The Viper's Circle

Often accomplished by means of The Revolver/Shots Roulette, The Viper's circle is a ring of alcoholic shots.  It may take place in a bar, but seldom does due to the condition of forfeiture of keys upon starting that bars enforce.   This particular practice is usually used as an initiation ceremony in some teams. It's not the actual drinking that is the issue, however, but what follows it. There have been reports of death, physical violence, and the go-to when there are no recruits to haze: picking on Lambda.   If the enforcement and investigation teams would bother to detain anyone caught in the act of harassing or attacking members of Team Lambda, they would notice that far more often than not, those individuals would be under the influence of... something. Generally, it's alcohol, but this particular 'tradition' comes in other forms, with other substances, many of which are illegal or controlled.


This tradition had been going on for a while, mostly in secret. It gained popularity, or more specifically, became more noticeable upon the inception of Team Lambda, when various teams found themselves an additional outlet for their frustrations.


The tradition, a drinking variant of truth or dare, has a simple rule: if you find the bitter or strong shots, you have automatically chosen 'dare', and refusal to accept the challenge will be met with... consequences. It's oftentimes thought better to go through with the dare than to deal with the consequences concocted by several individuals under the influence of something. Many count themselves lucky to get away with something as 'tame' as rigging one of Lambda's vehicles to explode on ignition.

Components and tools

For the alcohol variant, you will require 3 more shot glasses than there are people present, as well as whatever you wish to fill them with.


Participants include willing players, and slightly less than willing recruits, if any are to be 'initiated'.


This 'tradition' is completely arbitrary and varies by team, and their level of overall frustration with literally anything. It makes stopping them slightly more difficult, not that it can't be done.
Primary Related Location

Cover image: by Kranjax via Midjourney


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