
Terapusmordax obscenus

Skull Island has no true birds of prey controlling its skies, allowing stranger creatures to fill the niche of apex aerial predators. Terapusmordax is a large, vicious volucerictid (Family of flying rodents found only on Skull Island) from the Mountainous regions of Skull Island. It has a body-length of 1 meter and a wingspan of 2-3 meters. Originally Terapusmordax had a far larger range across the Island but competition from new arrivals from the hollow earth such as the Psychovulture or Leafwings have driven it to the higher reaches of Skull Island’s mountains. Terapusmordax live in large colonies nested in the mountain caves where they hang upside down similar to true bats, due to being hairless, Terapusmordax individuals have to huddle together during the cold nights in the high altitudes. Colonies are Matriarchal, ruled by pugnacious females awash with male hormones to increase their size and strength. These brutish females roost, forage, and share the raising of young together. The solitary males nest in small satellite bachelor colonies of a dozen or so individuals for mutual protection at night. Females keep males away from the colony due to their habits of killing pups to bring their mothers back into season. Terapusmordax are omnivorous, eating fruit (such as nuts) from the jungle and plucking lizards and small non-avian dinosaurs from the ground when they can get them. They often catch food on the wing, chasing birds and other fellow flying creatures. Common prey are vultursaurs and Volucerictis, which they catch at dusk. On occasion, groups of Terapusmordax will fly down from their mountain homes to hunt in the chasms that snake their way across the island and occasionally even the Great Rift itself.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Volucerictidae
Subfamily: Volucerictinae
Genus: Terapusmordax
Species: T. obscenus
Status: Alive.
Rank: Subservient.
Containment Status: Geographically Restricted.
Category: Jama.
Temperament: Aggressive.
Height: 1 meter.
Wingspan: 2-3 meters.
Weight: 30 kg.


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