Sker Buffalo

Skerry bubalis

The Sker Buffalo is a large bovine herbivore, related to the Water Buffalo, that travels the plains, marshes and swamps of Skull Island in herds of up to 8 females and their calves. Males only seek out their own kind during breeding season between September and October, calving season occurs during late April after a 3 year gestation period. Although they can graze on grasses and other terrestrial plants their preferred food is aquatic plants and algae, a Sker Buffalo can spend up to 12 hours submerged under the water. This ability is aided by their massive lungs and more amazingly, their symbiotic relationship with a type of algae called Aliquam Algae, also known as Sker algae, this algae grows directly from the skin of the large bovine and spreads across the waterproof hair of the animal, this algae pumps the oxygen it produces through photosynthesis into the animal itself and in return the Sker Buffalo gives the algae a safe place to grow. Mother Skers will pass down its algae to its calf through extended contact.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Subfamily: Bovinae
Genus: Skerry
Species: S. bubalis
Status: Alive.
Rank: Subservient.
Containment Status: Geographically Restricted.
Category: Yasei.
Temperament: Passive.
Height: 9 meters.
Length: 12 meters.
Weight: 16 tons.


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