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Ice Kingdom 2

Ice Kingdom:   Original History will be Just likes Romes. Started out divided as City States Vying for trade supremacy. Eventually came together and organized themselves to the point where they becae the ruling civ after the founding of Magic. Continous innovation led to prosperity and diversity. Eventully Hubris got in the way of progress which ultimately led to the country dividing into factions. After a middle period of their lands being taken bit by bit and heavily influenced from each faction, Cao Cao will eventually get into the picture. His frustration will largely come from him feeling like the previous era only ended due to the hubris and selfishness of people in power leading to division. They didnt care enough about objectivity, the greater good, etc. This time around he will be wanting more process, prudence, rigity, structure, etc. The crazy thing is he is 100% Correct. What goes wrong for him is the willingness to force this change upon people. He doesnt really care about explaining things to people or working with him. Would rather just be working on his plans, using everyone around him as a tool for his success. Eventually he believes he wins the second era, but Sima Yi will Usurp him and turn it into a Ti era. During this time many great and honorable mages were killed and records burned, setting back the evolution of magic back to the beginning for many, while the ones who survived one way or another started the secret society with 8 branches that eventually evolved into the assassin organization. The purpose of the controlled system is ensuring the development and preservation of magic. The strongest survive in this system and all the conflict and stress will lead to that creative innovation. The real purpose is getting enough money resources and power to continue pushing magic further and futher. They may also organize and preserve these processes better. They do this because they believe the more developed each respective magic type, the stronger their chance of dominating this era. They do this through any means necessary. Child Assassins. Pushing child mages to extreme limits. Cao Cao got his way in the end. He always thought he was doing all this evil for the greater good. His brutal methods evolved continuously into the 3rd Era. What we come to realize is the first era was all about harmony of the elements. Using them to work together continously. Your Beginning only represented apart of you. As you go down your path of growth you find understanding in all aspects of the world. Its more like home than ones whole being. The purpose of these elements is to innovate Humanity Holistically. Instead people have turned all these wonderful gifts into a vertical greed system. The Secret Order was put in place to return Humanity back to the Original eras ways and keep progressing magic. After some time the League began to corrupt into its current form in the third era. Through the story we will get bits and pieces of the real goal here and it will all end with a coalition winning the third era with a healthy mix of elements everywhere, while traditional lands maintain much of their original identity.

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