
Volucerictis defienta

Volucerictis is a small, territorial volucerictid from the lowlands of Skull Island. It has a wingspan that measures 15-18 inches. Much like its relative the Skull Island White bat, Volucerictis is nocturnal and insectivorous, with impressive night vision, the bat-like predator is able to hunt insects (like Noxomuscus) on all but the darkest nights. But unlike almost all other volucerictids, Volucerictis is not a colony animal, instead these small flying rodents only form mated pairs and their young which they viciously protect even against unwinnable odds. Deaths in airborne territorial disputes are not unheard of and, as prey for larger carnivores, including Terapusmordax, defiant Volucerictis will fight, bitterly biting and scratching, to the last breath.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Volucerictidae
Subfamily: Volucerictinae
Genus: Volucerictis
Species: V. defienta
Status: Alive.
Rank: Subservient.
Containment Status: Geographically Restricted.
Category: Mugai.
Temperament: Passive.
Height: 60 cm.
Wingspan: 38-46 cm.
Weight: 7 g.


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