
Fusiliteradon rodan

Fusiliteradon rodan (Rodan) is a pterosaur kaiju, and the third kaiju to emerge during the first awakening. Rodan possesses a Bio-Volcanic biology, with skin encased in volcanic rock and blood boiling like magma. However, unlike other Bio-Volcanic hyperfauna, Rodan can survive without constantly revisiting volcanic areas, but doing so has adverse effects on it's body. It loses it's thermal energy, causing it's armor to crack and it's blood to cool. When heated, Rodan's wings possess vents which pump out superheated air during flight. The resulting thermals allow Rodan to fly at speeds up to mach 2. These thermals can also create enough air pressure to cause significant damage to structures on the ground if Rodan is flying low enough. Since the discovery of Rodan, many temples dedicated to Rodan and other volcanic hyperfauna have been found in several volcanic areas around the world. Of note, a temple within the Cotopaxi stratovolcano in Ecuador contains wall carvings depicting a battle where Rodan fought against other kaiju. Rodan is shown to be using a beam like attack from it's mouth, although the kaiju was not observed to use this ability in the current day, if it is possessed at all.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Order: Pterosauria
Suborder: Pterodactyloidea
Clade: Ornithocheiroidea
Clade: Pteranodontoidea
Superfamily: Terromorphia
Family: Kaijupterodea
Genus: Fusiliteradon
Species: F. rodan
Status: Alive.
Rank: Alpha.
Containment Status: Uncontained.
Category: Kyoui.
Temperament: Aggressive.
Nature: Bio-volcanic.
Height: 80 meters.
Length: 70 meters.
Wingspan: 200 meters.
Estimated Weight: 30,000 tons.


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