
Carocarptor interfector

Carvers are 7 meter long heavily built therapsid carnivores that prowl the jungle floor and lower boughs, Carvers are limber hunters with a dexterity to match their great strength. Carvers mate for life and work together to hunt and defend territory, pups are driven from the parents territory when they are old enough to hunt for themselves. Although days and nights differ little in the deepest recesses of the jungle, where sunlight rarely penetrates, Carvers are mostly nocturnal predators. Their eyesight is keen and their hearing and sense of smell even keener, but their real edge in hunting is a specialized heat-sensing organ located on the snout. Analogous in function to the pit organ of many snake species, this remarkable adaptation exposes concealed prey by their thermal signature. Preying on almost anything that crosses their path as they prowl the dark, the powerful jaws of Carvers can inflict savage wounds. They can even bring down prey animals as large as a juvenile Diablosaurus or an Asperdorsus. Carvers are protective of their kills, often dragging them several miles through the jungle to a defendable position before dining. A pair of Carvers can spend several days consuming a carcass, dozing and eating at a leisurely pace, until there is nothing left. Everything is eaten. Their powerful jaws can crush bone, leaving little for any scavengers waiting patiently for the scraps.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Clade: Therapsida
Family: Gorgonopsidae
Subfamily: Gorgonopsinae
Genus: Carocarptor
Species: C. interfector


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