BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Rachel Levy

Rachel (a.k.a. Clover)

Real Identity of Clover . They are a professor at Champion University and are the head of the science department. They got their doctorate at the age of 19 and have spent most of their time as a professor, but they will still do hero work time to time.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rachel's mom was pregnant with twins, but had to work multiple jobs just to keep a steady income. One day, their mom fell into a vat of chemicals and was dying at the hospital. the hospital made the call to at least try and save the children before they too died. Through multiple miracles, both babies managed to survive after being born 10 weeks early. Both children manifested metahuman powers which puzzled the doctors. neither of their parents had powers so how did these two children have them?    Rachel and their twin sister Quinn grew up bouncing between foster homes their whole life. Quinn wanted to protect Rachel from the life they were living, so she took on sketchy jobs and at the age of 11 was already acting as a mercenary of sorts in the slums of Neo City. Rachel never liked what Quinn did, but knew that if Quinn didn't do it then they'd starve.    After a few years, Rachel wanted to start going to school, so Quinn realized she needed to do more dangerous jobs to make more money to provide for Rachel to go to college. Eventually Rachel tried to step in and get Quinn off of this path that she was going down, but it was too late. Even though she said it was all for her sibling, deep down Quinn liked hurting people. And she was really good at it too.   After starting their first year at college, Rachel felt in their element. Their powers grew even stronger the more they learned about biology and all living things, but Quinn had gotten worse. With no sibling holding them back, Quinn had now taken over a large part of Neo City's slums and was terrorizing the locals. Quinn had started going by the name Nightshade. Rachel realized they needed to do something to stop their sister and help her.    Rachel took on the mantle of Clover and began helping those in need. Eventually they felt ready to take on their sister, and after a long battle managed to defeat her. Quinn will escape from prison every now and then, but Rachel will always be there to help their sister.

Accomplishments & Achievements

They got their doctorate at the age of 19.
Long red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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