
Diablosaurus rufus

Diablosaurus is a strange, viviparous, medium-sized, short-necked, rhino-like titanosaur from the jungles and wetlands of Skull Island. At 6-8 meters long, with their crusty, armored backs and thick hides (often cleaned of parasites by riding Skull Island egrets), the imposing Diablosaurus have few enemies. Their size and indifference to attack, thanks to their armor, assures them of safety once fully-grown, with only the largest predators capable of successfully bringing them down. Only the young are vulnerable to predation by mid sized to large predators (like Venatosaurus and Carvers) and, for this reason, they are closely guarded by the adults. Young are born live and grow in the protection of their familial group until old enough to strike out on their own in search of a mate. Being seldom molested by predators, Diablosaurus usually associate in only small numbers, either immediate family units or mated pairs. Solitary individuals, particularly males, are not uncommon. Male Diablosaurus have some of the largest horns, though they are present in females as well. The exact configuration of horns and osteoderms seems to vary widely between individuals and may serve some rudimentary identification process. Both males and females have garish, ruddy heads. Conspicuous amid the dark foliage, they assist individuals in finding one another in the lowlight of the deep jungle. The markings also aid in intimidating would-be predators. Diablosaurus have poor vision, primarily relying on smell to find food. Their mammal-like, mobile lips and flat, grinding teeth are adapted to shred and crush the tough ferns that cover the jungle floor. They also use their great strength to strip particular vine species that they favor, tearing the creepers free with mighty tugs of their great heads. In overall body shape Diablosaurus resemble ceratopsian dinosaurs like Chalyceratops, but instead of being part, or even close relatives, of Skull Island’s several ceratopsian species, Diablosaurus represent an unconventional offshoot of the sauropod lineage. With truncated necks and stubby tails, they have evolved new armor plating and a stocky physique instead of the elongated necks and tails that are the line’s most famous features.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Clade: Dinosauria
Clade: Saurischia
Clade: Sauropodomorpha
Clade: Sauropoda
Clade: Eusauropoda
Clade: Neosauropoda
Clade: Macronaria
Clade: Camarasauromorpha
Clade: Titanosauriformes
Clade: Somphospondyli
Clade: Titanosauria
Family: Diamantinasauria
Genus: Diablosaurus
Species: D. rufus


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