One Tag, One Shot

After a job, be it the world's fastest airdrop of gifts to children worldwide, or catching a most wanted felon and dropping them (sometimes head first) at the nearest police station, Nicholas and his crew stop somewhere to unwind. They all have dog tags, and they all hold them up, to show that they are there, and are OK. Those who are present will all take a shot of whatever drink they want, even if it's water or milk.   In the rare event that someone doesn't return, their tags are collected (this is generally either during or immediately after combat), and a glass of their favorite drink is left at an empty place at the bar or table.   Another shot is poured for them upon return to Polaris Incarnate, and everyone greives in their own way. Fortunately, such sad occasions are very few and far between, and the whole thing is mostly a celebration to complete a job well done.


It started a few hundred years ago, generally after Christmas Eve deliveries were finished. Santa was tired, and it has become a habit that the first thing he'd do upon return was grab a drink, usually egg nog. This started becoming a thing that occurred whenever he left the North Pole, which naturally included bounty hunting runs, but also grocery trips.


  • Step 1: finish job
  • Step 2: find a bar
  • Step 3: hold up your tag:
  • Step 4: order a drink (in a shot glass)
  • Step 5: drink your shot
You may repeat steps 3-5 until you are satisfied, are cut off by the bartender, or cut off by Nicholas.

Components and tools

  • A shot glass
  • Your dog tag
  • Your drink of choice


Anyone who participated on an outing away from Polaris Incarnate is welcome to join, except reighndeer (they have to stay sober until they get back to base. They have a special sort of hay prepared upon their return).
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Aug 16, 2024 20:39 by Marc Zipper

What a cool image in my head of Santa Claus delivering gifts as well as picking up bounties on his trip and then celebrating with the other bounty hunters very cool article

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Aug 17, 2024 19:27 by Kerry

Thank you! ...not all the elves are jolly and cheerful lol

Aug 20, 2024 00:42 by Deleyna Marr

Okay, I'm now following your world and hope to read more. Santa and Leverage seem to have collided!!!
