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Robin Voss

Robin Voss (a.k.a. Thicc)

Robin "Thicc" Voss is a 20-year-old mutant attending the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. His unique ability to withstand impacts, resist toxins, and maintain impeccable balance has earned him the affectionate nickname "Thicc" among his peers. Standing at 6'2" with an olive skin tone, he possesses a strong yet gentle presence. Born in 2022 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Robin's mixed heritage of Native American and Caucasian roots adds depth to his identity. His intellectual capabilities are notable, but his reserved nature sometimes hinders him from vocalizing his thoughts.   Known for his comfortable attire of loose jeans, a hoodie, and rock band t-shirts, Robin finds solace in reading, playing the guitar, and exploring his family history through genealogy research. Despite his introverted tendencies, he possesses an innate sense of loyalty and empathy, which has led him to serve as a friend to many. However, his unique physical abilities often result in him being used as a punching bag, eroding his self-confidence. His journey towards self-acceptance and a deeper understanding of his worth continues as he navigates the challenges of his mutant abilities and personal identity.  


  Robin Voss was born on November 15th, 2022, in a small town in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Born to a Native American mother and a Caucasian father, Robin grew up in a diverse and culturally rich environment. His childhood was marked by a sense of isolation due to his unique mutant abilities. Early on, he discovered his remarkable resistance to impacts, toxic substances, and his impeccable balance. These abilities, while advantageous, set him apart from his peers, and he struggled to fit in.   Throughout his school years, Robin's abilities became both a blessing and a curse. While he was often the target of physical tests to prove his resilience, he rarely formed close friendships. His peers dubbed him "Thicc" affectionately, but Robin's self-perception and struggles with his weight led to a complex relationship with the nickname. Despite his physical invulnerability, he faced emotional challenges that eroded his self-confidence.   Robin's intelligence and critical thinking skills contrasted with his quiet nature. He internalized his beliefs and hesitated to voice his opinions, leading him to observe the world from a unique perspective. His family's support helped him navigate these difficulties, fostering a sense of resilience within him.   Upon entering the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, Robin's life took a turn. His interactions with a diverse group of students began to chip away at his self-imposed isolation. He developed an unspoken camaraderie with many, but true friendships remained elusive. As Robin continues his education and grapples with his own sense of identity, he seeks to find his place within a world that often misunderstands him.   Robin's journey is one of learning to embrace his strengths and vulnerabilities, to find his voice among a cacophony of voices, and to forge meaningful connections that reflect the depth of his character.  


Robin "Thicc" Voss possesses a complex personality shaped by both his extraordinary abilities and his inner struggles. He is reserved, often choosing to remain in the background, observing rather than participating in conversations. This quiet demeanor stems from a mixture of self-consciousness and a desire to avoid drawing attention to himself. Despite his reserved nature, Robin is highly intelligent and possesses a sharp mind that excels in critical thinking and problem-solving. He often analyzes situations from different angles before forming an opinion.   Robin's self-confidence has been significantly impacted by his experiences as "Thicc." While his mutant abilities grant him physical invulnerability, he grapples with self-perception issues related to his weight and appearance. This inner conflict has led to a reluctance to fully embrace the nickname "Thicc," which, while meant affectionately, underscores his struggle with body image.   However, beneath his quiet exterior lies a compassionate and empathetic individual. Robin is deeply attuned to the emotions and feelings of those around him, and he often extends a helping hand to those in need. Despite his own challenges, he is quick to provide support and lend a listening ear to others. This caring nature has led to a strong sense of loyalty among those who are fortunate enough to call him a friend.   Robin's journey is one of self-discovery, acceptance, and the gradual realization that his unique abilities and qualities make him a valuable asset to the world around him. As he navigates the challenges of adolescence and the complexities of identity, he strives to forge his own path while learning to embrace his strengths and vulnerabilities.  


  Ella Thompson: Another student at the Academy. Robin and Ella have collaborated on academic projects and occasionally share discussions.   Ava Williams: Robin has interacted with Ava on several occasions at the Academy. They have engaged in discussions about various topics and share a respectful acquaintance.   Markas Rellic: Robin has encountered Markas a few times at the Academy but hasn't formed a particularly close bond with him.   Lucas Reyes: Fellow student at the Academy. Robin's quiet nature has led to limited interactions with Lucas, though they have exchanged greetings and brief conversations.   Thalia Anderson (Vortex): Fellow student at the Academy. Robin has engaged in casual conversations and shared a few classes with Thalia.   Charlie Allen (Sun-Bolt): Robin has interacted with Charlie on occasion, forming a cordial relationship with the fellow student.   Belle Lawrence (Inferna): Robin has interacted with Belle during their time at the Academy, sharing a friendly yet distant rapport.   Amara Rodriguez: Another student at the Academy. Robin and Amara have interacted in academic settings and engaged in casual conversations.   Caleb Martinez: Fellow student at the Academy. Robin and Caleb have had limited interactions, occasionally discussing class assignments.   Ethan Turner (Blaze): Robin and Ethan have shared academic interactions at the Academy, exchanging ideas and thoughts.   Liam Johnson: Another student at the Academy with whom Robin has interacted in academic settings.   Eleanor Marks: Fellow student at the Academy. Robin and Eleanor have engaged in polite conversations during their time at school.   Natalie Adams: Robin has interacted with Natalie in academic settings at the Academy, discussing class assignments and projects.   Zoe Collins: Another student at the Academy. Robin and Zoe have engaged in academic discussions and collaborated on projects.   Kyle Brooks: Fellow student at the Academy. Robin and Kyle have interacted in academic settings, exchanging ideas and thoughts.   Emily Carter: Robin has had limited interactions with Emily, occasionally discussing class assignments and projects.   Jordan Williams: Another student at the Academy with whom Robin has shared academic interactions.   Oliver White: Fellow student at the Academy. Robin and Oliver have exchanged ideas and thoughts in academic settings.   Sophie Turner: Robin has interacted with Sophie during their time at the Academy, sharing conversations about class assignments.   Anna Scott: Another student at the Academy with whom Robin has engaged in academic discussions.   Nathan Mitchell: Fellow student at the Academy. Robin and Nathan have shared academic interactions and discussions.  


  Robin "Thicc" Voss possesses near impenetrable skin, granting him extraordinary resistance to physical harm, along with perfect balance and heightened resilience, enabling him to endure impacts and toxins with remarkable durability.  


  1. Near Impenetrable Skin: Robin possesses the ability to withstand nearly any impact, making his skin highly resistant to physical harm and damage.
  3. Perfect Balance: He has an innate sense of balance, allowing him to maintain stability even in challenging or precarious situations.
  5. Increased Resilience and Durability: Robin's body is incredibly resilient, allowing him to resist the effects of various ingested toxicants and recover quickly from injuries.


  1. Critical Thinking: Robin demonstrates a keen ability for critical analysis and problem-solving, often approaching challenges with a logical and strategic mindset.
  3. Academic Aptitude: He excels in academic pursuits, showcasing a strong grasp of various subjects and a dedication to learning.
  5. Artistic Expression: Robin has a talent for artistic endeavors, including drawing and sketching, which serves as a creative outlet for his thoughts and emotions.
  7. Observational Skills: He possesses acute observational skills, allowing him to notice details and patterns that others might overlook.
  9. Cooking: Robin has developed cooking skills over time, enjoying experimenting with recipes and creating flavorful dishes.
  11. Empathy: Despite his introverted nature, Robin displays a sense of empathy and understanding, often lending a listening ear and offering support to his friends.
  13. Music Appreciation: He has a deep appreciation for music, particularly rock and alternative genres, and enjoys discovering new bands and tracks.
  15. Photography: Robin has a knack for capturing intriguing visual moments through photography, often using it as a means of artistic expression.
  17. Environmental Awareness: He has a strong affinity for nature and the environment, showcasing a commitment to sustainability and conservation.
  19. Research and Analysis: Robin's inquisitive nature leads him to engage in thorough research and analysis on various topics of interest.
  21. Tech-Savviness: While not a technical expert, Robin possesses a certain level of proficiency with digital technology and gadgets.
  23. Adaptability: He demonstrates the ability to adapt to different situations and challenges, showcasing a flexible and open-minded approach to life.


  1. Backpack: Robin carries a durable backpack to hold his books, notebooks, and other school supplies.
  3. Sketchbook and Art Supplies: He always has a sketchbook and a set of art supplies on hand to indulge in his artistic interests.
  5. Headphones: Robin often wears headphones, allowing him to enjoy his favorite music and block out distractions.
  7. Water Bottle: He carries a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day.
  9. Smartphone: Robin uses his smartphone for communication, research, and staying organized.
  11. Wallet: He keeps his identification, some cash, and a few essential cards in his wallet.
  13. Notebook and Pen: Apart from his sketchbook, he also carries a regular notebook and pen for taking notes or jotting down ideas.
  15. Sunglasses: He has a pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes from bright sunlight.
  17. Snacks: Robin usually carries a few healthy snacks, like granola bars or nuts, for when he gets hungry.
  19. Umbrella: He carries a compact umbrella in case of unexpected rain.
  21. Gym Clothes: On days when he has gym class or after-school activities, he brings a change of gym clothes and sneakers.
  23. Reading Material: Robin often carries a book or e-reader to read during downtime.
  25. Medications: He carries any necessary medications, such as allergy medication or pain relievers, in case of emergencies.
  27. Student ID: Robin keeps his student ID handy for accessing school facilities and events.
  29. Keys: He carries keys to his home and any relevant locks, such as a locker at school.
  31. Portable Charger: Robin carries a portable charger to ensure his devices stay charged throughout the day.
  33. Notable Items: Depending on the situation, he might carry additional items related to his interests, such as a camera for photography outings or ingredients for cooking projects.


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Robin "Thicc" Voss maintains a distinctive physical condition owing to his mutant abilities. Standing at an imposing height of 6'2" and weighing close to 300 lbs, he possesses a robust and sturdy frame. His body's unique composition grants him the remarkable ability to withstand nearly any impact, rendering him nearly impervious to physical harm. This exceptional resilience makes him a living testament to his nickname, "Thicc." Despite his size, his agility and balance are remarkably refined, adding a layer of grace to his powerful presence. These physical attributes combined create an extraordinary individual who exudes strength and durability.

Identifying Characteristics

Robin "Thicc" Voss possesses distinct physical traits that make him easily recognizable. He has an imposing stature, standing tall at 6'2", with a weight close to 300 lbs. His build reflects his nickname, and his weight contributes to his resilience and ability to withstand impacts. He has an olive skin tone, a product of his mixed heritage—half Native American and half Caucasian. His light brown eyes hold a depth that reflects his introspective nature. His wispy dark brown hair adds to his overall appearance, completing the visual image of a unique individual who stands out both physically and emotionally.

Apparel & Accessories

Robin's fashion sense is characterized by comfort and a touch of personal style. He often opts for loose-fitting jeans that provide him with ample mobility and comfort. His choice of jeans is accompanied by sturdy and comfortable boots, offering both durability and ease of movement. On his upper body, Robin frequently wears a variety of t-shirts adorned with designs of his favorite rock bands, showcasing his love for music and adding a touch of individuality to his style.   To complete his look, Robin often dons a hoodie, which not only keeps him warm but also adds an extra layer of coziness to his outfit. The hoodie's relaxed fit aligns with his preference for comfort and casual attire. As for accessories, Robin tends to keep it simple, often wearing a wristwatch for practicality and subtle style. His appearance is a testament to his down-to-earth nature and his desire for clothing that allows him to navigate his daily life with ease and comfort while still expressing his personal tastes.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Robin "Thicc" Voss possesses several intellectual characteristics that contribute to his overall personality and capabilities:  
  1. Critical Thinking: Robin has a sharp and analytical mind. He is adept at breaking down complex problems into manageable components and considering different angles before arriving at a conclusion. This skill makes him valuable in situations that require strategic planning or decision-making.
  3. Problem-Solving Skills: Robin excels at finding solutions to challenges, both in academic settings and real-life situations. His ability to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions is a testament to his intellectual prowess.
  5. Observant: Robin is likely a keen observer, often noticing details that others might overlook. This quality contributes to his ability to analyze situations and make informed judgments.
  7. Adaptability: He has the capacity to adapt to new information and changing circumstances. His willingness to learn and adjust his approach when necessary showcases his intellectual flexibility.
  9. Research and Analysis: Robin's intellectual characteristics likely make him skilled at conducting research and analyzing data. He may have a knack for gathering information, synthesizing it, and drawing conclusions based on evidence.
  11. Practical Intelligence: While he might not always be vocal about his beliefs, Robin's practical intelligence allows him to navigate various social situations and interactions with an understated finesse.
  13. Attention to Detail: His ability to withstand impacts and resist toxic substances may require a heightened attention to detail, ensuring that he understands his surroundings and potential risks.
  15. Curiosity: Robin's desire to understand his abilities and the world around him could be driven by a natural curiosity. He might enjoy exploring new concepts and expanding his knowledge.
  17. Logical Reasoning: His ability to process information logically and methodically aids him in solving problems and making decisions that are well-reasoned and thought out.
  19. Academic Excellence: His intellectual characteristics likely translate into academic success. He could excel in subjects that demand critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving, such as mathematics, science, and strategic planning.
  These intellectual traits contribute to Robin's overall character development and how he approaches various challenges and situations.

Morality & Philosophy

Robin "Thicc" Voss's morality and philosophies are shaped by his personal experiences, his unique abilities, and his interactions with the world around him. While his specific moral compass might vary based on individual beliefs, the following general aspects could define his morality and philosophies:  
  • Self-Respect and Empowerment: Robin's ability to withstand impacts and resist toxins could have influenced his sense of self-respect and empowerment. He might believe in valuing his own well-being and physicality, which could extend to respecting the boundaries and autonomy of others.
  • Empathy and Compassion: Robin's experiences of being used as a "punching bag" could lead him to empathize with the struggles and pain of others. He might champion the cause of treating people with kindness and compassion, advocating against bullying or mistreatment.
  • Personal Responsibility: Given his practical nature, Robin might place importance on taking responsibility for one's actions and choices. He could believe that individuals are accountable for the consequences of their decisions and should strive to make ethical and informed choices.
  • Non-Judgmental Attitude: Robin's own struggles with self-perception and weight issues might lead him to adopt a non-judgmental attitude toward others. He could believe in valuing people for who they are beyond appearances, promoting acceptance and understanding.
  • Utilitarian Perspective: Given his ability to endure impacts and resist toxins, Robin might lean toward a utilitarian philosophy that prioritizes the well-being and happiness of the majority. He could believe in making choices that lead to the greatest overall benefit for the greatest number of people.
  • Personal Growth: Robin's experiences of being used as a punching bag might fuel his belief in personal growth and self-improvement. He could advocate for overcoming challenges and using adversity as a catalyst for becoming a stronger individual.
  • Balanced Approach: His nearly perfect balance could translate into a philosophy of seeking balance and equilibrium in various aspects of life. He might value moderation, avoiding extremes, and finding harmony in different areas, including emotional, physical, and intellectual aspects.
  • Resilience: Robin's ability to withstand impacts could shape his philosophy of resilience and tenacity. He might believe in pushing through adversity and bouncing back from setbacks, showcasing a determination to overcome obstacles.
  • Community and Connection: Through his interactions with others at the Academy, Robin could develop a philosophy of building strong connections and fostering a sense of community. He might recognize the importance of supporting and uplifting one another.
  • Growth Mindset: Robin's overall philosophy might include a growth mindset, valuing continuous learning and development. He could believe that challenges and failures are opportunities for growth and improvement.
  While these are general themes that could define Robin's morality and philosophies, it's important to remember that characters are multifaceted and might hold a combination of beliefs. Robin's personal experiences, relationships, and ongoing development could continue to shape his moral compass and philosophical outlook.

Personality Characteristics


Robin's motivation in life is largely driven by his desire to find a sense of purpose and belonging. Despite his exceptional physical resilience, he often struggles with self-confidence and self-perception due to the nickname "Thicc" and his role as a punching bag for others. This has led him to seek a deeper understanding of himself and his place in the world. He yearns to overcome his insecurities, discover his true strengths, and forge meaningful connections with others.   While he may seem reserved and introspective, Robin is determined to push himself beyond his comfort zone, both socially and personally. He seeks to prove to himself and others that he is more than just a physical anomaly. Through his education at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, he aims to uncover his intellectual potential and use his unique abilities to make a positive impact. Ultimately, Robin's motivation revolves around self-discovery, self-acceptance, and finding a way to channel his resilience into a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


  1. Physical Resilience: Robin possesses an extraordinary ability to withstand impacts and resist toxic substances, making him almost invulnerable to physical harm. This resilience grants him a unique advantage in dangerous situations.
  3. Balance and Coordination: His near-perfect balance and exceptional coordination allow him to perform impressive feats of agility and maintain stability even in challenging environments.
  5. Adaptability: Robin's ability to endure various physical challenges has cultivated a high level of adaptability. He can thrive in situations where others might struggle.


  1. Self-Perception: Despite his physical prowess, Robin's struggle with self-confidence and self-perception poses a significant challenge. He often underestimates his own abilities and doubts his worth, affecting his interactions and decisions.
  3. Social Isolation: Robin's tendency to remain isolated and refrain from forming deep connections has limited his social skills. He struggles with initiating conversations and building lasting friendships.
  5. Communication: He often refrains from vocalizing his thoughts and beliefs, which can hinder his ability to express himself effectively and contribute to group discussions.
  7. Dependence on Physical Resilience: Due to his reliance on his physical resilience, Robin might inadvertently neglect the development of other skills and attributes, limiting his overall growth.
  9. Negative Nickname Impact: The derogatory nickname "Thicc" has eroded his self-confidence and self-esteem, creating an emotional barrier that hinders his ability to assert himself confidently.
  Despite these ineptitudes, Robin's journey at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted provides opportunities for growth and self-discovery, allowing him to overcome his challenges and tap into his full potential.

Likes & Dislikes


  1. Music: Robin has a deep appreciation for rock music and often finds solace in listening to his favorite bands. Music serves as an outlet for him to express his emotions.
  3. Reading: He enjoys escaping into books, particularly fantasy and adventure genres. Reading allows him to explore different worlds and take a break from his own reality.
  5. Nature: Robin finds tranquility in natural environments, especially forests and open spaces. He enjoys spending time outdoors, connecting with his Native American heritage.
  7. Individual Sports: He has an affinity for sports that allow him to challenge himself individually, such as hiking, rock climbing, and martial arts. These activities provide a sense of accomplishment and personal growth.
  9. Comfortable Clothing: Robin prefers loose-fitting and comfortable clothing that allows him to move freely. He gravitates towards hoodies, jeans, and casual footwear.


  1. Bullying: Having been a target of mistreatment and derogatory nicknames, Robin strongly dislikes any form of bullying or harassment.
  3. Crowds and Attention: He feels uncomfortable in large crowds and dislikes being the center of attention. Such situations amplify his self-consciousness.
  5. Unfair Treatment: Robin is sensitive to injustices and unfair treatment, as he has experienced his share of discrimination and negative stereotypes.
  7. Body Image Issues: He dislikes his own struggles with body image and self-confidence, as they affect his self-esteem and interactions with others.
  9. Confrontation: Robin tends to avoid confrontational situations due to his reserved nature. He dislikes engaging in conflicts or arguments.
  Understanding his likes and dislikes provides insights into Robin's personality and preferences, aiding in his personal growth and interactions with others.

Virtues & Personality perks


  1. Resilience: Robin's ability to endure physical and emotional challenges makes him remarkably resilient. He doesn't give up easily and strives to overcome difficulties.
  3. Empathy: Having faced his own struggles, Robin is empathetic towards others who are marginalized or facing hardships. He tries to understand their perspectives and offer support.
  5. Honesty: He values honesty and straightforwardness in his interactions. Robin prefers open communication and dislikes deception.
  7. Loyalty: Once he forms a connection with someone, Robin is loyal and committed. He stands by his friends and family through thick and thin.
  9. Cultural Awareness: His mixed heritage has granted him a unique cultural perspective. Robin respects and values his Native American roots and seeks to learn from his heritage.


  1. Physical Resilience: Robin's unique ability to withstand impacts and resist toxins grants him a significant physical advantage, making him valuable in combat situations.
  3. Balance and Agility: His near-perfect balance and enhanced agility contribute to his proficiency in various physical activities, including sports and stealth.
  5. Problem Solving: Robin's critical thinking skills enable him to approach challenges with a logical mindset. He excels at finding solutions to complex problems.
  7. Peacekeeping: His preference for avoiding conflicts allows Robin to diffuse tense situations and mediate disputes, making him a valuable asset in maintaining group harmony.
  9. Cultural Knowledge: Robin's understanding of his Native American heritage provides unique insights into certain cultural practices, stories, and traditions.
  Understanding Robin's virtues and perks sheds light on his strengths and positive qualities, making him a complex and multi-dimensional character.

Vices & Personality flaws


  1. Insecurity: Robin's struggle with self-perception and weight issues often leads to self-doubt and insecurity, affecting his confidence and decision-making.
  3. IAvoidance: In an effort to protect himself from emotional pain, he sometimes avoids confronting difficult situations or expressing his feelings, which can hinder personal growth.
  5. IOverthinking: He tends to overanalyze situations and outcomes, leading to anxiety and indecision. This can prevent him from taking risks or seizing opportunities.


  1. Isolation: Robin's tendency to keep to himself can sometimes lead to social isolation. His lack of close friends can prevent him from experiencing deeper connections.
  3. ISelf-Criticism: He often criticizes himself harshly, especially regarding his physical appearance. This self-criticism can negatively impact his self-esteem and mental well-being.
  5. ILack of Assertion: Robin's avoidance of conflict sometimes results in an inability to assert himself or stand up for his own needs and desires.
  Understanding these vices and flaws gives a more complete picture of Robin's character, highlighting areas where he may struggle and providing opportunities for growth and development.


Robin maintains good personal hygiene as part of his daily routine. He takes regular showers and keeps his hair clean and well-groomed. Despite his struggles with self-perception, he ensures that his hygiene is not compromised. He brushes his teeth and practices oral care, understanding the importance of overall health. While he may not be excessively concerned with grooming and fashion, he makes sure to wear clean clothes and keeps his appearance presentable. Overall, his hygiene habits reflect his desire to take care of himself and maintain a sense of normalcy in his life.


Social Aptitude

Robin possesses a unique blend of social aptitudes. Despite his introverted nature, he has an innate ability to connect with others on a deeper level. He is an empathetic listener, often offering a non-judgmental ear to those around him. His patience and understanding make him approachable, allowing people to confide in him easily. Robin's ability to absorb emotions without judgment also contributes to his role as a supportive friend. However, his self-doubt sometimes hinders his social interactions, making him hesitant to initiate conversations or share his own thoughts openly. Despite this, his genuine kindness and sincerity endear him to those who recognize the strength of his character.


Robin often displays habitual gestures of humility and self-deprecation. He tends to downplay his own achievements and abilities, using humor to deflect compliments. In conversations, he leans toward active listening, nodding and maintaining eye contact to show genuine interest. His speaking style is generally calm and measured, rarely engaging in loud or attention-seeking behaviors. He's polite and courteous, addressing others with respect. Despite his tendency to keep to himself, he's observant and perceptive, often noticing small details about his surroundings or the people he interacts with. This attentiveness is also reflected in the thoughtful questions he asks, showing his desire to understand others better.

Hobbies & Pets

Robin enjoys a variety of hobbies that allow him to engage both his physical and intellectual sides. He's an avid reader and can often be found immersed in books that range from science fiction to history. He also has a passion for playing the guitar, often spending hours strumming his favorite tunes and occasionally composing his own music. Given his interest in history, he's developed a fascination with genealogy and spends time researching his own family history. In addition, he enjoys outdoor activities like hiking and camping, finding solace in nature and the serenity it offers. Despite his reserved demeanor, he's known to engage in friendly video game competitions with his peers, showcasing a more lighthearted side of his personality.
Thicc's Top 5 Bands  
  1. Iron Forge: A thunderous heavy metal band known for their powerful vocals and intricate guitar solos. Their music is a blend of classic heavy metal and modern metalcore, with themes of strength, resilience, and overcoming adversity. Favorite Song: "Forged in Flames"
  3. Abyssal Echelon: A progressive death metal band that combines complex rhythms, technical instrumentation, and guttural vocals. Their music delves into philosophical and existential themes, appealing to Robin's reflective nature. Favorite Song: "Eternal Abyss"
  5. Darkfire Dominion: A symphonic black metal band that incorporates orchestral elements into their music, creating an atmospheric and haunting sound. Their lyrics often explore mysticism, darkness, and the unknown, resonating with Robin's introspective side. Favorite Song: "Shadows of Desolation"
  7. Thunderstrike: A thrash metal band with aggressive riffs and high-energy performances. Their music is fast-paced and rebellious, capturing Robin's bold and resilient personality. Favorite Song: "Raging Thunder"
  9. Obsidian Dawn: A doom metal band known for their slow, melancholic melodies and deep, mournful vocals. Their songs often explore themes of sorrow, loss, and emotional depth, aligning with Robin's introspective and contemplative nature. Favorite Song: "Eternal Gloom"
Current Status
Student at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted
Date of Birth
November 15th
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
Light Brown
Dark Brown, Wispy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
300 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Robin "Thicc" Voss likely knows English as his primary language, given that he was born in America and attends the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. However, his diverse heritage, particularly his Native American background, might have exposed him to additional languages, especially if his family maintains cultural connections. If his family has retained their Native American language or if he has taken an interest in learning it, he could also know some phrases or conversational elements from that language. It's important to note that the specific languages he knows would depend on his family's linguistic background and his personal interests.


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