Skull Island White Bat

Noctadorior alba

Skull Island White Bat is not a true bat, rather it is the smallest species of volucerictid that has convergently evolved to mimic them, they are completely blind and like bats, they have huge ears and hunt by sonar. Their eyes are almost entirely gone and covered over with skin. They hunt insects and small centipedes at night. This small rodent is by far the most successful volucerictid following the appearance of the larger aerial predators the Psychovultures and Leafwings, with colonies getting as large as half a million individuals. So far, 3 major colonies have been located.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Volucerictidae
Subfamily: Volucerictinae
Genus: Noctadorior
Species: N. alba
Status: Alive.
Rank: Subservient.
Containment Status: Geographically Restricted.
Category: Mugai.
Temperament: Passive.
Height: 5 cm.
Wingspan: 10 cm.
Weight: 2 g.


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