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The Adversary

The Twice-Risen God Sefako (a.k.a. The Adversary)


The Great Trickster

The Adversary, known as the Great Trickster among the Cheyenne people, was an ancient and possibly demonic mystical entity that posed a multiversal threat, transcending Earth-618 and influencing numerous alternate realities. He sought to destroy not only Earth-618 but also the entire fabric of the multiverse, aiming to create a new universe in its place. His native dimension was one of chaos, and he reveled in spreading this chaos across multiple realities, disrupting order for his own amusement.   The Adversary, embodying the essence of deception and trickery, used his manipulative tactics to further his malevolent goals. He likened himself to a weaver dissatisfied with the overall pattern of existence, relentlessly unraveling and reweaving the fabric of reality until it met his twisted desires. Unconcerned with the fate of individual threads within the multiverse, the Adversary disregarded the countless lives that would be lost in the process of reshaping the cosmos.   The full extent of the Adversary's power remained shrouded in mystery. It was uncertain if he possessed the ability to create entire universes on his own or if he played a role in the destruction and recreation of past universes. His true form defied physical composition, rendering most conventional forms of attack ineffective. However, he could be confronted through the use of powerful magic, which served as a potent weapon against his malevolence. Notably, the Adversary exhibited a vulnerability to harm from cold iron, including materials such as steel and Adamantium, providing a rare means of defense against his influence.   The threat posed by the Adversary was not limited to Earth-618 alone but extended across the vast expanse of the multiverse. Heroes and defenders from various realities joined forces, united by the common purpose of thwarting the Great Trickster's plans and safeguarding the integrity of the multiverse. Their battles against the Adversary were fought on multiple fronts, as the stakes transcended individual worlds and encompassed the very existence of countless realities.   As the clash between order and chaos raged, the multiverse hung in a precarious balance, with the Adversary's influence posing an ever-present danger. Heroes and allies across alternate realities stood as beacons of hope, combining their unique strengths and abilities to resist the Adversary's multiversal machinations. Their tireless efforts were fueled by the imperative to protect the delicate tapestry of existence from being torn asunder by the Great Trickster's destructive ambitions.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The true form of the Adversary in Earth-618 is an enigmatic and ethereal presence that defies traditional physical perception. His manifestation is fluid and ever-changing, shifting between forms that are unsettling and disorienting to behold. At its core, the Adversary's essence appears as a swirling mass of darkness, radiating an aura of malevolence and chaos.   While his true form is difficult to comprehend, the Adversary often assumes physical manifestations to interact with beings in the mortal realm. In these incarnations, he takes on a variety of guises, adapting his appearance to suit his manipulative purposes. His chosen form may differ depending on the individual or culture he seeks to deceive or intimidate.   Common descriptions of the Adversary depict him as a tall and imposing figure with sharp, angular features. His eyes are said to be pools of darkness, devoid of light or any discernible emotion. The aura surrounding him is suffused with an eerie glow, casting unsettling shadows that seem to dance and writhe with a life of their own.   It is important to note that the Adversary's physical appearance is not fixed and can vary depending on the perceptions and fears of those who encounter him. Some witnesses may describe him as a monstrous entity with grotesque appendages, while others may see him as a seductive and alluring figure, tailored to exploit their deepest desires and vulnerabilities.   Ultimately, the true nature of the Adversary transcends physical form, as he is a force that exists beyond the realm of conventional understanding. His appearance serves as a manifestation of his deceptive nature, manipulating those who encounter him and instilling a sense of dread and uncertainty in their hearts.   In Earth-618, the Adversary's current form diverges from traditional depictions while incorporating the requested changes. He appears as a malevolent and demonic entity, exuding an aura of darkness and deceit. His long black dreadlocks cascade down his back, intertwined with ethereal wisps of shadow that seem to move of their own accord. A red bandana is tightly tied across his forehead, accentuating his piercing, fiery eyes that burn with an intense, otherworldly glow.   The Adversary's physical manifestation is unsettling, his body contorted and elongated, with limbs that stretch unnaturally, defying the limits of Human anatomy. His fingers taper into sharp, claw-like appendages, while his legs seem to morph into sinewy tendrils that writhe and slither along the ground. His skin is a deep, ashen hue, adorned with intricate patterns and symbols that pulsate with dark energy.   Gone are any references to Native American culture in his appearance, replaced by a more infernal aesthetic that reflects his demonic nature. The Adversary emanates an aura of malice and chaos, his very presence evoking unease and trepidation.   While his physical form aligns with his sinister intent, it is important to remember that the Adversary's true power and essence transcend mere physicality. His appearance serves as a vessel for his manipulative machinations, adapting to the fears and vulnerabilities of those who encounter him, ensuring that his influence is felt on a deeply personal level.

Body Features

The Adversary possesses a visage that strikes fear into the hearts of those who behold him. His face is twisted and contorted, with sharp, angular features that reflect his malevolence. Fiery eyes burn with an intense, otherworldly glow, emanating a hypnotic power that draws unsuspecting souls closer to their doom.   His skin is a sickly, pale shade, marred with arcane symbols and etchings that seem to writhe and pulse with dark energy. Jagged, obsidian horns protrude from his forehead, curving menacingly and adding to his demonic appearance. His mouth stretches into a sinister grin, revealing rows of sharp, dagger-like teeth that glimmer with a malevolent light.   The Adversary's physique is unnaturally elongated, with sinewy limbs that seem to defy the laws of physics. His arms extend into twisted, bony appendages, ending in clawed hands capable of inflicting unimaginable harm. As he moves, his body contorts and shifts with an otherworldly grace, each movement betraying his supernatural power and agility.   His presence is enveloped in an aura of darkness and deceit, radiating an oppressive energy that weighs heavily on all who encounter him. The Adversary's appearance is a testament to his demonic nature, a physical manifestation of the chaos and destruction he seeks to unleash upon the multiverse.

Facial Features

The Adversary's face is a haunting visage, a reflection of his malevolent essence. His features are sharp and angular, accentuating his sinister presence. Fiery, glowing eyes pierce through the darkness, radiating an otherworldly intensity that unnerves all who gaze upon him. These eyes, filled with a seething malevolence, hold a hypnotic power capable of ensnaring and manipulating the souls of the unsuspecting.   His complexion is pallid and sickly, as if drained of life, a stark contrast to the dark forces that course through his being. Across his face, arcane symbols and etchings writhe and pulse with dark energy, revealing the intricate web of his mystical power. These markings seem to dance and shift, as if infused with a life of their own, amplifying the ominous aura that surrounds him.   Above his brow, jagged, obsidian horns jut forth, curling and twisting like wicked talons. They add to the Adversary's demonic countenance, evoking a sense of primal terror. His mouth, stretched into a sinister grin, reveals rows of razor-sharp teeth that glimmer with a malevolent light, a chilling reminder of the danger he poses.   With every expression, the Adversary's face exudes an air of malevolence and deceit. It is a face that bears the weight of countless schemes and wicked machinations, embodying the essence of a being consumed by darkness. His visage serves as a chilling reminder of the formidable adversary that stands before those who dare to oppose him.

Identifying Characteristics

The Adversary possesses a host of identifying features that set him apart and make him unmistakable. These features reflect his malevolent nature and evoke a sense of dread in those who encounter him.   First and foremost, his long, jet-black dreadlocks cascade down his back, swirling and writhing with an eerie life of their own. These dreadlocks are twisted and tangled, giving the impression of serpents coiling and slithering, symbolizing the treacherous and deceptive nature of the Adversary.   Across his body, intricate and sinuous tattoos writhe and pulsate with dark energy. These mystical markings trace intricate patterns, reminiscent of ancient symbols and occult sigils. They seem to shimmer and shift, as if alive, reflecting the unholy power coursing through his veins. These tattoos mark him as a vessel of dark forces, a harbinger of chaos and destruction.   Another defining feature of the Adversary is his unnaturally elongated limbs. His arms and legs stretch to abnormal lengths, giving him an unsettling and otherworldly appearance. These elongated limbs enhance his reach and agility, allowing him to strike from unexpected angles and confound his opponents with his unearthly movements.   Lastly, the Adversary is often seen adorned in a blood-red bandana, tightly tied across his forehead. This bandana serves as a symbol of his defiance and determination, a constant reminder of the adversarial force he represents. It flutters in the air as he moves, adding an element of dynamism to his presence.   These identifying features, from his twisted dreadlocks to his pulsating tattoos and elongated limbs, all contribute to the aura of darkness and malevolence that surrounds the Adversary. They serve as warning signs to all who encounter him, a sign that they are in the presence of a formidable and relentless foe.

Physical quirks

The Adversary, in addition to his ominous and imposing presence, possesses several physical quirks that further accentuate his otherworldly nature and unyielding malevolence.   One noticeable physical quirk is his ability to contort and twist his body in unsettling ways. He can bend and flex his limbs at unnatural angles, giving him an almost serpentine flexibility. His movements are fluid and sinuous, allowing him to evade attacks and strike with surprising speed and precision.   Another quirk is the Adversary's eyes, which burn with an intense, piercing blue glow. These fiery orbs seem to see through the souls of those who dare to meet his gaze, instilling a sense of deep unease and dread. His eyes hold an unfathomable darkness, reflecting his wickedness and insidious nature.   Furthermore, when the Adversary unleashes his full power, his physical form undergoes a subtle transformation. Dark energy crackles and surges around him, causing his body to emit an eerie glow. His outline shimmers with an unsettling aura, as if he is partially fading in and out of existence, suggesting his ties to other realms and dimensions.   Additionally, as the Adversary moves, a low, sinister whisper seems to follow him. It is a subtle sound, barely audible, but it sends shivers down the spines of those nearby. The whispers carry an air of malevolence, as if they are the murmurs of dark entities trapped within his presence, further heightening the unease in his wake.   These physical quirks, from his contortions and glowing eyes to the shimmering aura and haunting whispers, contribute to the Adversary's enigmatic and foreboding persona. They serve as reminders of his inhuman nature and his ability to manipulate and disrupt the fabric of reality itself.

Apparel & Accessories

In Earth-618, the Adversary adorns himself with apparel and accessories that reflect his dark and enigmatic nature. Draped in a flowing cloak of midnight black, it billows around him like a shroud of darkness, seemingly blending with the shadows that surround him. The fabric is of an otherworldly texture, its surface seemingly infused with an ethereal energy that shimmers faintly in the dim light.   Beneath the cloak, the Adversary wears a form-fitting suit made of a material that appears both ancient and timeless. The fabric possesses an unsettling iridescence, subtly shifting hues between shades of deep crimson and obsidian black, mirroring the depths of his malevolence. The suit wraps tightly around his muscular frame, emphasizing his imposing presence.   Upon his head, the Adversary dons a red bandana tied across his forehead, serving as both a practical accessory and a symbol of his defiance. The bandana contrasts with his dark attire, its vibrant red color standing out against the backdrop of his dreadlocked hair. The long, black dreadlocks cascade down his back, adding to his imposing appearance and framing his demonic visage.   The Adversary's ensemble is devoid of any cultural references or adornments associated with Native American culture, as per your request. Instead, his attire exudes an aura of malevolence and mystery, emphasizing his supernatural nature and his relentless pursuit of chaos and destruction.   As the Adversary moves, his apparel seems to ripple with an eerie energy, as if it is an extension of his own dark essence. The combination of his flowing cloak, iridescent suit, and the striking red bandana contributes to an overall appearance that is both formidable and unsettling, reflecting his role as a harbinger of chaos and the embodiment of pure malevolence in Earth-618.

Personality Characteristics


The Adversary's motivation transcends the destruction of a single universe. His true aim is the annihilation of the multiverse itself. The Adversary is driven by a malevolent desire to unravel the interconnected web of realities, eradicating the existence of countless universes simultaneously. He sees the multiverse as a tapestry to be torn asunder, reveling in chaos and seeking to impose his own twisted vision upon the shattered remnants. His motivation stems from a profound craving for absolute power and the ultimate disruption of cosmic order, disregarding the consequences that befall the countless lives and realms caught in his destructive path.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

The Adversary possesses a multitude of savvies and ineptitudes that shape his abilities and vulnerabilities.  


  • Manipulation: The Adversary is a master manipulator, skilled in using deception and trickery to further his goals and sow discord among his adversaries.
  • Cosmic Knowledge: He possesses extensive knowledge of the multiverse, its dimensions, and the underlying cosmic forces that govern it, granting him insights and strategies.
  • Dark Magic: The Adversary wields formidable magical powers, delving into the darkest corners of arcane arts to unleash devastating spells and curses upon his foes.
  • Reality Manipulation: He has the ability to manipulate and distort reality, altering the fabric of existence and creating chaotic anomalies that disrupt the laws of nature.
  • Multiversal Influence: The Adversary's reach extends beyond Earth-618, allowing him to exert his malevolent influence across multiple realities simultaneously, amplifying his power and reach.


  • Overconfidence: The Adversary's arrogance and overconfidence in his grand plans sometimes blinds him to potential weaknesses and unforeseen consequences, leaving him vulnerable to counterstrategies.
  • Obsession with Chaos: His unwavering pursuit of chaos and destruction can lead to impulsive decisions, overlooking opportunities for subtlety and strategic thinking.
  • Vulnerability to Unity: The Adversary struggles to combat united forces and alliances that stand against him. The strength and determination of individuals banding together can pose a significant threat to his plans.
  • Limited Empathy: His lack of empathy and disregard for individual lives can make him predictable in his ruthlessness, potentially enabling others to exploit his single-mindedness.
  • Fear of Order: The Adversary's aversion to order and stability can be turned against him, as opponents who understand this weakness can exploit it to create strategic advantages and counter his chaotic intentions.
  These savvies and ineptitudes contribute to the complex nature of the Adversary, highlighting both his formidable strengths and the potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited by those who oppose him.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Chaos and Disruption: The Adversary revels in chaos and upheaval, finding pleasure in dismantling order and creating turmoil across the multiverse.
  • Manipulation and Deception: He takes pleasure in manipulating others, using deception and trickery to further his plans and outsmart his adversaries.
  • Power and Domination: The Adversary craves power and seeks to assert his dominance over the multiverse, relishing in the feeling of control and supremacy.
  • Unpredictability: He enjoys the unpredictability and unpredictability of events, savoring the moments when plans unravel and unexpected outcomes arise.
  • Grand Schemes: The Adversary is drawn to grandiose plans and intricate schemes, relishing the complexity and challenges they present.


  • Order and Stability: The Adversary despises order and stability, viewing them as constraints that hinder his desire for chaos and disruption.
  • Unity and Cooperation: He has a strong aversion to unity and cooperation among his adversaries, as it poses a threat to his ability to manipulate and divide.
  • Limitations on Power: The Adversary dislikes any limitations placed on his power or any force that tries to restrain or control him.
  • Moral Constraints: He disregards moral considerations and dislikes any attempts to impose ethical or moral codes upon his actions.
  • Defeat and Subjugation: The Adversary intensely dislikes defeat and being subjugated by others, as it challenges his perception of superiority and control.
  These likes and dislikes provide insights into the Adversary's motivations, preferences, and the sources of satisfaction and frustration he experiences as he pursues his destructive agenda across the multiverse.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Cunning and Strategic Brilliance: The Adversary is exceptionally cunning and possesses strategic brilliance. He can devise elaborate plans, foresee potential outcomes, and adapt his tactics accordingly, enabling him to outmaneuver his adversaries and achieve his goals.
  • Manipulative Charisma: He possesses a charismatic aura that allows him to manipulate and sway others to his will. His persuasive abilities make it easier for him to deceive, coerce, or convince individuals to act in his favor, furthering his grand schemes.
  • Immense Power: The Adversary wields immense power, both in terms of his supernatural abilities and his understanding of cosmic forces. His control over dark energies and his mastery of manipulation grants him formidable capabilities that few can rival.
  • Multiversal Awareness: He has the ability to perceive and influence multiple realities simultaneously, giving him a unique advantage in his quest for multiversal destruction. This awareness allows him to exploit weaknesses and exploit the interconnectedness of various dimensions.
  • Resilience and Adaptability: The Adversary possesses remarkable resilience and adaptability. He can endure significant challenges, setbacks, and even defeat, learning from his experiences and returning stronger and more determined to achieve his ultimate goal.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite his formidable abilities, the Adversary possesses certain vices and flaws that can hinder his progress and make him vulnerable:  
  • Overconfidence: The Adversary's confidence in his own powers and intellect can sometimes border on arrogance. This overconfidence can lead him to underestimate his opponents or overlook potential weaknesses, leaving him vulnerable to counterattacks or unforeseen circumstances.
  • Impulsiveness: At times, the Adversary's desire to disrupt order and create chaos can cloud his judgment, leading him to act impulsively. This impulsiveness may cause him to overlook important details or make rash decisions that could backfire on him.
  • Lack of Empathy: The Adversary's relentless pursuit of his destructive goals often results in a complete disregard for the well-being of others. His lack of empathy and compassion can make it difficult for him to understand or anticipate the actions of those who are motivated by selflessness or heroism.
  • Obsession with Destruction: The Adversary's single-minded obsession with destroying the multiverse can blind him to other possibilities or avenues for growth. This tunnel vision may prevent him from considering alternative paths or embracing new perspectives that could lead to a different outcome.
  • Vulnerability to Unity and Heroism: The Adversary's plans and machinations can be disrupted by the power of unity and heroic resistance. The strength and determination of individuals who band together to oppose him, driven by a sense of justice and selflessness, can pose a significant threat to his objectives.
  •   Hubris: The Adversary's pride and hubris can make him susceptible to manipulation or exploitation. His belief in his own superiority and invincibility can be used against him by clever adversaries who understand his weaknesses and are skilled at exploiting them.

Personality Quirks

The Adversary possesses a range of ticks and quirks that add depth to his character and interactions:  
  • Finger Tapping: When deep in thought or contemplating his next move, the Adversary has a habit of tapping his fingers rhythmically against a nearby surface. This tick showcases his restlessness and impatience, as he constantly seeks to set his plans in motion.  
  • Whispering to Shadows: In moments of solitude, the Adversary has been observed whispering softly to the shadows around him. It's as if he finds solace or guidance in the darkness, engaging in cryptic conversations with unseen entities that lend an air of mystery to his character.
  • Dark Laughter: The Adversary possesses a chilling, dark laughter that can send shivers down the spines of those who hear it. This eerie laughter often escapes him when he witnesses chaos unfolding or is amused by the futile struggles of his adversaries.
  • Pacing and Monologuing: When explaining his grand plans or conveying his motivations, the Adversary has a tendency to pace back and forth while delivering long, dramatic monologues. This quirk emphasizes his theatrical nature and his desire to revel in his own malevolence.
  • Collecting Trinkets: Despite his destructive goals, the Adversary has an affinity for collecting small trinkets or mementos from the worlds he has visited or influenced. These items may hold sentimental value for him or serve as reminders of his triumphs over previous adversaries.
  • Contemptuous Smirks: The Adversary often wears a contemptuous smirk on his face, especially when he believes he has outsmarted his opponents or when his plans are coming to fruition. This smirk reflects his arrogance and enjoyment of the chaos he sows.
  These ticks and quirks not only humanize the Adversary, but also add layers of complexity to his character, showcasing his idiosyncrasies and enhancing his presence.


Contacts & Relations

Some notable allies of the Adversary include:  
  1. Hydra: The Adversary has a strong affiliation with Hydra, an infamous organization known for its global infiltration and pursuit of power. Hydra serves as a primary ally and tool for the Adversary, carrying out his orders and furthering his agenda.
  3. Corrupted Individuals: The Adversary has the ability to corrupt and manipulate individuals, turning them into his loyal allies. These could be individuals who were once heroes or influential figures but have succumbed to the Adversary's deceptions and temptations.
  It is important to note that the Adversary's alliances are often based on manipulation, coercion, and the promise of power. His allies may not always be aware of his true intentions or the extent of his plans. They serve as pawns in his grand scheme, aiding him in his quest to reshape the multiverse according to his dark desires.


  • Tone of Voice: The Adversary's tone of voice is commanding, authoritative, and dripping with a mix of sinister charm and arrogance. He speaks with a sense of superiority, exuding confidence and an air of calculated menace.
  • Pitch: The Adversary's pitch is deep and resonant, possessing a commanding presence that demands attention. His voice carries a certain weight and power, reflecting his status as a formidable entity.
  • Accent and Dialect: The Adversary speaks with a neutral accent, devoid of any specific regional or cultural influences. His words are precise and enunciated, delivering his messages with clarity and purpose.
  • Impediments: The Adversary does not possess any notable speech impediments. His words flow smoothly, with an air of control and authority.
  • Catchphrases and Common Phrases: Some of the Adversary's notable catchphrases and common phrases include:  
    • "I am the weaver of destinies, and your fate rests in my hands."
    • "Witness the power of chaos unleashed."
    • "Your feeble attempts to resist are futile."
    • "Bow before the might of the Adversary."
    • "Chaos reigns supreme, and I am its herald."
  • Compliments: The Adversary rarely offers genuine compliments, as he views himself as superior to others. However, he may occasionally acknowledge someone's cunning or intellect, albeit with an undercurrent of condescension.
  • Insults: The Adversary is adept at delivering cutting and demeaning insults. He might belittle his opponents' intelligence, mock their futile attempts, or taunt them with their perceived weaknesses or failures.
  • Greetings: The Adversary's greetings are often terse and laced with a sense of foreboding. He might simply utter a cold and calculating "Greetings" or offer a sinister "Welcome to your demise."
  • Farewell: The Adversary's farewells are similarly ominous and leave a lingering sense of threat. He might bid his adversaries farewell with a chilling "Until we meet again, in the depths of chaos" or a dismissive "Enjoy what little time you have left."
  • Swearing: The Adversary, being a powerful and malevolent entity, does not rely heavily on profanity or explicit swearing. His power and presence are enough to intimidate without resorting to vulgar language.
  • Metaphors: The Adversary employs metaphors that emphasize his control over the multiverse and the destructive power at his disposal. For example, he might describe himself as a raging storm that will sweep away all in its path or liken his plans to a tapestry he will unravel and reweave to his liking.
  Overall, the Adversary's tone, pitch, and choice of words convey an imposing and domineering presence, instilling fear and awe in those who hear his voice. His speech reflects his grandiose ambitions and the belief that he is the ultimate architect of chaos and destruction.
Black, Dreadlocked
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Blue
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Witness the unraveling of existence, as I cast the multiverse into eternal chaos."
  • "The threads of reality shall be torn, and a new era of darkness shall rise."
  • "Behold, mortals, the futility of your resistance. There is no escape from the clutches of annihilation."
  • "I am the harbinger of the multiverse's demise, the architect of its destruction."
  • "Every reality shall crumble, every star extinguished, until only the void remains."
  • "In chaos, I find my purpose, and in destruction, my true power."
  • "The multiverse quivers at my touch, trembling beneath the weight of its imminent doom."
  • "Your feeble hope is but an illusion, a desperate flicker in the face of my unstoppable wrath."
  • "Bow before the embodiment of entropy, for I am the end that all things must meet."
  • "Embrace the chaos, for it is the only constant in this vast expanse of existence."


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