Hell Lizard

Tartarusaurus saevus

The Hell Lizard is 6-9 meter long species of Rauisuchian that is found on Skull Island. Tartarusauruses are huge coastal predator, Tartarusaurus is found all along the northern side of Skull Island, where it preys upon just about anything that crosses its path however they favour the Skull Island Fur Seal. Nomadic in nature, Tartarusauruses follow the local seal populations and will jealously defend whatever length of coast they have currently claimed as their own against any intruders, especially another Tartarusaurus. Large fat reserves accumulate in their tails, allowing the species to go without feeding for long periods, which is crucial for these animals as they track down their main prey, especially for smaller/younger individuals.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Clade: Archosauria
Clade: Pseudosuchia
Clade: Suchia
Clade: Paracrocodylomorpha
Clade: Loricata
Family: Rauisuchidae
Genus: Tartarusaurus
Species: T. saevus


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