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This magical tree is planted when an elf is born, inside their sacred garden. When the elf it is attached to is too old, they will magically fuse with the tree and keep living as a plant. Their consciousness is then part of the Forest Spirit, Faëryn, dulled and lulled into rest.

Basic Information


A life-tree looks like an old oak tree but with red leaves and white bark. Its flowers are pink and blue, often in patches of color, while the fruits look like green cherries sprouting in grapes. The leaves, flowers and fruits can sometimes faintly glow in the dark.

Genetics and Reproduction

The life-trees reproduce thanks to bees, like any other tree, but their fruits can only grow into a tree if an elf is magically connected to it at birth and it only grows flowers after the elf's death.

Biological Cycle

Life-trees are affected by the seasons just like other deciduous trees: their leaves turn brown in autumn, then are shed and only grow back in early spring. However, only trees connected to dead elves grow flowers, and then fruits in summer.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The flowers and leaves can be used as pigments and decorations. They can also be eaten, just like the fruits. They can be used to create wine, beer, juice, pastries and salads. At last, the honey created from these flowers is very sought-after. However, only elven priests can harvest life-tree related products because access to the Sacred Gardens is restricted.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All life-trees are connected by the roots into an immense web, forming a Forest Spirit believed to be the elven god Faëryn.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

They have a symbiotic relashionship with elves.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The life-trees are taken care of by the  Aldaluìn Order.
1000 years
Average Height
20 m
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
White bark, red leaves, pink and blue flowers, green fruits.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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