Mother Longlegs

Arachnidos acidosasa

Mother Longlegs is an all female, gigantic spider-like species that stand around 5 to 7 meters tall. They possess incredibly long legs that resemble bamboo stalks, allowing them to blend in seamlessly with the surrounding bamboo forests, with their legs posing as plants and their upper bodies held high above the canopy. The top half of the Mother Longlegs are covered in leaves with 8 red eyes. In addition to their eight legs, Mother Longlegs possess two additional limbs located closer to their heads, which are equipped with pincer-like claws. Mother Longlegs are capable of impaling prey with their legs which also function as a type of straw, draining the impaled creature of fluids without needing to move the food to their mouths. If incapable of impaling prey, the arachnid can extend sticky tendrils from its body to pull the animal into its stomach.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Order: Solifugae
Family: Solpugidae
Genus: Arachnidos
Species: A. acidosasa


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