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The Machinator (Mock-in-eight-or)

Simon Greaves (a.k.a. The Machinator)

The Machinator, also known as Simon Greaves, is a tech genius turned mercenary with a penchant for advanced robotics and engineering. He operates a formidable robotic exoskeleton, standing nearly 10 feet tall and weighing half a ton, which grants him enhanced physical strength and access to a range of advanced weaponry. Simon's motivations are driven by personal gain and a desire for power and wealth, leading him to work as a mercenary for the highest bidder.   His Mech Suit is equipped with Gatling guns, rockets, and other advanced weaponry, making him a formidable adversary in combat. Simon's expertise in technology and engineering allows him to adapt to various situations, outsmart opponents, and engage in criminal activities with ruthless efficiency.   Despite his intelligence, Simon's ambition and lust for power have clouded his judgment, making him a dangerous and misguided adversary. He operates as a well-organized and efficient leader of a criminal team, driven by monetary motives, and is willing to work with anti-mutant groups like Orchis for the right price. The Machinator's presence poses a significant challenge to the heroes of Earth-618, as his technological prowess and mechanical might make him a force to be reckoned with.  



The Early Years

  Simon Greaves was born on September 15th, 2000, in London, England. From a young age, he displayed an exceptional aptitude for technology and engineering. His parents, both engineers themselves, recognized his talents and encouraged his pursuits. He excelled in school, and his passion for robotics and mechanics became evident.  

The Move to America

  At the age of 10, Simon's family made a significant decision to move to the United States. They settled in New York City, where Simon's parents found opportunities in their respective fields. This move marked a turning point in Simon's life, exposing him to a new world of technological advancements and possibilities.  

An Unconventional Education

  Simon's transition to the American educational system was challenging. He struggled to find motivation within the traditional school structure and often found himself disinterested in the curriculum. As a result, he dropped out of high school at an early age.  

The Self-Taught Genius

  Despite his departure from formal education, Simon's insatiable curiosity and passion for technology drove him to become a self-taught genius in the field of robotics, engineering, and mechanics. He devoured books, online courses, and technical manuals, constantly pushing the boundaries of his knowledge.  

The Tech Consultant

  Simon's unconventional educational path did not hinder his career. His talent and expertise in robotics and engineering caught the attention of various tech companies. He embarked on a successful career as a tech consultant and engineer, working on cutting-edge projects that pushed the boundaries of technology.  

Embracing the Machinator

  However, Simon's ambition and desire for power eventually led him down a darker path. He developed the Machinator mech suit and began using his inventions for personal gain. His actions as a mercenary and criminal marked a stark departure from his earlier pursuit of knowledge and innovation.  

The Machinator's Legacy

  As the Machinator, Simon Greaves stands as a formidable adversary, using his intelligence and technological prowess to achieve his goals. His unconventional educational journey and self-taught expertise have shaped him into a unique and dangerous figure in the world of Earth-618. His legacy is one of lost potential and the consequences of unchecked ambition.  


  Simon Greaves is a complex individual whose personality has evolved significantly over the years. In his early years, he displayed a natural curiosity and a thirst for knowledge that made him stand out as a bright and promising young mind. He was inquisitive, eager to explore the world of technology and engineering, and his parents' support nurtured this early passion.   However, as he transitioned to life in the United States and faced the challenges of the American educational system, his personality took a different turn. Simon became disenchanted with traditional schooling, finding it uninspiring and unfulfilling. This disillusionment led to a lack of motivation and discipline, ultimately resulting in his decision to drop out of high school.   Despite his early setbacks, Simon's personality retained its core elements of intelligence and curiosity. He channeled these qualities into self-guided learning and hands-on experimentation, becoming a self-taught genius in the fields of robotics, engineering, and mechanics. His insatiable appetite for knowledge fueled his drive to push the boundaries of technology.   However, as Simon's career as a tech consultant and engineer took off, another facet of his personality emerged—ambition. He desired power and wealth, leading him to develop the Machinator persona and embark on a path of criminal activities. This darker side of Simon's personality was driven by ruthless ambition and a willingness to engage in morally questionable actions to achieve his goals.   In his current role as the Machinator, Simon is a calculated and cunning individual. He relies on his intelligence and technological prowess to outsmart adversaries, making him a formidable opponent. His personality is defined by a single-minded pursuit of personal gain and a willingness to work for the highest bidder, regardless of the morality of the job.   Simon's journey from a bright and curious child to a ruthless tech mercenary is marked by a complex interplay of intelligence, ambition, and the consequences of his choices. His personality is a testament to the transformative power of ambition and the blurred lines between genius and villainy in the world of Earth-618.  


  1. Machinator Crew: Simon Greaves leads a team of skilled individuals who assist him in various criminal activities. While their relationships are primarily professional, the crew members rely on Simon's expertise and leadership.
  3. Tech Industry Contacts: Simon has connections within the tech industry, primarily from his previous career as a tech consultant and engineer. These contacts may have mixed feelings about him, considering his shift toward criminal activities.
  5. Orchis: As Simon is currently working with Orchis to funnel old anti-mutant technology, he has some level of connection with this organization. However, his association with Orchis is likely transactional, driven by financial gain.
  7. Enemies: Simon has made numerous enemies throughout his criminal career, including superheroes, law enforcement agencies, and those who oppose his illicit activities. These adversarial relationships are marked by conflict and pursuit.
  9. Unknown Benefactors: Simon's motivations are often tied to financial gain, and he may have relationships with mysterious individuals or organizations who hire him for various jobs. These benefactors remain in the shadows, with their true identities concealed.
  11. Technology Suppliers: To maintain his Machinator suit and other technological assets, Simon likely has contacts within the black market and underground tech communities. These relationships provide him with the resources he needs to sustain his criminal activities.
  13. Rivals: In the competitive world of technology and criminal enterprises, Simon may have developed rivalries with other tech geniuses or criminal masterminds. These relationships are marked by competition and a desire to outdo each other.
  Simon Greaves' relationships are characterized by his pursuit of personal gain and ambition. While he may have allies and contacts, his primary motivations are financial, which often lead to transactional and temporary associations. His criminal activities have also earned him many enemies, further complicating his social interactions.  




  Simon Greaves possesses the following abilities:  
  • Genius-Level Intelligence: Simon is a tech genius with an exceptional understanding of robotics, engineering, and mechanics. His intelligence allows him to design, build, and maintain advanced technology, including his Machinator mech suit.
  • Engineering Expertise: He has extensive knowledge of mechanical engineering, electronics, and software development. This expertise enables him to create and modify sophisticated technological systems.
  • Piloting the Machinator: Simon is skilled in piloting his massive Machinator mech suit. He can effectively control the suit's movements and use its advanced weaponry and defensive systems.
  • Tactical Mind: Simon is a strategic thinker who plans his criminal activities meticulously. He can assess situations and adapt to changing circumstances, making him a formidable adversary in combat.
  The Machinator mech suit possesses the following abilities:  
  1. Enhanced Strength: The suit grants Simon superhuman physical strength, allowing him to perform feats of strength far beyond those of an average human.
  3. Advanced Weaponry: It is equipped with various advanced weapons, including Gatling guns, rockets, and other unspecified weaponry.
    • Gatling Guns: The Machinator is equipped with Gatling guns, which are rapid-firing, multi-barreled machine guns. These guns can unleash a hail of bullets with high rates of fire, making them effective for suppressing opponents and dealing damage quickly.
    • Rockets: The suit is armed with rockets, which are powerful projectile weapons. Rockets can be used for long-range attacks and to target distant adversaries or structures. Their explosive payloads can cause significant damage upon impact.
    • Energy Blasters: The Mech suit may have energy-based blasters or plasma cannons, which fire concentrated energy beams. These weapons offer pinpoint accuracy and can deal devastating energy-based damage to targets.
    • Melee Attachments: In close combat situations, the Mech suit may have melee attachments, such as retractable energy blades or hydraulic-powered fists. These attachments enhance its close-quarters combat capabilities.
    • Additional Unspecified Weapons: The Machinator may have other advanced weaponry not detailed here. These weapons could include specialized projectiles, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) devices, or other high-tech gadgets tailored to specific missions or adversaries.
  5. Defensive Systems: The suit features deflective shields and other defensive mechanisms that provide protection against attacks.
  7. Heads-Up Display (HUD): The Machinator suit has a HUD that assists Simon in target locking and analysis, enhancing his combat capabilities.
  9. Limited Airborne Maneuverability: The suit can perform limited airborne maneuvers, allowing it to navigate short distances in the air.
  Simon Greaves relies on his intelligence, engineering skills, and the capabilities of his Machinator suit to carry out criminal activities and combat adversaries. His technological expertise and the suit's enhancements make him a formidable opponent in battles and heists.  


  The Machinator relies on a combination of specialized equipment and technology to support his operations and enhance his capabilities. Here's an overview of the paraphernalia associated with the Machinator:  
  1. Mech Suit: The most significant piece of paraphernalia is the Mech Suit itself. This massive robotic exoskeleton, designed and built by Simon Greaves, is the Machinator's primary tool. It grants him enhanced physical strength, durability, and access to a range of advanced weaponry and defensive systems. The Mech Suit serves as both his armor and his weapon, making him a formidable opponent.
  3. HUD (Heads-Up Display): The Mech Suit features an advanced Heads-Up Display (HUD) that provides Simon with real-time information about his surroundings. This includes targeting data, mission objectives, and status updates on the suit's systems. The HUD enhances Simon's situational awareness and helps him make tactical decisions in combat.
  5. Transportation Systems: While not explicitly detailed, the Mech Suit may have transportation systems that enable limited mobility and agility. This could include short-distance airborne maneuvers or rapid traversal capabilities, allowing the Machinator to navigate diverse terrains and environments.
  7. Mechanical Repair Tools: To maintain and repair the Mech Suit, Simon likely carries a set of specialized tools and equipment. These tools are essential for keeping the suit in optimal condition, especially after intense battles or encounters.
  9. Communication Devices: Communication devices, such as encrypted radios or secure comms systems, enable Simon to stay in contact with his criminal associates and coordinate operations. These devices may also allow him to intercept or jam enemy communications when needed.
  11. Stealth Tech: Depending on the nature of his missions, the Machinator may have stealth technology or camouflage capabilities integrated into the suit. These systems can help him infiltrate secure locations undetected or evade pursuit.
  13. Mission-Specific Gadgets: Simon Greaves may carry mission-specific gadgets and tools tailored to the objectives at hand. These could include hacking devices, lock-picking tools, or specialized equipment for disabling security systems.
  15. Power Source: The Mech Suit likely relies on a high-capacity power source, possibly an advanced energy cell or reactor. This power source ensures that the suit's systems, weapons, and defensive mechanisms remain operational during missions.
  The combination of these paraphernalia items enhances the Machinator's effectiveness in carrying out his criminal activities and confronting adversaries. It allows him to adapt to various situations and challenges, making him a formidable adversary for heroes and law enforcement.  


  Enchantia and Simon (The Machinator) have established a telepathic communication channel, and Simon has shared information about Orchis with her in exchange for a substantial amount of cash. This transaction adds an intriguing dynamic to their interactions and may have significant implications for the storyline.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Simon Greaves, the man behind the Machinator, possesses a lean and somewhat lanky physical build. He stands at an average height of around 5'10" and maintains a weight that complements his slender frame. His overall appearance is unassuming, with no overt muscularity or bulk.   Simon's brown hair is cropped short and typically styled in a practical manner. He sports a neatly trimmed beard that frames his angular face. His facial features reflect his intelligence, and he has a sharp and intelligent demeanor evident in his calculating gaze.   While his appearance may not immediately suggest his capabilities as the Machinator, his true power lies within the formidable robotic mech suit he controls. Outside of the suit, Simon's unassuming appearance allows him to blend into a crowd and maintain a low profile, making him a more elusive figure when not in combat.   His physical condition is characterized by agility and dexterity rather than sheer strength, as his combat effectiveness primarily relies on his technological expertise and the capabilities of his mech suit.

Identifying Characteristics

Simon Greaves, when outside of his Machinator mech suit, has several identifying physical features:  
  • Beard: One of his most defining features is his well-maintained beard, which frames his angular face. It adds to his mature and somewhat rugged appearance.
  • Glasses: Simon often wears glasses, emphasizing his intelligent and analytical demeanor. His choice of eyewear contributes to his unassuming appearance.
  • Sharp Gaze: His calculating and sharp gaze is another distinctive feature. Simon's eyes reflect his intelligence and his obsession with power and wealth.
  As for the Machinator mech suit, its most identifying physical features include:  
  • Impressive Height: The mech suit stands at nearly 10 feet tall, making it a towering and imposing presence in combat situations.
  • Robotic Exoskeleton: The suit is a massive construct with a formidable robotic exoskeleton, showcasing advanced engineering and technological prowess.
  • Armament: Equipped with Gatling guns and deflective shields, the suit's offensive and defensive capabilities are its standout features.
  • Heads-Up Display (HUD): The HUD provides target locking and analysis capabilities, enhancing Simon's combat effectiveness.
  • Aerial Maneuverability: While limited, the suit has the ability to perform short-distance airborne maneuvers, giving Simon an advantage in mobility during battles.
  These physical features distinguish both Simon Greaves and the Machinator mech suit, making them easily recognizable when they appear on the battlefield.

Physical quirks

Simon Greaves, The Machinator, doesn't have any specific physical quirks. He maintains a relatively unassuming appearance when not in his mech suit, and his physical presence doesn't draw attention to itself. His distinctive features become more apparent when he's piloting his massive mech suit, which is characterized by its imposing size and formidable weaponry. However, in his human form, he doesn't exhibit any unusual physical quirks or behaviors.

Apparel & Accessories

As Simon Greaves

  When not inside his Machinator mech suit, Simon dresses in a manner that reflects his intelligence and technical expertise. His attire is both stylish and practical, suitable for his work as a tech genius and engineer. Here's a description of his typical attire:  
  • Clothing: Simon often wears well-tailored suits in dark colors like charcoal gray or navy blue. These suits give him a professional and sophisticated appearance. He pairs them with crisp white dress shirts and understated ties, completing the classic and timeless look.
  • Footwear: Simon opts for high-quality leather shoes that are both comfortable and stylish. These shoes are typically in dark shades, complementing his overall attire.
  • Accessories: He wears minimal accessories, such as a wristwatch and occasionally a pair of rectangular-framed eyeglasses. These accessories add a touch of refinement to his appearance.

As the Machinator

  Inside his Machinator mech suit, Simon's appearance takes on a stark contrast to his civilian attire. Here's a description of his appearance when donning the Machinator:  
  • Mech Suit: The Machinator's mech suit is an imposing and bulky exoskeleton, standing at a towering 10 feet tall. It is constructed from advanced materials, giving it a sleek and futuristic appearance. The suit is primarily tan with metallic accents, conveying a sense of technological prowess.
  • Weaponry: Mounted on the suit are Gatling guns and other advanced weaponry, giving Simon formidable firepower. These weapons are integrated seamlessly into the suit's design.
  • Deflective Shields: The mech suit incorporates deflective shields for defensive purposes. These shields can be activated to protect Simon from incoming attacks.
  Overall, the Machinator's appearance in his mech suit is a striking blend of cutting-edge technology and imposing presence, making him a formidable adversary in combat situations.

Specialized Equipment

The Machinator's mech suit is equipped with a range of specialized equipment and technology that enhances his combat capabilities and intelligence. Here are some of the key specialized equipment features of the Machinator's suit:  
  • Gatling Guns: The mech suit is armed with Gatling guns, which are rapid-firing, rotating-barrel firearms capable of delivering a high volume of firepower. These guns are mounted on the suit's arms and can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes.
  • Deflective Shields: The mech suit features deflective shields that can be activated to form protective barriers. These shields are energy-based and can repel incoming projectiles and attacks, providing the Machinator with added defense in combat situations.
  • Heads-Up Display (HUD): The suit's helmet is equipped with a sophisticated heads-up display (HUD) that provides real-time information and analysis. It offers data on targets, environmental conditions, and suit diagnostics, allowing the Machinator to make informed decisions in the heat of battle.
  • Target Locking System: The HUD includes a target locking system that assists the Machinator in tracking and targeting opponents. It enhances his accuracy and precision when using the suit's weaponry.
  • Airborne Maneuverability: While not designed for long-distance flight, the mech suit has limited airborne maneuverability for short distances. It can perform controlled jumps and short-range leaps, providing the Machinator with tactical mobility in combat scenarios.
  • Transportation Mode: The suit can transition into a transportation mode, allowing the Machinator to cover ground more efficiently. This mode is useful for rapid movement within urban environments or between combat zones.
  • Sensor Suite: The mech suit is equipped with an advanced sensor suite that includes thermal imaging, night vision, and other sensory enhancements. This suite grants the Machinator heightened awareness of his surroundings, even in challenging conditions.
  • Data Link: The suit is connected to a secure data link, enabling the Machinator to access and transmit information remotely. This feature is valuable for gathering intelligence and coordinating with allies.
  • Self-Repair Systems: The mech suit incorporates self-repair systems that can address minor damage sustained in combat. While not capable of major repairs, these systems ensure the suit remains operational during extended engagements.
  • Audio Communication: The suit includes advanced audio communication capabilities, allowing the Machinator to communicate with his team or adversaries as needed.
  These specialized equipment features make the Machinator a formidable opponent in battles and allow him to adapt to a variety of combat scenarios. His reliance on technology and strategic intelligence sets him apart as a unique and formidable adversary in the world of Earth-618.

Mental characteristics


Simon Greaves had a rather unremarkable educational history. After moving to America at a young age, he attended public schools in the United States. Despite his evident intelligence and aptitude for technology and engineering, he struggled to excel academically due to a lack of motivation and discipline. Simon found traditional education uninspiring and often spent more time working on personal projects and experimenting with technology outside of school.   His disinterest in formal education eventually led him to drop out of high school. However, this was not the end of his learning journey. Simon's insatiable curiosity and passion for technology drove him to become a self-taught genius in the field of robotics, engineering, and mechanics. He devoured books, online courses, and technical manuals, constantly pushing the boundaries of his knowledge.   Despite his unconventional educational path, Simon's hands-on experience and self-guided learning proved to be invaluable. His talent and expertise in robotics and engineering eventually caught the attention of various tech companies, and he embarked on a successful career as a tech consultant and engineer. His work took him deep into the world of cutting-edge technology and, ultimately, down a darker path as he embraced his persona as the Machinator.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Machinator has a series of significant accomplishments and achievements, both in his early career as a tech genius and later as a formidable villain:  
  1. Early Technical Prodigy: As a young prodigy, Simon gained recognition for his early work in the field of robotics and engineering. He was known for his innovative ideas and hands-on experimentation.
  3. Creation of the Machinator Mech Suit: Perhaps his most significant achievement is the construction of the formidable Machinator mech suit. This towering piece of engineering marvel boasts advanced weaponry, defensive systems, and enhanced physical capabilities. Its creation showcases Simon's unmatched skills in robotics and mechanics.
  5. Successful Mercenary Career: Simon's willingness to work for the highest bidder and his ability to adapt to various situations have made him a sought-after mercenary in the criminal world. His successful contracts and operations have earned him a reputation as a formidable adversary.
  7. Infiltration of Stark Tech Enterprises: One of Simon's notable accomplishments was his involvement in orchestrating the theft of anti-mutant technology from Stark Tech Enterprises. This operation demonstrated his cunning and resourcefulness in navigating high-security environments.
  9. Coordination with Orchis: Simon's collaboration with Orchis, an anti-mutant organization, is another significant achievement in his criminal career. His tech expertise has been instrumental in furthering Orchis's goals, making him a valuable asset to the group.
  11. Continued Evasion of Capture: Despite the efforts of heroes and law enforcement agencies, Simon Greaves has managed to evade capture and maintain a low profile, showcasing his ability to outsmart his pursuers.
  While Simon's accomplishments are noteworthy from a technical and criminal perspective, they come at the cost of his morality and ethical compass, leading him down a path of villainy and self-serving pursuits.

Failures & Embarrassments

The Machinator has faced his share of failures and embarrassments, even as a tech genius and mercenary:  
  1. Abandoning His Promising Career: One of Simon's early failures was his decision to abandon a promising career in robotics and engineering. His obsession with power and wealth led him down a darker path, causing him to veer away from the path of innovation and ethical science.
  3. Estrangement from Loved Ones: Simon's pursuit of his own ambitions and mercenary lifestyle caused him to become estranged from loved ones, including family and friends. This separation is a source of personal regret and isolation.
  5. Criminal Pursuits: Simon's descent into criminal activities, including theft and collaboration with anti-mutant organizations like Orchis, represents a moral failure. His actions have caused harm to innocent individuals and contributed to the proliferation of dangerous technology.
  7. Escaping Justice: While Simon has successfully evaded capture by heroes and law enforcement agencies, this evasion is a double-edged sword. It highlights his criminal acumen but also underscores his inability to reform or seek redemption for his actions.
  9. Losing Sight of His Potential: Simon's greatest embarrassment may be losing sight of his potential as a brilliant mind in the field of robotics and engineering. Instead of using his talents for the betterment of society, he has chosen a path of personal gain and destruction.
  11. Moral Bankruptcy: Perhaps the most significant failure is Simon's moral bankruptcy. He has abandoned ethical principles in favor of selfish pursuits, leading to a life of crime and disregard for the well-being of others.
  While Simon Greaves may possess technical genius and a formidable mech suit, his life is marked by a series of failures and moral lapses that have led him down a path of villainy and self-destruction.

Mental Trauma

Simon has not experienced specific mental traumas in his backstory. However, his descent into a criminal and morally compromised lifestyle can be seen as a gradual erosion of his moral and ethical values, which could be considered a form of psychological trauma. His obsession with power, greed, and the pursuit of wealth has driven him to commit crimes and abandon his potential for positive contributions to society. This ongoing moral conflict and the consequences of his actions may contribute to his mental and emotional state as a character.

Intellectual Characteristics

Simon possesses several notable intellectual characteristics:  
  1. Genius-Level Intelligence: Simon is a tech genius with a deep understanding of robotics, engineering, and advanced technology. His exceptional intellect allows him to design, build, and maintain his formidable mech suit, making him a formidable adversary.
  3. Strategic Thinking: Simon is a cunning strategist. He excels at planning and executing complex operations, often relying on calculated moves rather than brute force. His ability to outsmart opponents and adapt to changing situations is a key part of his success.
  5. Problem-Solving Skills: As a tech prodigy, Simon is skilled at solving intricate problems related to robotics and mechanical engineering. He can diagnose and repair issues with his mech suit and other advanced technology, making him self-reliant in maintaining his equipment.
  7. Resourcefulness: Simon's resourcefulness enables him to achieve his goals even when faced with limited resources or challenging circumstances. He can improvise solutions and leverage his technical knowledge to overcome obstacles.
  9. Technological Expertise: Simon's deep expertise in technology and robotics allows him to manipulate and control advanced machinery effectively. He can hack into systems, manipulate devices, and gain an advantage through his understanding of cutting-edge tech.
  11. Innovation: Simon's innovative mindset drives him to create new and powerful technology. His invention of the Machinator mech suit showcases his ability to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of robotics.
  13. Analytical Thinking: Simon approaches problems with a keen analytical mind. He can dissect complex situations, identify key variables, and make informed decisions based on data and information.
  15. Learning Agility: Simon's ability to adapt and learn quickly is essential in his ever-evolving technological field. He stays updated on the latest advancements and incorporates them into his designs and strategies.
  These intellectual characteristics make Simon Greaves a formidable adversary, particularly in the realm of advanced technology and engineering. His intelligence and technical prowess are his primary assets in his criminal endeavors as the Machinator.

Morality & Philosophy

Simon is primarily driven by personal gain, ambition, and a desire for power and wealth. His moral compass is skewed towards a more self-serving and ruthless perspective, which often places him in opposition to traditional notions of morality. Key aspects of his morality and philosophy include:  
  • Self-Interest: Simon prioritizes his own interests and ambitions above all else. He is motivated by personal gain, often seeking lucrative contracts as a mercenary, regardless of the moral implications of the job.
  • Ruthlessness: Simon's pursuit of power and wealth has made him willing to engage in criminal activities and work for questionable employers. He is not constrained by ethical considerations when it comes to achieving his goals.
  • Ambition: His ambition is a driving force in his life. Simon is determined to amass wealth and influence, and he is willing to go to great lengths to achieve these objectives.
  • Technological Supremacy: A significant part of Simon's philosophy revolves around his belief in the power of technology. He sees technology as a means to gain an advantage, control others, and further his own interests.
  • Lack of Empathy: Simon's actions often lack empathy or concern for the well-being of others. He is willing to harm or exploit individuals if it serves his purposes.
  • Adaptability: Simon's philosophy includes adaptability as a core principle. He is willing to change his methods, alliances, or tactics to achieve his objectives. His flexibility makes him a formidable opponent.
  • Secrecy: Simon values secrecy and operates covertly to protect his interests and evade authorities. He avoids leaving traces that could lead to his identification.
  It's important to note that Simon's philosophy is primarily self-centered and driven by his personal goals. He is not bound by a sense of duty, responsibility, or moral code that guides his actions in a more traditional or ethical direction. Instead, he navigates the criminal underworld and the world of advanced technology with a focus on his own advancement and success.


Simon engages in several activities and behaviors that others would consider taboo:  
  • Criminal Activities: Simon is involved in various criminal activities, including theft, sabotage, and illegal arms trading. He is willing to work with criminal organizations and anti-mutant groups, which some consider morally reprehensible.
  • Mercenary Work: Simon operates as a mercenary, taking on assignments that often involve violence and harm to others. His willingness to work for the highest bidder, regardless of the nature of the job, is seen as morally questionable.
  • Unethical Technology: Simon's use of advanced technology for criminal purposes, including the development and deployment of destructive weaponry, is considered unethical by society's standards.
  • Lack of Empathy: Simon's lack of empathy for the well-being of others, especially those who are negatively affected by his actions, is a significant taboo. He is willing to harm and exploit individuals to further his own interests.
  • Secrecy and Deception: Simon operates in secrecy and uses deception to achieve his goals. This includes hiding his true identity, motives, and affiliations, which can be seen as dishonest and unethical.
  • Working with Anti-Mutant Groups: Simon's association with anti-mutant groups and willingness to provide them with advanced technology from Stark Tech Enterprises is highly controversial, as it perpetuates prejudice and discrimination against mutants.
  • Endangering Innocents: In his pursuit of power and wealth, Simon has been involved in situations where innocent bystanders have been put in harm's way, making him morally responsible for their safety.
  Overall, Simon's involvement in criminal and morally ambiguous activities, along with his lack of empathy and willingness to harm others, leads to him engaging in behaviors that society considers taboo and unethical.

Personality Characteristics


The Machinator's primary motivation is personal gain and ambition. He is driven by a desire for power and wealth, which has led him to engage in criminal activities and work as a mercenary for hire. He is willing to take on various jobs, no matter the morality of the task, as long as they offer lucrative contracts and opportunities to advance his own interests. This relentless pursuit of power and wealth has clouded his judgment and made him a formidable but ultimately misguided adversary. His actions are largely motivated by selfishness and a ruthless ambition to secure his own fortune, even if it means collaborating with anti-mutant groups like Orchis.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


  1. Technological Genius: Simon is a technological prodigy with an exceptional understanding of robotics, engineering, and mechanics. He can design and build advanced machinery and weapons, as seen in his formidable mech suit.
  3. Strategic Planning: Simon excels in strategic planning and tactical thinking. He can anticipate his opponents' moves and adapt his strategies accordingly, making him a formidable adversary in battles of wits.
  5. Resourcefulness: He is resourceful and can make use of available materials to create innovative solutions. This trait allows him to devise creative ways to achieve his goals.
  7. Mech Suit Control: Simon's ability to control his massive mech suit demonstrates his mastery of technology. He can operate the suit with precision, using its weaponry and defensive systems effectively.


  1. Lack of Empathy: Simon's ruthless pursuit of power and wealth has left him emotionally detached and lacking in empathy. He often prioritizes personal gain over ethical considerations, making him morally inept.
  3. Overconfidence: His intelligence and technological prowess sometimes lead to overconfidence. This can result in underestimating opponents or taking unnecessary risks.
  5. Single-Mindedness: Simon's relentless pursuit of wealth and power can make him single-minded in his goals. This tunnel vision may blind him to the broader consequences of his actions.
  7. Limited Physical Prowess: Without his mech suit, Simon's physical abilities are relatively limited. He lacks the superhuman strength and capabilities that the suit provides, making him vulnerable in direct confrontations.
  These savvies and ineptitudes define Simon Greaves as a character, showcasing his strengths and weaknesses as the Machinator. His intelligence and technological expertise make him a formidable antagonist, while his moral shortcomings and overconfidence can be exploited by his adversaries.

Likes & Dislikes


  1. Technology and Robotics: Simon has a deep passion for technology and robotics. He enjoys designing and building advanced machines, and this fascination drives his actions as the Machinator.
  3. Wealth and Power: His primary motivation is the pursuit of wealth and power. Simon is drawn to situations that offer lucrative opportunities, even if they involve criminal activities.
  5. Intellectual Challenges: He appreciates intellectual challenges and enjoys outsmarting opponents through strategic planning and technological innovation.


  1. Moral Constraints: Simon is not hindered by moral constraints and is willing to engage in unethical or criminal activities to achieve his goals. He dislikes ethical considerations that limit his actions.
  3. Failure and Setbacks: Like many ambitious individuals, he dislikes failure and setbacks. He can become frustrated when his plans do not go as intended.
  5. Being Outsmarted: Simon dislikes being outsmarted or outmaneuvered by his adversaries. He takes pride in his intelligence and technological prowess and can be frustrated when others best him.
  These likes and dislikes reflect Simon Greaves' character and motivations, emphasizing his desire for power, his passion for technology, and his willingness to prioritize personal gain over ethical considerations.

Virtues & Personality perks


  1. Intelligence: Simon is exceptionally intelligent, with a deep understanding of technology, robotics, and engineering. His intelligence allows him to devise complex plans and invent advanced gadgets.
  3. Resourcefulness: He is resourceful, often making the most of the tools and technology at his disposal. He can adapt to various situations and come up with creative solutions on the fly.
  5. Determination: Simon's determination and ambition drive him to pursue his goals relentlessly. He is willing to work tirelessly to achieve personal gain and success.


  1. Advanced Mech Suit: Simon's mech suit is a formidable weapon, equipped with Gatling guns, deflective shields, a HUD for target analysis, and limited airborne maneuverability. This advanced piece of technology gives him a significant advantage in combat.
  3. Tech Genius: As a tech genius, he has an innate understanding of machinery and electronics. This expertise allows him to build and modify complex machines and devices.
  5. Criminal Connections: Simon's willingness to engage in criminal activities has earned him connections with various underworld figures and organizations, providing access to resources and opportunities.
  These virtues and perks contribute to Simon Greaves' effectiveness as the Machinator, making him a formidable adversary for those who stand in his way. His intelligence, resourcefulness, and determination, combined with his advanced mech suit and criminal connections, make him a challenging opponent to confront.

Vices & Personality flaws

Simon Greaves, despite his intelligence and technological prowess, possesses several vices and flaws that impact his character and actions.  


  1. Greed: One of Simon's most significant vices is his insatiable greed. His pursuit of personal gain and wealth often leads him to engage in morally questionable activities, such as theft and mercenary work. His obsession with accumulating wealth can cloud his judgment and drive him to make risky decisions.
  3. Ruthlessness: Simon can be ruthless when pursuing his goals. He is willing to harm or manipulate others to achieve his objectives, even if it means endangering innocent lives. This ruthlessness can make him a dangerous adversary.
  5. Narcissism: He has a tendency to prioritize his own interests and ambitions above all else, often disregarding the well-being of others. His narcissistic tendencies can lead to strained relationships and conflicts with those around him.


  1. Overconfidence: Simon's confidence in his technological abilities and his mech suit can sometimes border on overconfidence. This overestimation of his capabilities can lead to him underestimating his opponents, making him vulnerable to unexpected challenges.
  3. Lack of Empathy: He struggles to empathize with others and often views people as means to an end rather than individuals with their own feelings and needs. This lack of empathy can hinder his ability to form genuine connections or alliances.
  5. Short-Temper: Simon has a short temper and can become easily frustrated when things don't go his way. This impatience can lead to impulsive decisions and mistakes during critical moments.
  7. Tunnel Vision: Once he sets his sights on a goal, Simon can develop tunnel vision, focusing solely on the objective at hand. This narrow focus can cause him to overlook important details or potential consequences.
  These vices and flaws contribute to the complexity of Simon Greaves' character and make him a morally ambiguous figure in the world of Earth-618. His greed, ruthlessness, and narcissism are counterbalanced by his intelligence and resourcefulness, creating a multifaceted and intriguing antagonist.

Personality Quirks

  1. Analytical Tapping: When deep in thought or analyzing a situation, Simon tends to tap his fingers rhythmically on a surface, such as a table or his mech suit's control panel. This tapping is a subconscious expression of his analytical nature.
  3. Eye Narrowing: When he's focused on a task or problem-solving, Simon often narrows his eyes, giving him an intense and calculating appearance. It's a visual indicator of his concentration.
  5. Mechanical Jargon: Simon frequently uses technical and mechanical jargon in his speech, even in casual conversations. This habit reflects his deep knowledge and passion for robotics and engineering.
  7. Mech Suit Check: Before entering or exiting his mech suit, Simon performs a systematic check of its various components. This ritualistic behavior ensures that the suit is in optimal condition and ready for action.
  9. Precision Movements: Whether inside his mech suit or not, Simon's movements are precise and deliberate. He rarely makes unnecessary or careless motions, reflecting his meticulous nature.
  11. Calculating Glance: During conversations or confrontations, Simon often gives a calculating and assessing glance, as if he's constantly evaluating the situation and the people involved.
  These ticks and quirks contribute to Simon Greaves' character, emphasizing his methodical and detail-oriented personality. His behavior is a reflection of his obsession with technology and his role as the Machinator, a formidable antagonist in Earth-618's landscape.


Simon Greaves maintains good personal hygiene. He understands the importance of cleanliness, especially when working with advanced technology and robotics. Here are some details about his hygiene:  
  • Regular Showers: Simon takes regular showers to keep himself clean. He appreciates feeling fresh and presentable, even when spending long hours in his mech suit.
  • Groomed Facial Hair: He keeps his scruffy beard well-groomed and trimmed. While he might not pay extensive attention to fashion, he takes care of his facial hair to maintain a neat appearance.
  • Clean Clothing: When not in his mech suit, Simon wears clean and well-maintained clothing. He understands the importance of looking professional, especially when interacting with clients or associates.
  • Handwashing: Given his mechanical work, Simon is diligent about washing his hands thoroughly to prevent contamination and maintain hygiene.
  • Maintenance of Mech Suit: Simon also ensures that his mech suit is regularly cleaned and maintained. This includes cleaning and inspecting the suit's components to ensure it functions optimally.
  Overall, Simon Greaves' personal hygiene reflects his meticulous and detail-oriented nature. He understands that cleanliness is crucial for both personal well-being and the functionality of his advanced technology.


Social Aptitude

The Machinator possesses a range of social aptitudes, despite his somewhat introverted and calculated nature. These aptitudes include:  
  1. Persuasion: Simon is skilled at convincing potential clients to hire his services. He can present his technological expertise and the capabilities of his mech suit persuasively, making a compelling case for why he's the right choice for the job.
  3. Networking: Over the years, Simon has established connections in various criminal and corporate circles. His ability to network and build relationships with individuals who can provide lucrative contracts is a key factor in his success as a mercenary.
  5. Negotiation: When discussing contract terms and payment with clients, Simon can negotiate effectively to ensure he receives favorable compensation for his services.
  7. Deception: In some situations, Simon may employ deception to achieve his goals. Whether it's concealing his true intentions or manipulating information, he's skilled at using deception strategically.
  9. Adaptability: Simon can adapt to different social environments, from high-stakes corporate meetings to interactions with underworld figures. His ability to adjust his demeanor and communication style serves him well in his mercenary work.
  11. Intimidation: When necessary, Simon can use his imposing mech suit and formidable weaponry to intimidate potential threats or adversaries.
  13. Information Gathering: Simon is proficient at gathering information through various means, including hacking, surveillance, and covert operations. This skill is valuable in assessing potential targets and planning missions.
  15. Team Coordination: While Simon often operates independently, he can effectively coordinate with a team of hired individuals when a mission requires a collaborative effort.
  Simon's social aptitudes, combined with his technological expertise and combat abilities, make him a formidable and versatile mercenary in the world of Earth-618.


Simon has certain habitual gestures and ways of speaking and behaving that are characteristic of his personality and profession:  
  • Calculated Speech: Simon's speech is often measured and calculated. He chooses his words carefully, reflecting his analytical nature. He rarely engages in idle conversation and tends to get straight to the point.
  • Analytical Mindset: Simon approaches situations with a highly analytical mindset. He is quick to assess risks, evaluate potential outcomes, and formulate strategies. This analytical approach extends to both his speech and behavior.
  • Tech Jargon: Given his background in robotics and engineering, Simon may occasionally use technical jargon and terminology when discussing his mech suit or other technological matters. This can sometimes make him seem aloof to those who are not familiar with such terms.
  • Pragmatism: Simon is pragmatic and goal-oriented. He prioritizes achieving the objectives of his contracts over sentiment or morality. This pragmatic mindset is reflected in his decisions and actions.
  • Minimal Small Talk: Simon tends to avoid small talk or casual conversation unless it serves a specific purpose in his interactions. He prefers direct and efficient communication.
  • Confident Posture: When in his mech suit, Simon adopts a confident and imposing posture. His body language conveys authority and readiness for action.
  • Focused Gaze: Simon's gaze is often focused and intense, reflecting his concentration and determination. He maintains eye contact when engaging in discussions, conveying a sense of seriousness.
  • Tech Handling: When working with technology or operating his mech suit, Simon's movements are precise and methodical. He handles technology with expertise and care.
  • Decisiveness: Simon is known for making decisions quickly and decisively. He rarely wavers once he has determined the best course of action.
  • Professional Demeanor: In professional settings, Simon maintains a professional demeanor. He is respectful but remains business-oriented, keeping personal emotions in check.
  These habitual gestures and behaviors collectively contribute to Simon Greaves' image as a highly competent and efficient mercenary who is focused on achieving his goals.

Hobbies & Pets

Simon doesn't have conventional hobbies like most people. His life is primarily focused on his work as a mercenary and his obsession with technology. However, there are certain activities and interests that align with his professional and technological inclinations:  
  • Robotics and Engineering: Simon's primary passion is robotics and engineering. He dedicates much of his time to designing and improving his mech suit and other technological gadgets. This could be considered both a hobby and a profession for him.
  • Technological Research: Simon likely spends a significant amount of time researching the latest advancements in technology, weaponry, and robotics. Staying updated on cutting-edge developments is crucial for his line of work.
  • Tactical Analysis: Given his role as a mercenary, Simon may engage in tactical analysis and strategy planning as a form of mental engagement and problem-solving.
  • Mechanics: Outside of his advanced tech, Simon might have an interest in traditional mechanics and automotive repair. This could be a more hands-on hobby that allows him to apply his engineering skills.
  • Gaming and Simulation: Simon might enjoy video games or simulations that involve technology, strategy, or robotics. These activities could serve as a way to unwind while still aligning with his interests.
  • Professional Development: Continuous learning and skill development could be a form of personal enrichment for Simon. He may engage in courses or workshops related to his field to further enhance his expertise.
  It's important to note that Simon's hobbies are closely tied to his professional interests and the pursuit of power and wealth. His life revolves around his work as the Machinator, leaving little room for conventional leisure activities.


Simon possesses a distinct speech pattern and style that reflect his intelligence and personality:  
  • Tone of Voice: Simon speaks with a calm and collected tone, rarely displaying emotional fluctuations. His voice carries an air of confidence and authority, underscoring his self-assuredness.
  • Pitch: His pitch is in the mid-range, neither too high nor too low. It contributes to his composed and rational demeanor.
  • Accent and Dialect: Simon's accent is mostly neutral, indicating that he has adapted to American speech patterns despite his English origins. He may use American English idioms and expressions seamlessly.
  • Catchphrases: Simon doesn't rely on catchphrases but prefers to communicate directly and succinctly. He values efficiency in speech, much like his approach to technology.
  • Common Phrases: Simon uses precise and technical language when discussing his work or technology-related matters. He prefers clarity and accuracy in his communication.
  • Compliments: When giving compliments, Simon's language remains straightforward. He may acknowledge someone's competence or efficiency but does so without excessive flattery.
  • Insults: In situations of conflict or confrontation, Simon can be cutting with his words. He may critique an adversary's intelligence, competence, or decision-making, aiming to undermine their confidence.
  • Greetings: Simon's greetings are typically polite but not overly warm. He uses standard greetings like "Hello" or "Good day" in a professional manner.
  • Farewell: His farewells are concise and to the point. Phrases like "Goodbye" or "Until next time" suffice for him.
  • Swearing: Simon doesn't rely on profanity or strong language in his speech. He prefers a more composed and controlled approach to communication.
  • Metaphors: Simon occasionally employs technical metaphors when explaining complex concepts to others. He may liken a situation to a malfunctioning machine to make a point.
  Overall, Simon Greaves' speech reflects his logical and analytical mindset. He values precision, efficiency, and clarity in his communication, making his words a reflection of his calculated and calculated personality.

Wealth & Financial state

The Machinator's primary source of wealth comes from his work as a mercenary for hire. He accepts contracts from various clients, including criminal organizations, corporations, and other individuals who require his technological expertise and combat skills. These contracts often involve tasks such as theft, espionage, or acts of sabotage. The Machinator's willingness to engage in morally questionable activities in exchange for financial gain allows him to amass significant wealth, which he uses to further enhance his technology and maintain his formidable mech suit. His mercenary work is driven by a desire for power, wealth, and personal gain.
Current Status
Date of Birth
September 15th
London, England
Brown, Short & Parted
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lbs.
Known Languages
Simon Greaves is proficient in English, which is his primary language. His background and experiences have not necessitated fluency in any other languages.


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