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The Ultimate Witch

Deyanira (a.k.a. The Ultimate Witch)

The Ultimate Witch is the daughter of the sun god known as Sun Day and the original Ultimate Witch, Keres. (Both of Earth-816). She is a talented and accomplished sorceress with tremendous innate potential. She was molded since birth to be Sun Day's spiritual successor, but after the Honorary Avengers visited Earth-816 her foreseen duties were altered. She was no longer required to replace Sun Day at the end of his life cycle and as such was afforded an opportunity to live of a "traditional" lifestyle with her husband, Gemstone.



Deyanira's mother was the former Ultimate Witch. When she relinquished that title (to Mister Weird) and married Sun Day, the two began diligently working to conceive. After mild difficulties and complications, the two managed to conceive Deyanira in hopes of harbor a suitable replacement for the aging Sun Day.

Her birth was complicated, plagued with many trials and tribulations, but in the end Keres persevered through an arduous 42 hour labor. The event was treated as a massive celebration as those close to Sun Day and his family rejoiced; the city of New Florida had a new hope and a princess to take the crown.

Early Life

From a very early age Deyanira was treated as a princess, held in the highest of regards and heads above everyone else. Her peers were made to believe she was superior at every opportunity, in hopes of inspiring other students of the Brutaliators College to do better. She was a poster child for a brighter future.

Due to her parents' lineage, Deyanira was afforded every opportunity possible. The best education, private tutors, catered meals; whatever the "princess" wanted, she was awarded for her continued diligent efforts. Her parents had hopes she would surpass her father's abilities one day and be capable of sustain Earth-816 into the future.

Man-Spider & Professor Crazy

When Deyanira was almost of age, her parents enrolled her in the Brutaliators College; an academy designed to house the world's smartest and most talented magical practitioners. Students from across the globe would be enrolled her to finely tune their gifts. It was here that Deyanira would eventually encounter Man-Spider and Deyanira's longtime nemesis, Professor Crazy.

Professor Crazy and Deyanira would compete for the highest position within the prestigious academy; the honor of the Ultimate Witch/Wizard. Due to his innate abilities and Deyanira's studious talents, the two were continually embroiled in competition for the title though the two had never directly faced one another in adversity. Each of which was the class favorites of the Academy.

It wasn't until the age of 16 before Professor Crazy and Deyanira would eventually square off in direct conflict, and the first opportunity the two had to speak with one another. From that moment on, the two continually disliked one another, with their relationships seemingly irreparable. Professor Crazy proved to be the one student of the Brutaliators College capable of matching, and potentially exceeding, Deyanira's innate abilities; a fact that tortures Deyanira to this day. Regardless, due to his laziness Deyanira acquired the position of the Ultimate Witch, even though she knows she is inferior to another's abilities.


Deyanira arrived on Earth-618 by means yet to be confirmed (Deyanira told the others from Earth-816 that Quintin Beck was responsible for her being on Earth-618). With an extensive history with the heroes Professor Crazy and Man-Spider, Deyanira sought out her Nemesis to resolve a personal vendetta.

Deyanira set up an ambush/trap using a curious Man-Spider (who Deyanira and her minions had kidnapped). Extremely reluctant to help, Professor Crazy was eventually coerced into facing his Nemesis. Accompanied by several brave Honorary Avengers (most notably Gemstone), Professor Crazy was capable of bringing her into custody. During this time, Gemstone and Deyanira formed a bond that would result in her potential redemption.

Nemesis Outbreak

During the Nemesis Outbreak at Avengers Mansion, she took the opportunity to seek vengeance on Professor Crazy. When that failed, she valiantly fought before succumbing to Gemstone's persuasion who noticed her terrified nature. She has now made a pact with the others displaced from Earth-816 to find a way home.


Following her containment, Gemstone made a conscious effort to visit her frequently. He enforced the idea that, "there is good in everyone"; forcing Deyanira to reflect on herself and her decisions thus far in life. The two began an uneasy, flirtatious relationship that would lead into strong feelings between one another, and eventually marriage.

With time dedicated to a rehabilitation of the Ultimate Witch, Gemstone and the Honorary Avengers felt Deyanira had atoned for her past mistakes, turning over a new leaf in the process.

Returning Home

When Honorary Avengers Gemstone, Jet-Black, Gamma Lance (and subsequently Rook) escorted Man-Spider, Professor Crazy, Icterid & Deyanira to the location of a "mysterious elemental" entity, the group (along with Miles Morales and Ganke Lee) were pulled into the reality of Earth-816 by Quintin Beck's magic.

The group were there to investigate reports of a massive elemental entity terrorizing The First National Bank of Long Island; the motives of another known Avenger nemesis Galeforce. After arriving on scene, the group quickly learned the entity was only an illusion projected by would-be magician turned hardened criminal, Mysterio.

After quickly detaining the criminal, the group were "retrieved" from the multiverse by Earth-816's Quintin Beck; a true master magic practitioner. The group quickly found themselves in a dying Earth-816 that had succumbed to the lack of proper super heroic supervision.

Uniting together and working as a unit, the team managed to overcome Quintin Beck's masterplan of usurping the title of Ultimate Wizard for himself and decimating Earth-816 in the process.

In the wake of Quintin Beck's defeat, the team discovered that Sun Day's health and been deteriorating and a "replacement" would be required in order to keep Earth-816 safe from colliding with its solar system's sun. Learning of this, Honorary Avenger Jet-Black dedicated their time and effort into rectifying the situation; creating a stabilizer system composed of an anti-gravity well to help maintain Earth-816's orbit around its sun.


With her home world saved, her father's health deteriorating, and her position in life drastically altered (after realizing her birth right was to govern and rule Earth-816), Deyanira found comfort, kinship, and hope in Gemstone. The two's relationship drastically changed as the pair prepared to welcome their first child into this world, Mateo.


Since birth, Deyanira has had a superiority complex. She was constantly reminded she was better than everyone else and destined for great things. As such, she carried herself with arrogance, expecting the world to bend to her whim. She did eventually realize throughout her educational career that most of her colleagues and "friends" were fake; only drawn to her presence due to who she was destined to be rather than who she was.

After returning home from Earth-618, Deyanira became a different person. The faith Gemstone had in Deyanira paid off as the woman she once was began to change. She became a warmer, more open and a caring individual who sought value in the relationships with her peers. She strives to aid whoever she can in whatever way possible, often overextending herself selflessly in the process.

Additionally, Deyanira has become an excellent mother and foster parent for children. Her ability to connect with the youth while remaining an authoritative figure is admirable and it is evident by the smile on her face how much enjoyment she gets from their interactions.

It should additionally be noted, Deyanira is an avid vegan who has never eaten meat. She does not force her better than thou attitude regarding this subject matter anymore though.


Deyanira is in a relationship with Gemstone.


The true potential of Deyanira's powers has not been discovered and may never be discovered.

Sorceress: Deyanira is a naturally born sorceress with tremendous innate magic potential. Her powers come from her mother's previous practices in dark magic as well as her father's innate god-like abilities. The title of Ultimate Witch/Wizard would have bestowed new abilities or enhanced the ones she already possessed, should that title had been achieved.

  • Energy Blasts: Capable of penetrating several reinforced S.H.I.E.L.D. bunker walls. Infused with intense solar radiation at full power.

  • Force Field Generation: Minute ability to deflect incoming attacks with magical force field generation.

  • Illumination: She can emit a bright glow from her hands to create light. This can be intensified to blinding effects.

  • Holographic Projection/Illusion: With sustained effort, she can create holograms of human beings and other three-dimensional beings and objects. (A gift given by Quintin Beck).

  • Intangibility: Deyanira has the ability to phase through solid living matter. (A gift given by Quintin Beck).

Solar Manipulation: With her family lineage to the sun gods of Earth-816, Deyanira is capable of manipulating stars from various solar systems. Her influence over the sun of Earth-816 obviously being the strongest.

  • Lightning Manipulation: She is capable of manipulating weather patterns to accurately call lightning from the sky to strike her foes.

  • Weather Control: Her manipulation over weather patterns allows for substainial control over air currents as well as the ability to create and control dense fog.

Date of Birth
March 16th
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
145 lbs.


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