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The Red Serpent Rising

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


Mephisto invades the United States, but is eventually repelled back to hell.

The Red Serpent Rising is a significant event in the history of Earth-618 that occurred between July 14th, 2027, and July 13th, 2030. It involves the malevolent entity known as Mephisto utilizing the husk of the Red-Hulk as a vessel for an invasion of the United States. This unholy fusion of Mephisto's dark power and the Red-Hulk's formidable abilities becomes known as the Red Devil-Hulk.

The conflict known as the Red Serpent Rising brings unparalleled destruction and chaos across the country. The Red Devil-Hulk, under the influence of Mephisto, unleashes its devastating powers, wreaking havoc on cities and challenging the world's heroes. The battle against this formidable foe tests the mettle of Earth-618's champions.

Throughout the course of the Red Serpent Rising, Earth-618's heroes valiantly resist the onslaught, fighting to protect their world from Mephisto's malevolence. However, the conflict exacts a heavy toll, resulting in the loss of many beloved heroes. Their sacrifices and heroic acts leave an indelible mark on the world and inspire the remaining heroes to rally together.

In the climactic final confrontation, Earth-618's heroes manage to repel Mephisto and banish him back to his infernal realm. Although victorious, the cost of this battle is immense, with the loss of numerous heroes mourned by the world.

The Red Serpent Rising stands as a somber and pivotal moment in Earth-618's history. It serves as a testament to the resilience and courage of its heroes, while also reminding the world of the ever-present threats that lurk in the shadows. The aftermath of this cataclysmic event shapes the future of Earth-618, leaving scars that will continue to influence its heroes and their world for years to come.

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