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Seraphel (Sarah-fell)


Seraphel is a malevolent entity of immense power and ambition. Originating from the world of Astranar within Earth-618, he embarked on a perilous journey driven by an unquenchable thirst for magical power. His pursuit led him to Limbo, a chaotic dimension teeming with mystic energies, where he sought to harness its chaotic magic. Seraphel is a figure of striking appearance, with raven-black hair, an ethereal and androgynous beauty, and piercing violet eyes.   Beneath his ruthless exterior lies a profound insecurity and a desperate need to prove his mastery over magic. He is willing to manipulate, deceive, and exhibit ruthlessness to achieve his goals. In Limbo, Seraphel's reckless pursuit of power led to the creation of a dangerous rift, destabilizing the dimension and threatening Earth-618.   In his true demonic form, Seraphel becomes nearly invulnerable, possesses nearly infinite power, and can stretch his influence across vast areas. He is fearless with an iron will and has a unique perspective on the worlds he encounters. He has a preference for ensnaring individuals and draining their life essence for possession.   Seraphel's complex character and history make him a formidable antagonist within the narrative of Earth-618, where he seeks to amass magical power and reshape worlds according to his dark desires.  



Born of Dark Magic

  In the depths of the hidden and forbidden corners of the magical world, Seraphel emerged as a being of malevolence and power. Born from the very essence of dark magic, his origin was shrouded in secrecy and fear. In a realm known as Astranar, magic was not a gift but a curse, and its practitioners were hunted and suppressed. Seraphel, however, defied the norms of this world from the moment of his creation.  

The Forbidden Pursuit

  From an early age, Seraphel displayed an insatiable thirst for power that transcended the boundaries of Astranar. The fear and suppression of magic in his homeworld only fueled his desire to seek out hidden and forbidden knowledge. His relentless pursuit of magical mastery led him on a perilous journey beyond the confines of Astranar, a journey that would shape his destiny in ways he could scarcely imagine.  

A Malevolent Entity's Descent

  Seraphel's quest eventually led him to the chaotic dimension of Limbo. Here, amidst the swirling maelstrom of mystical energies and demonic entities, he found the source of power he had long sought. It was in Limbo that Seraphel's essence merged with that of Eldric Valen, a human sorcerer whose body became Seraphel's vessel in the human world.  

Manipulation and Ambition

  With Eldric Valen's body as his conduit, Seraphel's influence reached the human realm, where he began to manipulate events to further his dark ambitions. His thirst for magical power knew no bounds, and he sought to harness the chaotic energies of Limbo to amass unparalleled might. However, his reckless pursuit of power disrupted the delicate balance of the dimension, leading to the creation of a rift—a turbulent tear in the fabric of Limbo.  

Malevolence Unleashed

  As the rift's instability grew, Seraphel's malevolent influence extended even further, reaching a group of young heroes from the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. These gifted individuals, led by Majik, unwittingly exacerbated the situation, unwittingly opening the rift wider and allowing Seraphel to amplify his dark powers. The heroes found themselves ensnared in his web of manipulation and deceit.  

Confrontation in Limbo

  The climax of this harrowing tale unfolded in Limbo, where the rift threatened to unleash chaos upon Earth-618 and beyond. Seraphel abandoned his human vessel, revealing his true, sinister form—a nightmarish amalgamation of grotesque limbs, ethereal tendrils, and menacing appendages. The young heroes, guided by Majik, faced a dire confrontation with the malevolent entity.  

Sealing the Rift

  Despite the odds stacked against them, the heroes showcased their resilience and teamwork. Mis'kia's empathetic abilities played a crucial role in reaching out to the rift, empathizing with its pain and facilitating its healing. In a heart-wrenching twist, King Kaiju's mind was shattered by Seraphel's malevolent presence. Majik intervened, rescuing him and bringing him back to safety, where he could begin his journey of mental recuperation.  

Banishing the Darkness

  In the end, the young heroes successfully sealed the rift, preventing further chaos from spilling over into their world. Eldric Valen's body required emergency surgery following Majik's use of the Soulsword to forcefully expel Seraphel, severing his connection to the human realm. Limbo was restored to its precarious equilibrium, and Seraphel's dark form was temporarily banished.   Seraphel remains a shadowy and enigmatic figure, his origins deeply intertwined with dark magic and his motivations driven by an unquenchable thirst for power. His history with Astranar, his possession of Eldric Valen, and his actions in Limbo are all facets of a complex and mysterious past that continue to shape his dark destiny. The story of Seraphel is one of ambition, malevolence, and the relentless pursuit of magical mastery.  


  Seraphel possesses a complex and multifaceted personality shaped by his insatiable thirst for magical power and dominance. At his core, he is driven by an unrelenting ambition to become the ultimate master of magic. This ambition leads him to pursue forbidden and hidden knowledge, even at the cost of manipulating, deceiving, and exploiting others to achieve his goals.   Arrogance and entitlement are defining traits of Seraphel's personality. He exudes an air of superiority, often viewing himself as above both mortals and other magical entities. This arrogance stems from his belief in his own potential to harness unparalleled magical power.   Beneath this veneer of ruthlessness and arrogance, there exists a profound insecurity. Seraphel's relentless ambition is, in part, a reaction to the suppression and fear of magic in his homeworld of Astranar. He seeks to prove himself as a master of magic, striving to overcome his insecurities and the limitations imposed by his origins.   While his actions often veer toward manipulation and ruthlessness, there's a sense of desperation in his pursuit of power. He is willing to exploit any means necessary, making him a complex and morally ambiguous character. Seraphel remains a formidable and enigmatic figure in the magical realms, driven by his insatiable thirst for power and dominance over all things arcane.  


  Seraphel's relationships are often fraught with manipulation and ulterior motives due to his insatiable thirst for magical power. Here are some key individuals he has encountered:  
  1. Eldric Valen: Eldric Valen was the unfortunate human vessel that Seraphel possessed when he ventured into Limbo. This possession allowed Seraphel to interact with the students from the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted during the session titled Field Trip to Limbo. Their connection ended when Seraphel was separated from Eldric Valen.
  3. The Students from the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted: During the aforementioned session, Seraphel manipulated and influenced a group of young gifted individuals from the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. He used them to exacerbate the rift in Limbo and amplify his dark powers. While his interaction with these students was brief, it left a lasting impact on their lives.
  5. Limbo Denizens: Seraphel's presence and actions in Limbo undoubtedly had an impact on the denizens of that chaotic dimension. His quest for power and the disturbances he caused likely earned him both allies and enemies among the demons and entities of Limbo.
  7. The Magic of Limbo: Seraphel's motives in Limbo revolved around harnessing the chaotic magical energies of that realm for his own empowerment. His relationship with Limbo itself was one of conflict, as the dimension resisted his attempts to control it, resulting in the creation of a rift.
  9. The Mystical Community: Seraphel's relentless pursuit of magical power would likely put him in contact with various mystical beings and communities throughout the multiverse. However, these interactions would primarily be driven by his desire to acquire arcane knowledge and power.
  Overall, Seraphel's relationships are characterized by manipulation, ambition, and a willingness to exploit others for his own gain, making him a figure that few would willingly associate with.  




  Seraphel possesses a formidable array of magical powers, making him a formidable and dangerous entity. Some of his powers include:  
  1. Dark Magic Manipulation: Seraphel is a master of dark magic, allowing him to cast a wide range of sinister spells. He can conjure dark energy blasts, create illusions, and manipulate shadows to his advantage.
  3. Elemental Control: He has the ability to manipulate various elements to his advantage, such as controlling fire, water, and earth to create devastating attacks or defenses.
  5. Telepathy: Seraphel can read the thoughts and minds of others, making him a skilled manipulator and deceiver.
  7. Telekinesis: He possesses the power to move and manipulate objects with his mind, allowing him to attack opponents or defend himself without physical contact.
  9. Shape-Shifting: Seraphel can change his appearance at will, assuming different forms to deceive or infiltrate various locations.
  11. Illusion Casting: He can create powerful and convincing illusions, making it difficult for others to discern reality from fiction.
  13. Dimensional Travel: Seraphel has the ability to traverse different dimensions and realms, allowing him to access unique sources of power and knowledge.
  15. Life Force Drain: One of his most sinister abilities, Seraphel can drain the life force from living beings, weakening or even killing them to fuel his own power.
  17. Omnipresence: In his true demonic form, Seraphel can stretch his influence across a vast area, making him nearly omnipresent within a certain range.
  19. Invulnerability: Seraphel is highly resistant to physical and mental attacks, making it difficult to harm or defeat him through conventional means.
  21. Power Absorption: He can absorb the magical powers of others, making him even more formidable when facing opponents with magical abilities.
  23. Reality Manipulation: Seraphel has some degree of reality-warping abilities, allowing him to alter the environment and circumstances to his advantage.
  25. Dimensional Rift Creation: His presence and actions can lead to the creation of dimensional rifts, as seen during the "Field Trip to Limbo" session.
  These powers, combined with his insatiable ambition and manipulative nature, make Seraphel a formidable adversary in the world of magic and mysticism.  


  In addition to his magical powers, Seraphel possesses several other abilities that enhance his capabilities and make him a formidable entity:  
  1. Omnipresence: In his true demonic form, Seraphel can stretch his influence across a vast area, allowing him to monitor and influence events over a wide range.
  3. Fearlessness: Seraphel is fearless and unyielding, displaying an iron will in the face of adversity. This fearlessness makes him a relentless pursuer of his goals.
  5. Fresh Perspective: Despite his consistent unfamiliarity with new locations, worlds, and situations, Seraphel possesses the ability to see things with fresh eyes. This adaptability may give him an advantage when confronted with new challenges.
  Combined with his magical powers, these additional abilities make Seraphel a versatile and powerful entity with the potential to reshape worlds and manipulate reality to suit his desires.  


  1. True Form: Seraphel's true demonic form is a colossal, shadowy specter with ever-evolving features, glowing runes, and menacing appendages. This nightmarish entity is a manifestation of his malevolent power.
  3. Origin in Astranar: Seraphel's origins trace back to the world of Astranar within Earth-618, a place where magic was feared and suppressed. His journey began as a seeker of forbidden knowledge and power.
  5. Manipulation of Students: During the Field Trip to Limbo session, Seraphel manipulated a group of gifted students from the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, using them to further his dark agenda in Limbo.
  7. Rift Creation: His reckless pursuit of power and manipulation of the students led to the creation of a dangerous rift in Limbo, destabilizing the dimension and posing a threat to Earth-618.
  9. Defeated and Separation from Eldric Valen: Seraphel's influence was ultimately thwarted by Majik and her team of students. Eldric Valen's body was separated from Seraphel's malevolent presence.
  11. Nearly Infinite Power: In his true demonic form, Seraphel possesses nearly infinite power, making him nearly invulnerable to physical and mental attacks.
  13. Omnipresence and Fearlessness: He can stretch his influence across a vast area and is fearless with an iron will, displaying an unyielding determination to achieve his goals.
  15. Fresh Perspective and Dimensional Travel: Despite unfamiliarity with new situations, Seraphel can see things with fresh eyes and traverse different dimensions, granting him unique perspectives and access to various sources of power.
  17. Power Absorption and Reality Manipulation: Seraphel can absorb the magical powers of others, manipulate reality, and create dimensional rifts, allowing him to reshape worlds and alter circumstances to his advantage.
  Seraphel's complex character, history, and array of powers make him a compelling and formidable presence within the narrative of Earth-618.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Seraphel, as a malevolent entity, does not possess a physical form in the traditional sense. Instead, he is a supernatural being composed of dark magic and chaos. In his true demonic form, he appears as a colossal, shadowy specter with constantly shifting and ever-evolving features. This nightmarish entity is a grotesque amalgamation of grotesque limbs, ethereal tendrils, and menacing appendages.   Within this form, Seraphel's presence is characterized by an aura of malevolence and dread. His form seems to be in a constant state of flux, making it impossible to pinpoint a single shape or figure. Glowing crimson eyes pierce through the darkness, further enhancing his aura of malevolence.   Seraphel's true form is a terrifying manifestation of his dark powers and his connection to the chaotic energies of Limbo. It is a nightmarish entity that embodies the very essence of chaos and malevolence, devoid of any traditional physical attributes or condition.

Identifying Characteristics

Seraphel exhibits several distinguishing and eerie features that set him apart from other entities. His massive, shadowy specter constantly morphs and shifts, making it impossible to pinpoint a single, stable shape or figure. Glowing crimson runes and symbols are scattered throughout his ever-evolving form, emitting an eerie, malevolent light. Seraphel's most striking identifying feature is his piercing, glowing crimson eyes, which seem to pierce through the darkness with an aura of malevolence. These eyes convey a sense of power and dread that is both captivating and terrifying, making them a prominent and unsettling aspect of his demonic appearance.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Seraphel possesses several intellectual characteristics:  
  • Mastery of Magic: Seraphel is highly knowledgeable about various forms of magic, particularly dark and forbidden magic. He has a deep understanding of mystical energies and incantations.
  • Strategic Thinking: Seraphel is a strategic thinker who can devise complex plans to achieve his goals. He often uses manipulation and deception to further his aims.
  • Research Skills: Seraphel is skilled in researching arcane texts and ancient lore to uncover hidden knowledge and sources of power.
  • Adaptability: He can adapt to changing situations and adjust his tactics as needed to overcome obstacles and challenges.
  • Obsessive Dedication: Seraphel's relentless pursuit of magical power reflects his obsessive dedication to his goals. This determination drives him to push the boundaries of what is possible.
  • Deceptive: He possesses the ability to deceive others, using his knowledge and charisma to manipulate individuals to serve his purposes.
  These intellectual characteristics make Seraphel a formidable and cunning adversary in the pursuit of his dark ambitions.

Morality & Philosophy

Seraphel's morality is deeply rooted in a pursuit of power at any cost. He is driven by a ruthless ambition to amass magical power and transcend the limitations of his origin in Astranar. In this pursuit, he exhibits a willingness to manipulate, deceive, and exploit others, including his possession of Eldric Valen's body to gain access to Limbo's chaotic energies. His philosophy is one of self-interest and the belief that power, particularly magical power, is the ultimate goal worth pursuing. Seraphel's actions in Limbo and his manipulation of the Manhattan Academy students reflect his unrelenting determination to achieve his objectives, even if it means causing chaos and endangering others in the process.


Seraphel engages in several activities that others would consider taboo. These include:  
  1. Possession: Seraphel's act of possessing a rogue sorcerer's body to gain access to Limbo's magical energies is seen as a grave violation of personal boundaries and ethical norms.
  3. Manipulation: He manipulates the young heroes from the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, exploiting their vulnerabilities and leading them into a dangerous situation in Limbo for his own benefit.
  5. Dark Magic: Seraphel's mastery of dark magic and his willingness to harness chaotic and demonic energies from Limbo would be considered taboo by most magical practitioners due to the risks and potential harm involved.
  7. Pursuit of Power: His relentless pursuit of power at any cost, even if it means causing chaos and endangering others, goes against the principles of cooperation, empathy, and ethical use of magical abilities.
  Overall, Seraphel's actions and goals in the pursuit of magical power and personal advancement push the boundaries of ethical and moral standards, making him a character whose actions are considered taboo by most.

Personality Characteristics


Seraphel's motivation is rooted in an insatiable thirst for power and mastery over magic. Originally hailing from Astranar, a world where magic was feared and suppressed, Seraphel sought to transcend these limitations and rise above the constraints of their homeworld. They embarked on a perilous journey to uncover hidden and forbidden knowledge, which eventually led them to the chaotic dimension of Limbo.   In Limbo, Seraphel discovered the potential to harness the chaotic energies of the realm, a source of near-inexhaustible magical power. Their ambition to amass this power and become a master of magic was unwavering. However, this pursuit took a dark turn as they began manipulating and exploiting the dimension, attempting to control it for their own dark purposes.   Ultimately, Seraphel's motivation in Limbo was to achieve unparalleled magical power and transcendence. Their reckless actions, including the creation of a dangerous rift, were driven by an obsession with power and a willingness to exploit any means necessary to achieve their goals. It was this relentless ambition that led to the confrontation with the young heroes during the session titled Field Trip to Limbo, where their malevolent influence threatened to spill chaos into Earth-618 and beyond.
Known Languages
  1. Astranarian (Native Language): This is Seraphel's original language, originating from his home world of Astranar within Earth-618.
  3. Demonic Script: Seraphel possesses knowledge of the script used in the communication of demons and entities within Limbo.
  5. English: Seraphel has acquired the ability to communicate in English, allowing him to interact with individuals from Earth-618 and the Marvel Multiverse.


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