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Myles Rapa

Myles is the founder and current director of Champion University. He is a very imposing figure, but loves children. He's what many would call a gentle giant, and wants nothing else but to help the weak and empower them to be the best they can be. When he's not at the school, he travels the country as a motivational speaker, and even ran for governor at one point. That is, until he was told that he'd have to resign as director of the school if he wnated to run for governor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Myles Rapa was born into a poor family that was barely scraping by. Myles never knew his father, and his mother was barely around enough to call herself a parent. This led to Myles essentially learning everything from the streets and other kids in similar situations as him. When Myles turned 18 he had no idea what to do with his life, thankfully though, he wouldn't have to wait long for a purpose to call him. In 2002, America declared war on the USSR and the Super War began. Myles joined the war effort as soon as he could, and quickly underwent training. After being deployed for a year, Myles was scouted by his superiors for outstanding work in the field and offered to make him a metahuman. Myles took the offer immediately, proud to be able to serve his country even more effectively. Myles went through the painful process of genetic modulation, but managed to survive the endeavor. He was granted the power of immortality and invulnerability.   The next 27 years of his life was spent in the field, and because of his invulnerability, Myles was the Ultimate Soldier. It wasn't until Myles discovered a metahuman child during an expedition to Ukraine that he started to doubt his purpose. His superiors told him to execute any and all threats, but there's no way this child could ever hurt someone, he was barely alive in the first place. Myles helped the child get back to his family by any means necessary, but the second the child made it home safe, a metahuman mercenary working for America detonated himself and cause a wave of nuclear energy to destroy everything in a 5 mile radius. Once Myles returned home he left the military. He wouldn't ever let a child die again if it were up to him.   Myles used his connections within the government to start a new college for metahumans, to help nourish them into heroes instead of weapons. He founded Champion University in 2032. He wanted to keep this school's real goal of training metahumans a secret, so he made sure that the school has very limited visitation and state of the art security. It quickly rose to become the premier superhero school in the country, and churns out the best heroes in the constant fight against evil.
Bright blue
Short blonde hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations


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