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The Headless Horseman

Ryan Maxwell (a.k.a. The Headless Horseman)

Ryan Maxwell was an Asgardian who died on in combat, but was brought back to the land of the living as the Headless Horseman.


Birth and Early Life

Ryan was believed to be the Child of Thor and his Mother Astra, but Ryan never got to meet Thor because the King of Asgard was always busy.


Ryan was sure of one thing, he wanted to be an Asgardian Warrior and make a name for himself. So, he studiously trained a lot in the Asgardian Army trying his best to make a name for himself.

Death & Reincarnation

On his first outing as a solider for the Asgardian Army, he was ambushed and killed by his enemies. However, he was given a second chance at life thanks to the entity known as Røkkva. This primordial entity promised him another chance at life if he was to act as their host. Not ready to die yet, Ryan was transformed into the Headless Horseman. Given the name the Headless Horseman, Ryan was blessed with a mount; a horse made from Røkkva's essence.

Astra Maxwell

Ryan’s mother feared what would happen to him for accepting this deal with a "devil". She found a way to go to Earth to find peace there away from the troubles of Asgard. Despite this, Ryan didn’t want to leave his home; he wanted to show his father his power so he and his mother grew distant from that disagreement.

While stopping a store robbery as the Headless Horseman, Ryan's mother scalded him for (potentially) showing his true identity. Ryan did not want to hear his mother's lectures so he asked Røkkva to have her leave him alone and so that is what Røkkva did. He silenced her permanently and accidentally killed her with his anti-life.

Dealing with a "Devil"

His mother's death was not what Ryan wanted so he begged Røkkva to fix it which he was unable to do. Ryan was depressed until Røkkva said he can make Ryan forget which is what Røkkva did. He made Ryan forget everything and implanted false memories into his mind; Røkkva removed Ryan's memories of Asgard, Thor, and any of his traumatic past. He was a normal person. Only when he transformed into the Headless Horseman would he remember; (un)fortunately, after a year or so Ryan grew numb to it to the "flashbacks".


In his Human form Ryan is very antisocial, never going out when he doesn’t need to. He enjoys staying in with his pet goldfish. Ryan is easily spooked at things despite possessing the innate power of the Headless Horseman. When Ryan believes whole-heartedly in the cause of something, he is very adamant and sticks with things through to the end.

In his Headless Horseman form, Ryan is as calm as can be while also still being very brave and heroic. He can get easily agitated but will keep to himself regardless the circumstance. Ryan will always try to defend people who can't defend themselves.


Ryan has not been in a relationship with anyone, as he does not like talking to people.



Ryan has no super-powers in his Human form; however, with Røkkva's blessing he has access to several unique abilities and powers.

Headless Horseman Transformation: Ryan can transform himself into the Headless Horseman, but only if he asks for Røkkva's blessing or there is a high concentration of evil around. The Headless Horseman remembers everything that happens to Ryna's body whether they are unleashed or not. Ryan can only recall things that he experiences while in his Human form.

  • Superhuman Strength: The Headless Horseman has the ability to lift up to 20 tons.

  • Superhuman Stamina: When Ryan transforms into the Headless Horseman, his flesh melts off his body to reveal a skeletal frame but not his head; that instead is imbued with supernatural blue flames. This transformation is Røkkva's energy that empowers the Headless Horseman. It prevents him from feeling any fatigue and grants him near limitless stamina during physical activities.

  • Superhuman Durability: Most Human-based weapons do not penetrate through The Headless Horseman's body and he is even able to utilize their iconic sword to grant more defense.

  • Regenerative Healing Factor: If his being is damaged, the magical energies imbuing him allows the Headless Horseman to instantly regenerate any and all damage done.

  • Thermal Fire: Even without a head the Headless Horseman is able to sense anything with a heat signature akin to thermal vision.

  • Environmental Protection: The Headless Horseman is immune to most effects of space travel including lack of oxygen, extreme heat and cold.

  • Bone Whip: Has the power to summon a whip completely made out of a spinal cord for a long range attack, but it is unknown if this skeletal extension is a part of The Headless Horseman or not.

  • Fire Manipulation: He seems to have the ability to spontaneously produce a flame from the molecules in the air and use them to burn and ignite things in their vicinity.


  • Social Media Influencer: Ryan has a popular YouTube channel about how to raise, sell, and breed goldfish of all types. Their channel has over 5 million subscribers.

  • Enduring Constitution: Ryan is able to stay awake for about 48 hours or more; this is a natural ability and not grant by Røkkva.

  • Skilled Swordsmanship: The Headless Horseman is a very skilled Swordsman.

  • Rich: Ryan is known for owning a good amount of money from his YouTube channel and from merchandise sales.


Dullahan: An ancient relic granted to Ryan after death and resurrection. An eerie aura envelops the blade and funnels unnatural energies through the wielder via the hilt.

Current Status
Resurrected as the Headless Horseman
Date of Birth
June 18th
Date of Death
February 3rd
2002 2020 18 years old
Phoenix, Arizona
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lbs.


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