Heart-Attacker Frog

Minyobates corimpetum

Heart-Attacker Frog is a small Poison Dart Frog that calls the rainforests of Skull Island home. Easily identified by its bright red body with a single black heart-shaped marking on its back, this is to help would be predators recognize the danger of eating this highly poisonous amphibian. The Heart-Attacker Frog’s poison is capable of killing a male Ferrucutus in 10 minutes and is able to make even a Deviljho think twice of eating this tiny frog. Unlike other Poison Dart Frogs, the Heart-Attacker Frog can weaponize its toxicity, excess poison excreted from its skin is licked up and stored in special glands in its mouth, this has evolved due to huge pressures with the various large insects that call the island home. When the tiny frog has located an insect, sometimes twice their own size, the frog can either spit the collected poison a short distance or launch its poison covered tongue upon the insect, killing it in seconds if not instantly. Breeding season occurs during the rainy season of July and August, males croak throughout the nights to attract females. Once mated females will lay 30 eggs in total in separate clutches on the undersides broad leaves around the area to ensure that not all eggs will be eaten if discovered.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Dendrobatidae
Genus: Minyobates
Species: M. corimpetum


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