultimate Wizard was given to him by his wife; this favor would be coming to a close, so he needed his son to inherit the title. Unfortunately, due to his son's sheer laziness and never trying to succeed, it wasn’t working.

Crazy was a good magic user and a great telepath, but wasn’t good enough to beat Deyanira, the other person up for the of Ultimate Wizard/Witch. So, Mister Weird decided to cheat; he helped his son gain additional power unbeknownst to everyone else. This advantage allowed him to match her in power and maybe even be greater just for that fight.

Professor Crazy won the title of the Ultimate Wizard; however, because he never wanted the responsibility that came with it, it became Mister Weird's job to take advantage of the position, as he had planned all along.

Quintin Beck

Relinquishing the Title

Because of what happened with Quintin Beck and that Professor Crazy's father is locked in the mirror dimension, he was the only person left to maintain the title of the Ultimate Wizard. However, because of his laziness and the lack of desire for the title, it was bestowed to Deyanira.

Professor Crazy spent the majority of the last twenty years relaxing and chilling in his library.



Professor Crazy has the abilities of a Magic user and telepath. Magic Abilities   Force Field Generation: Can summon magic force field light to protect himself Illumination: He can emit a bright glow from his hands and can touch things to make them glow and can shot out beams of light to blind people Holographic Projection/Illusion: With sustained effort, He can create holograms of human beings and other three-dimensional beings and objects. Transmogrification-With no effort, the Professor can transform objects to the size of a person into whatever he wants forever.   Teleportation Teleportation- Professor using magic can teleport but only to places he can see. Portals-Portals professor can make without a sling ring up to 100 miles. Intangibility: Professor has the ability to teleport through solid living matter.   Telepath Mental Blast- Professor is able to shoot psionic blast into anyones minds if they are organic. A normal person will probably lose their mind if they were shot with it though. Diamond Mind- Professor Crazy mind so confusing that there mind is like a labyrinth to search into and it gives the person a headaches to search through Psychic Storm- Professor is able to summon a storm of psionic energy and blast people with them but anyone not invlove can not see them   Abilities Eidetic Memory-Professor whenever he remembers something or someone he will never forget them   Paraphilia Jacket of Levitation- Ever since Professor lost his scarf he has replaced it with this Jacket of his own creation that allows him to float a couple feet of the ground. Sling Ring-The Sling Rings were small two-finger rings imbued with the power to open and sustain dimensional portals between any two points within the universe.


Contacts & Relations

Man-Spider: Professor has been best friends with Man-Spider since middle school.

Icterid: Professor has been somewhat friends with Icterid since middle school, but its been an "on again off again" kind of relationship.

Deyanira: Professor is in a somewhat decent friendship with Deyanira, despite being former rivals.

Sapphire Sorceress: Professor was in a complicated relationship with the Sapphire Sorceress, never believing she liked him, but are no longer talking cause he thinks she's crazy.

Sun-Bolt: Professor is so called brothers with Charlie Allen.

Date of Birth
October 11th
New Florida City, Earth-816
Black, White Streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
195 lbs.


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