Reaper Owl Species in Earth | World Anvil

Reaper Owl

Falxonyx horribilis

On the most isolated island in the Shattered Atoll the silence is almost deafening, there are animals here but they're unnaturally quiet, only the largest herbivores dare make unnecessary noise. The reason for this silence becomes clear when an animal makes a loud enough yelp or a kill is made a little too loud, the Reaper Owl. The reaper owl is a massive species of true owl, standing nearly 2 meters tall and a wingspan of 2.5 meters. Standing on long, stilt-like legs makes it appear similar to Ornimegalonyx, but it isn't closely related. It appears similar to a crested owl with jet black feathers and a large hood of feathers around the sides of its head, accompanied by its bright red eyeshine, this is where it got its name. Reaper owls like most owls hunt at night, but the hearing of reaper owls is especially sensitive, able to pick up the slightest sound up to 30 miles away. But this supernatural hearing comes at a cost, louder sounds can be irritating or even painful for these birds. Loud daytime activity of animals during the day can trigger a rage state in these birds causing them to lash out violently at whatever the source of the sound is, creating this extreme landscape of fear.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Strigiformes
Family: Strigidae
Genus: Falxonyx
Species: F. horribilis


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