The Horseman of Pestilance - Charles

Sir Charles

In life, he was a kind soul. In undeath, he is still a kind soul, he just makes people sick wherever he goes.    He likes chatting to people who wear hazmat suits, but most people in such professions don't have magic affinities and can't see him in his current state. His best friend is his horse, Gnat, who is also undead.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Legend has it he was killed on a pile of manure and summarily buried under that pile, along with his horse. This was after working as a slave in those same fields for years, suffering sickness constantly due to the filthy conditions he was forced to endure.

Sexuality completely irrelevant. When you are the personification of illness, that's not a thing you can do.


He has no formal education but has learned quite a lot over the years, and has a lot of common sense, though he doesn't really get to show it since he's either unseen or people react with screams of terror.

Mental Trauma

He has some issues dealing with cleanliness, likely as a result of suffering through it in life, without the means to deal with it.


Soap... ok, not really, but you'd think it was if you met him.



He knows social etiquette, pretty well actually, but being the horseman of pestilence, he usually sticks uncomfortably close to people. He does NOT respect personal space, whether he believes in them or not.

Hobbies & Pets

He would very much like a cat, but since he is the personification of sickness, anything outside of a pet rock or a Tomagachi is not in the cards for him. Unfortunately, batteries drain faster in his presence as well, so he's generally stuck with rocks. He does keep a rock garden which is immaculately cared for (not like anything can grow in it anyway) and each rock is named. There are 62 rocks.
A long, muddy, murky green. Smells like manure and surrounded by flies
Known Languages
Since he's become undead, his language acquisition skills have skyrocketed. You learn a lot when you're around people who know they are dying. Him and the horseman of death have a running tally of who has learned the most languages.

Cover image: by Kranjax via Midjourney


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