
Conrad Arnold Greaves- Burbank

One of Team Lambda's biggest pains in the ass, particularly Jesse's, is Conrad. He's always barging into Team Lambda's territory and doing his damndest to give anyone he comes across a hard time.   Most people aren't aware of why he does this, and those that are have long since grown tired of explaining to him that his actions are nonsense.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He's in great shape for someone who eats as much fried potatoes as he does (deep fried, not air fried). He does spend a respectable amount of time working out when he isn't working out by sneaking in and out of Section L and engaged in combat with Lambda.

Physical quirks

he does not feel physical pain.

Mental characteristics


  • Singer at a nightclub
  • Blogger
  • Conspiracy theorist

Accomplishments & Achievements

He has a blog with 20k subscribers. He uses it to spread his conspiracy theories.

Mental Trauma

Something before the attack on Butterscotch HQ cracked Conrad's mind. Something during the attack outright shattered most of his mental facilities, at least in certain aspects. The loss of wife during that event sent him spiraling out of control, and has lead him towards hunting down certain members of team lambda. Jesse is his highest priority target.

Intellectual Characteristics

Conrad seems to have a limited range of emotions, and based on his actions over the past few years, love is not one of them.

Personality Characteristics


Conrad is motivated by revenge, and French Fries, but mostly revenge.   He wants to see team lambda (and anyone who aides them) suffer.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

The man is REALLY good at blowing stuff up. Not quite as good as Jesse, but quite close. He was also an amatuar singer. He auditioned for Hard-Boiled Biscuits, but didn't make it.   He isn't so great at communication.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves French Fries   Hates tacos


Social Aptitude

Once upon a time ago, he was charming and likable. These days he generally comes across as unhinged by anyone who has spent more than a few hours with him. He can function well enough, but after a while, some of the things he does or says just feels... off.


His words have a bit of an edge or a bit to them, if he isn't outright taunting you or being condescending.
Black with gray streaks2138

Cover image: by Teddy09


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