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M.O.J.O. (Metahuman Offensive in the Juggernaut Octagon), is a new sport created after the events of the Super War. M.O.J.O quickly became the most popular sport in the world since it allowed Metahuman to let loose with their powers. Many colleges and high schools adopted the sport in place of other less popular sports, and it is now a VERY big deal for athletes.    The game is played by both teams selecting a team of 5 players that go head to head against another team of 5. Both teams fight using pretty much every power they have until the other team is knocked out, or pushed back behind their team's last zone. Each team has 3 zones, and a team can capture a zone by pushing all of the opposing players out of a zone and having your players inhabit the new zone. Once a zone is captured it can be recaptured if you manage to push the enemy team out and inhabit the zone for yourself. Each team has 2 timeouts that can be used once a zone is captured/re-captured. There is a time limit of 30 minutes, and if either team hasn't lost in the 30 minutes then the game is considered a draw.   Because of the nature of the game, M.O.J.O. is geared towards more offensive and flashy powers. SUpport powers are also used every now and then, but are few and far between. Defensive powers are also fairly common, and the best teams use a combination of these 3 types on their team.


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