
Sweet, sour, salty, savory, bitter. You can have it all, just not in a single bite.   Your filling of choice, breaded and air-fried, it's like popcorn chicken, but popcorn anything. You can have ice cream (though that requires actual deep frying), jam, meat, cheese, and even cake.   Is it healthy? Generally no, but that depends on what you put in them. They are small bite-sized morsels that fit easily in a cup, which in turn fits in a cup holder. They can fit easily in lunchboxes, the palm of your hand, and for you madlads, directly into your pockets. This is not recommended.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It's breaded/battered food. It's not complicated, though cooking it might be, depending on what it is.

Manufacturing process

  1. Batter or bread your desired filling
  2. Fry it
  3. Place the resulting food in some convenient container (cups are common)


The rise of the air fryer in the 2010s-2020s made it possible to cook things in ways previously difficult or deemed too unhealthy. The technology was refined and people, with their ever-present ingenuity for trying new foods resulted in a friend of making everything somehow portable and ever so slightly less messy.   The solution was to bread or batter whatever you have and cook it so that it ends up in a crispy, handheld, bite-sized ball.


It is a quickly prepared, nearly ready-to-eat dish that can turn essentially anything into finger food. Pop-shots are particularly popular amongst employees of companies with toxic work cultures. They turn eating into a nearly passive task.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Absurdly common. It's basically the entirety of the street food scene worldwide.
Base Price
5 credits per 100 grams
Raw materials & Components
  • Breadcrumb or flour
  • Oil 
An air fryer or a frying pan. If using a frying pan, a stove or heat source is required.

Cover image: by Kranjax via Midjourney


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